Monday, October 30, 2023


Personally, it’s these days that I can come up with no good reason why I should bother wasting one second of my life listening to those whose only purpose in life seems to be first to blatantly concoct, and to then propagate, all manner of that which is nothing more than propaganda. And it’s the continued spewing of that propaganda that has as its only purpose the attempt to steer the American people in a particular direction, to the left. And it’s members of today’s ‘fake news’ media who see that as being their job. Not to provide the American people with actual unbiased ‘news and information,’ but to instead to purposely create some sort of an alternative reality.

And it was just this past Sunday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Inside,” hosted by former Biden hack, Jen ‘Circle Back’ Psaki, that former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal, another kook Democrat, said that it was likely President Trump would be jailed for violating a gag order. But then, as a kook Democrat this guy already has no credibility because he’s seeking that specific outcome. Katyal said, “There are two different gag orders. One, Trump has already violated, the one in New York state, in which he has been now find twice. And then there’s a swarm that you’re talking about the federal level with Jack Smith. And that one has been put on pause."

He continued, “I think Donald Trump has made the best case of anyone. He is witnessing for why you need the gag order in effect. Because the moment that gag order was put on pause, he started developing and attacking people left and right.” He went on to add, “So I think that there is no doubt in my mind that there will be a gag order imposed on Donald Trump. And there also is no doubt in my mind that he is going to violate it repeatedly. Repeatedly to the point where a judge is going to have to confront the ultimate question, are we going to put the former president in jail? and I think there is only one answer to that."

Psaki said, “What is your answer?” Katyal said, “Which is you have to. If he continues this behavior, no other litigant in this country would ever be able to do what he is doing. Judges, I don’t care what your politics are, the one thing you understand when you put out that robe is that it is about the legitimacy of the court and about the judicial process.” Well, Mr. Katyal, the current judicial process has proven there is no legitimacy of the court. They hate President Trump because he couldn’t be bought, and even more so because he dared to pull back the curtain exposing all of their corruption. And for that he must now be destroyed and to be made an example of.

All these Democrats are doing is to attempt to force EVERY American into taking a side. Do they choose to support President Trump against what it is obviously a politically motivated persecution or, do they simply choose to side with those who have become so blinded by their hatred of President Trump and so consumed by the political persecution of a man whose only crime is that he loves his country. Will most Americans agree with the premise that your detractors can say whatever they want about you and then make it illegal for you to respond or to fight back? Hatred of President Trump is all the Democrats have. They certainly can’t defend Joey’s record.

When it comes to these Democrats, their evil would seem to know no bounds. Of course, they will jail him. Despite this being the biggest injustice in American history. Clearly these charges from years ago, which have been looked at by Federal prosecutors without an axe to grind, and declined to prosecute, are a joke. Yet a political nobody runs for a local office on the campaign promise to go after President Trump, and wins. Now we incarcerate our political opponents just like the third world country that Joey wants us to be. And he happily collects bribes, hides them within dozens of shell corporations, that over 40 whistleblowers reported to the FBI.

Joey has successfully crippled us economically, militarily and has drained our strategic oil reserves. We are no longer able to meet our own energy needs without having tio reach out to enemies. Joey would rather enrich Iran and Venezuela. We now have in the White House a man guilty of doing all that they warned us that electing Donald Trump would do, if elected. Here we sit with an economy in tatters, on the brink of World War III, wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, and still we continue to be told that it’s President Trump who continues to represent the greatest threat to what the Democrats persist in referring to as our “democracy.” But it’s all a charade.

The one thing that the left doesn’t like much, is freedom of speech! They have no tolerance for differing opinions, and they definitely don’t like to be criticized. This isn’t America anymore; what we’re witnessing here is nothing short of a travesty of the highest order. This is total harassment and an abuse of power! President Trump dared to do the unthinkable, to take on those who thought themselves untouchable. The only way for President Trump to violate this unconstitutional gag order is for him to rightfully exercise his First Amendment rights. So go ahead and jail President Trump. Democrats will only be sawing the limb they’re standing on.

Joey is now doing nothing more than to use the tactic by those of a similar political persuasion, the arresting of political opponents used by such men as Mao, Stalin, Castro, Hitler and Mussolini. And if we’re being honest, it’s this pathetic judge who should now be thrown in jail, not President Trump. It seems obvious to me that this judge has clearly already made his decision. He’s merely going through what he sees as being the necessary motions, pretending to wait until the hearings are over. What should he care what President Trump says about him outside the court room? The guy looks like a creepy homeless bum that you’d see hanging around a liquor store.

President Trump embodies the spirit of the Founding Fathers who breathed life into this country by creating a document that laid out the God given, unalienable rights of ‘We the People.’ And today we are threatened by Socialists with a God complex who want power to rule us and replace those rights with privileges. To many Independents President Trump may be seen as being the lesser of two evils and Democrats have only themselves to blame. In their never-ending attempts to “Get Trump,” they have again overplayed their hand. With the border, with being embroiled in two wars and with inflation out of control. Even Carville knows it, the Democrats are in real trouble.

Saturday, October 28, 2023


Actors, and dare I say singers to an even greater extent, are such insignificant people. I mean, they do absolutely nothing that results in the betterment of either society or the world and, in fact, it’s a great many of them who spend a good deal of their time trying to make matters very much worse.  But then, should we expect anything different from those who are some of the most self-centered, amoral, narcissistic, and egomaniacal people on the entire planet? And what’s truly funny, and I mean damn near hysterical, is the fact that these people actually believe that they are somehow deserving of being listened to by all of those who happen to reside on the outside of their own personal fantasy world.

You see, it’s this rather odd assortment of uneducated, or barely educated, buffoons who seem to have a rather high opinion of themselves, and who therefore think themselves qualified to lecture the rest of us when it comes to all they perceive as being all that ails this country. But oddly enough, rarely it is that they ever follow their own advice. They lecture us on such things as ‘climate change’ from the steps of their private jets, or about gun control while surrounded by their private security, all carrying guns. In short, the vast majority of these people are nothing more than hypocrites. But that’s ok, because, you see, they are considered the special people among us, so they’re allowed to be hypocritical.

And you have to wonder how it is that someone who has made, continues to make or is currently attempting to make, a career out of playing make believe would have the audacity to those of us living out here in the real world when it comes to how it is that we should go about living out our daily lives for the sake of the planet and/or for the sake of our fellow man. Meanwhile, they are to be able to live their lives as they see fit. Now I don’t know about anybody else, but there’s something about that that just doesn’t really sit well with me. And too, while most of these people have been able to amass for themselves substantial wealth, they’ve chosen not to use their great wealth to improve anyone’s life other than their own.

And it’s also many of these people who seem to go to great lengths trying to portray themselves as being great defenders of American values, as well as being pillars of virtue. But it’s all bullshit. In fact, the majority of these people are some of the most twisted individuals you would ever want to run into. Drug addicts, drunks, sexual deviants, outright perverts, you name it, the behavior exhibited by these people is so far removed from that which most Americans view as being acceptable. And yet they have the gall to malign those who dare to oppose such things as abortion, men participating in women’s sports, drag queens in our public schools, the fact that there are somehow more than two genders, and so much more.

And so we are, in a place that many of us thought we would never be here in America, with those in charge seemingly doing their best to destroy what’s left of this country, and with their know-nothing cheerleaders cheering them on while at the same time applauding all of the damage being done. All the while it’s the rest of us who continue to be told how selfish we are because we’re tired of how those who do not belong here continue to be encouraged to flood into our country or because we think that we have done more than our fair share for the people of Ukraine. And we’re also tired of being told that there is absolutely nothing to worry about by those responsible for having brought our country to the very brink.

And finally, I supposed what pisses me off the most about these people is how it is that just because they hate the one man who is the only hope for this country, we’re supposed to hate him too. Again, these people are so very far removed from what average Americans are forced to contend with on a daily basis, yet they think themselves able to convince the American people that the path we are now on as a country is somehow a vast improvement from just three short years ago. But everything that has been made to transpire over those same three years has had very little impact on their lives. Meanwhile, the impact things have had on average Americans has been horrendous, and nothing they can say will change that fact.

Friday, October 27, 2023


It was this past Thursday that, just like clockwork and in response to the recent Maine shootings, *president Joey again pushed for a repeal of protections that protect gun makers from frivolous lawsuits. And so it was that Democrats again set to work to exploit the death of these victims to further their effort to take guns from law abiding citizens, a right GUARANTEED to them by our Constitution. And it was another attempt to come at the issue from the side by claiming that gunmakers are somehow at fault for lunatics using their product to mass murder. You know, like how those who make cars are responsible when someone drives one of their products through a crowd. published Joey’s highly political statement which opened with him saying, “Today, Jill and I are praying for the Americans who’ve lost their lives, for those still in critical care, and for the families, survivors, and community members enduring shock and grief.” He then proceeded to urge residents in Maine’s Lewiston area to heed all law enforcement’s warnings, including alerts to shelter-in-place. Joey eventually transitioned to the summer 2022 passage of the gun control he passed with Sen. John Cornyn’s, one of our many pathetic RINOs, help, noting, as always, that gun control is not enough. Of course, but it sure is good for starters.

Anyway, Joey then said, “I urge Republican lawmakers in Congress to fulfill their duty to protect the American people. Work with us to pass a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to enact universal background checks, to require safe storage of guns, and end immunity from liability for gun manufacturers.” But just a little time spent fact-checking Joey’s claim that gun makers have “immunity from liability” and one would quickly find the claim to be false. But it’s very few gun control zealots that have any interest in doing that. They, like every moron in the ‘fake news’ media, merely take Joey’s claims and run with them.

Joey again claimed gun manufacturers are shielded from “liability” and cannot be sued. In reality, gun manufacturers are not shielded from liability. Rather, they are protected from frivolous lawsuits over the criminal use of guns that are legally made and legally sold. In short Joey lied, but what’s really new about that? Perhaps we should sue Joey for our 401k losses due to the inflation that he caused! It just makes no sense, at the very same time Democrats insist upon returning violent offenders to our streets and calling for the defunding of our police, they seek to take from us our only real means of defending ourselves and our families.

And let’s not forget all of the companies who make hammers, knives, pencils, or ANY other object that a person can use as a weapon to kill others! Just about everything that comes out of the liberal progressive left actually proves to be regressive and damaging to society! And yet there are imbeciles who continue to vote for these lunatics. And as I recall there was one car maker that has already been sued because one of their models is supposedly easy to hot wire. How about we just lock up the car thieves instead? Nope, can’t do that!! The world has now been officially turned upside down, and sadly it’s far too few people who seem to care about fixing it.

Joey cannot manage this country’s economy which in in the gutter, so now he wants to gut the Second Amendment over one mentally ill person, likely a registered Democrat as most of these shooters are, who breaks the law. My condolences to the murdered individual's families, however you cannot blame the millions of responsible gun owners that are law-abiding. Look at any large American city under Democrat control, and what do you see? I’ll tell you what you see, you see areas that have the strictest gun laws in the country, and where thousands of innocent people are made to die every single year because the ONLY ones able to get the guns, are the bad guys.

Look, let’s be honest, neither Joey, nor any other Democrat, gives a flying fuck about the victims of this most recent shooting, or of any other shooting. In fact, they continue to do everything possible to ensure that these shootings continue and, with luck, get increasingly worse. They pray for the largest body count possible, because it then provides to them ammunition that they can use to convince the gullible among us that if we could only take the guns from law-abiding citizens that would fix everything. But it’s all a crock!! They know it, we know it and they know we know it. But still they try, with their primary target being the morons among us.

This guy who committed these horrific crimes shouldn’t have had any guns in the first place. He shouldn’t have been in the Army Reserves or the National Guard, either. He should have been kicked out a long time ago. His anti-social behavior was, as well, at least appears to have been known to many of the locals. He had protection orders/domestic violence convictions on his record, and the Army knew that he had some serious mental issues. Had the laws that are already on the books simply been enforced, as they should have been, we very likely would not now be conducting this man hunt. But they weren’t, and was that, perhaps, all by design?

Maine has one of the lowest rates of violent crime in the nation, and that’s with their existing gun laws. Nothing Joey is pushing would have prevented this attack and he’s lying by claiming that they would. Once again, the government failed to do its job. The police, his military command, the mental health agencies all knew this guy was a threat, yet they didn’t keep him institutionalized and they didn't confiscate his weapons. Instead, the usual political hacks push their tyrannical fantasies of taking everyone’s guns. They don’t care about controlling crime or the mentally deranged, instead they keep pushing gun control laws that haven’t worked in the past and won’t work in the future.

Thursday, October 26, 2023


You want to know what I find to be more than a little unnerving, it’s that we have today a racist, and rabidly leftwing ideologue, like Hakeem Jeffries who somehow sees it as appropriate to claim that our new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, is someone who should be considered dangerous because of his 'extreme' views. Which, of course, knowing Jeffries as we all do, should come as no surprise. Jeffries made his idiotic accusations this past Wednesday during what was yet another of his stellar appearances on CNN, this time appearing on CNN’s ‘This Morning.’ And such a comment coming from the likes of Jeffries was certainly not unexpected.

Jeffries said, “I don’t know Mike Johnson well. Based on his track record, he clearly appears to be an extreme right-wing ideologue.” He continued, “Mike Johnson wants to criminalize abortion care and impose a nationwide ban. Mike Johnson was one of the chief architects of trying to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Mike Johnson also wants to end Social Security and Medicare as we know it. Those are extreme views.” So once again we have a Democrat demonstrating what it is that Democrats do best, work to smear those who dare to disagree with them politically. And it is in attempting to do so that there is no lie they will not tell.

And Jeffries then went on to add, “House Democrats will push back aggressively against that. However, at the same period of time, we said from the very beginning of this Congress and demonstrated that we are ready, willing and able to find common ground with our Republican colleagues in order to advance bipartisan solutions to solve problems for hard-working American taxpayers. And all Mike Johnson will need to do is to meet us in a bipartisan way in that fashion, and we’ll be able to work together whenever and wherever possible.” If Jeffries is this upset over Mike Johnson being Speaker then we can rest assured that Johnson was indeed the right choice.

Jeffries admits that he “doesn’t know Mike Johnson well,” but yet apparently knows him well enough to know that he’s a “radical, right-wing ideologue.” What a buffoon. The only one sounding like a rabid ideologue is Jeffries himself. But let’s face it, Jeffries is little more than a puppet. Democrats get the dumbest blacks they can find to put in office so they can control them. I mean look at so many of them…Waters, Jeffries, Pressley, Jackson Lee, Johnson and Clyburn, just to name a few. And they’re all either bowing on the Democrat plantation or are dumber than the proverbial box of rocks. There’s hardly a single functioning brain cell between them.

So just to recap Jeffries’ blatant mischaracterizations, Johnson supports the same threshold 15-week abortion ban found in most civilized countries, not a total ban. Johnson, as a fiscal hawk, is seeking accountability in Social Security and Medicare for continued solvency, not their end. And as a constitutional lawyer, Johnson sought to investigate extra-legal election voting laws not authorized by State Legislatures. So once again we have this kook Jeffries invited onto a friendly venue where he is allowed to make his baseless accusation confident in the knowledge that he’s not going to be asked any pesky questions regarding the backing up of his claims.

But then, telling outrageous lies is really the only thing Democrats can be said to excel at, and Jeffries is really quite good at it. Of course, it helps that he’s appearing on those programs where he doesn’t have to worry about having to show up prepared to provide any actual evidence to substantiate any of his idiotic claims. No one ever actually challenges him, he’s simply allowed to spew his toxic rhetoric on whatever topic before casually moving on to the next topic. I can’t help but wonder how different things might be if those in our ‘news’ media actually did their job and held these politicians accountable. Imagine how different things would be.

But I digress, because that’s something that’s just never going to happen. Pathological lying is just the Democrat way, and allowing them to get away with their lies and allowing them to go unchallenged is simply the ‘fake news’ media way. But look, such behavior from both the Democrats and the ‘fake news’ media is what we’ve come to expect, and gotten quite used to. And if the American people don’t want to wake up and find themselves living in a communist country, they need to be waking up now. Words spoken by a lying hardcore leftist Democrat should never be taken seriously. And the fact that he’s spewing this crap on CNN gives it even less credibility.

But then, of course, Jeffries is going to lie, he’s been doing it for so long it’s become second nature. He’s an Ethno-Identitarian Progressive; they’re followers of the “By Any Means Necessary” approach. They will lie, cheat, and steal to advance their revolution forever, and even if they ‘win,’ they will then foment another revolution for its own sake. And it’s according to racist loons like Jeffries that anyone who doesn’t support the butchering of babies or support the notion that there is somehow more than two sexes, male and female, is to be considered “a right wing ideologue.” This is the thinking of those who comprise the modern-day Democrat Party.

And, apparently, the fact that Mr. Johnson believes that 5,000,000 illegal border crossers into the U.S. during the last two years is a bit of a problem, is something else that, in Jeffries’ opinion, makes Mr. Johnson nothing more than a “radical, right-wing extremist.” Add to that the fact that Mr. Johnson also believes that $33 Trillion in national debt is far from being a good thing, and it becomes pretty obvious, pretty quickly, just why it might be that Jeffries sees him as being so dangerous. And I have no doubt that Mr. Johnson is humbled by such praise. In other words, Johnson clearly loves America. Jeffries clearly hates America and is working to bring about its end.

Despite all of the incendiary rhetoric heard from those like Jeffries, before then being echoed by the vast majority of those in the ‘fake news’ media, the data would seem to indicate that the Republican Party has moved only a fraction to the right over the last couple of decades. Meanwhile, it’s been the Democrats who have proceeded to move a great deal further to the left, during the same period of time, to the point where they now bear very little resemblance to the party of Truman or even of Kennedy. Instead, it’s these days that the party more closely resembles the communist party of the old Soviet Russia, and Democrats seem quite ok with that.

Jeffries slandering of Mr. Johnson is the best endorsement that I can think of. What a loser this guy is, instead of congratulating Johnson and vowing to work with him to get things done for America, it’s right out the gate that he starts with typical Democrat name calling. This guy has no business being in any sort of a leadership position. He’s just another anti-America loudmouth. And just what has he done during his time in Congress that made him worthy of such a position. And have you ever noticed how it is that Democrats always seem to take issue with being called “far left” but they love to lump all conservatives together as being extremely right wing.

Democrats love to make their little comparisons, claiming those on the right bear what they describe as being an uncanny resemblance to Nazis or fascists. But nothing could be further from the truth. Because being right wing means supporting free enterprise, less government, lower taxes and prosperity for all, not just a select few. It’s Democrats, like Jeffries, who more closely resemble the fascists of old. And Jeffries is nothing more than your standard, run of the mill, hardcore leftist Democrat. A detestable one at that. Nothing he says is to be believed except that he wants to spend more and tax more. To Hell with a budget, just spend, spend, spend.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Let me start by saying that there is nothing special about the Palestinians that should cause them to expect to be immune from Israeli retaliation. Also, that there is no separating the Palestinians from Hamas, just as there was no separating the German people from the Nazis. Because just as the Palestinians choose to support Hamas, it was the German people who chose to support the Nazis. And so when it comes to the retribution now being meted out against Gaza, the Palestinians, just as the German people before them, are the ones who have placed themselves on the receiving end of repercussions for the actions they condoned. Payback, as they say, is a bitch.

But, as we all know, or at least should, Democrats being what they are, they always see things just a bit differently than do most normal people. And I can’t be the only one to have noticed just how it is that the Democrats have this rather uncanny knack of being totally clueless regarding any topic that they may asked to make comment on. And with that said, it was during an appearance on this past Monday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “Morning Joe,” that New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, in discussing her recent trip to Israel said that one reason for the trip was to help bolster the resolve to “free the Palestinians from the stranglehold of Hamas."

Hochul said, “New York City has more Jews than Tel Aviv and Jerusalem combined, 2.2 million. So, everybody knew somebody. Everybody had experienced real pain, and I needed to go there and let people know that we stand with Israel.” She said, “We condemn the terrorist act of Hamas. And I needed to see and bear witness and tell the stories upon my return, to strengthen our resolve, to eradicate evil in places in Gaza, and free the Palestinians from the stranglehold of Hamas. I’m concerned about innocent Palestinians, but what Hamas did on October 7 will go down in the annals of history as one of the worst terrorist attacks in terms of the scale of the population."

She said, “I met the refugees from one community, and I went to that place one mile from the border, Joe, and a population of 700. This is a kibbutz.” And she said, “These are basically — if they were in the U.S., they’d probably be — some of them would be hippies. These are peace-loving people, peace activists, they lost 70 of their own residents, 10% of the population slaughtered that day, and many were taken hostage. I needed to see that, talk to the leaders about our own hostages, but also just to give comfort to people who, in turn, were trying to give me comfort. It was something I’ll never forget.” But I have no doubt that she has likely already forgotten.

And as Gaza elected Hamas, New York elected Hochul, you cannot protect people from themselves. Hochul says, “We need to free the Palestinians from Hamas.” She doesn’t seem to understand the concept of a ‘people's war.’ Hamas represents the sentiment of those in Gaza who have been voting for them for decades, and who have been supporting Hamas terrorism the entire time. Hamas has not radicalized that sentiment, because the Gaza population was radicalized for decades long before Hamas. What Hamas has done is to militarize the sentiment of those who live in Gaza. And it has done it with their active support, including providing Hamas with recruits.

Hochul is a governor, and not a very good one, and therefore has no opinion on the events taking place in Israel. It would seem to me that the first female governor of her state should focus more on fixing her state, following the U.S. Constitution and keeping criminals locked up instead of releasing them back onto the streets. Then, maybe, her opinions on the affairs of a foreign country at war might warrant being listened to for more than a minute. Even then it’s doubtful. Hochul should fix the self-inflicted problems in her state. She should worry about her dangerous state and the animalistic behavior going on in New York City, which very much resembles Gaza.

It has been made painfully clear to anyone who has been paying attention that those who follow the twisted cult that is Islam are essentially indoctrinated from childhood to hate those are described as being infidels. They elected Hamas. They teach their children to hate Israel and Jews in school. They support all manner of terror against Israel and opinion polls, as well as every bit of anecdotal evidence available, say this is true. They partied all over the world, celebrating the murders and abductions of Israeli children. They were easy to identify because they were waving Palestinian flags. There is no “saving them from Hamas,” because they ARE Hamas.

Hochul is a fool. She’s either incredibly naïve or incredibly dishonest. Being a Democrat, I think we know which. It should be pointed out to Hochul that if she can separate the stripes from a zebra, then she might be able to separate Palestinians from Hamas. Also, how is it that none of the Arab nations are neither trying to protect the Palestinians nor stop Hamas. A coincidence? I think not!! If you actually could “free” the Palestinian people from Hamas, nothing would really change. Hatred of Israel is ingrained in these people. It’s like getting rid of Cuomo and replacing him with someone like Hochul, there was no perceivable improvement.

Personally, I think Hochul is attempting to do nothing more than to make excuses for these people, which in the long run will only allow the violence to continue. Her claim that Hamas somehow has a “stranglehold” on otherwise innocent Palestinian people is ludicrous. And I only say that because I watched as Palestinian protestors all over the world, far beyond the reach of Hamas, celebrating what Hamas did, these atrocities committed in the name of Allah. Hamas is part of a Moslem war against humanity. The atrocities Hamas committed on Israel must end. Hamas is evil. And there is now way to ‘fix’ evil. It needs to be eradicated, exterminated and obliterated!!!

Hochul, as is the case with every other Democrat, needs to understand what is the truth is regarding those who reside in Gaza!!! But how do you make one understand that has no interest in even trying to understand. Look, the Palestinians chose to vote for these Hamas terrorists, and like those who voted for Democrats, they are now getting exactly what they voted for!!! Even after all that has taken place, on both sides, if elections were held in Gaza and the West Bank today Hamas would likely win easily. The Palestinians have never failed to elect the most corrupt and disingenuous leaders over the years. It’s fantasy to assume that they would do anything different.

Palestinians have been offered their own state five different times since 1948, they've refused each and every time. They want what will never happen, the Israelis out of the entire region. You don’t negotiate with people like that. And to be honest, I’ve seen no evidence the Palestinians want to be “free” from Hamas. These are the same people who danced and celebrated in the streets, passing out sweets on 9/11 as our people died and the buildings fell and a plane full of patriots fought and died. There may be a few “Palestinians” who don’t believe in the violence, but when Israel turns Gaza into a parking lot, they can take it up with the Devil.

What the governor refuses to understand, as do most on the left, is that there is no such thing as a Palestinian. And second, the minute Israel pulled everything and everyone out of Gaza, the people of Gaza went out and elected Hamas to run the government. And rather than giving hope, to be a doctor or an engineer, they teach their young that killing oneself in the name of Allah is somehow honorable. And no amount of wishful thinking will bring an end to the madness. And it’s only a matter of time before this hate spills back into the U.S. again. And it is our Left-wing lawmakers, judges and DAs that only serve to expedite the threat to this country.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


So, what’s it finally going to take to convince our current gaggle of RINOs that their time has now officially passed? And that there is nothing that they can say, or do, that will convince anyone to trust them after spending decades lying to us. And neither is there anything they can say that will convince us that we need to abandon President Trump and to, instead, choose one of them as our nominee as we head into the 2024 Presidential election. Nor will they be able to say, or do, anything that will prevent President Trump from crossing the finish line first, and miles ahead of his so-called competition. The race is effectively over and yet they fail to recognize that fact.

But even with all of that said, the RINOs still continue to try to convince voters that there are many better choices than President Trump. And in so doing their tactics have become so bizarre, with each claim being made against President Trump being a little more outrageous than the last. For instance, it was as recently as this past weekend that Liz Cheney, during another of what has become her typical brand of visits to the Communist News Network, aka CNN, this time appearing Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” hosted by resident moron Jake Tapper. And it was during that very same appearance that Cheney made one of the most bizarre claims yet heard.

And I’m quite her ridiculous claim was one that left more than a few people, at least those us who are on the Republican side, thinking that there can be no longer be any doubt that her hatred of President Trump has now driven her completely over her edge. Her claim? Well, it was that *president Joey has been providing better international leadership than did President Trump. Tapper said, “The attack was on October 7, a Saturday. I this it was Wednesday that Donald Trump gave a speech in which he insults Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, said the attacks wouldn’t have happened if he had been president, and said that Netanyahu let him down."

Tapper asked, “He insulted the defense minister of Israel called him a jerk and praised Hezbollah and did it surprise you that Trump could say all of that about the prime minister while they were still burying dead?” Cheney said, “They were appalling comments. You’re absolutely right, there should be a response, I think that every Republican member of Congress ought to be asked about think comments.” She then went on to say, “Every Republican candidate for the presidency ought to be asked about these comments.” She added, “Donald Trump, that he reportedly shared Israeli intelligence with the Russians very early in his term."

Cheney said, “He also, as we know now from the indictments that we’ve seen from Jack Smith, shared high lit classified military documents relating to a military action potentially against Iran. He shared that with Mark Meadow’s ghost writers and political consultants according to the indictments.” If this level of lie is the price she has to pay for a CNN gig, then perhaps she should consider a more honorable job, like prostitution at the streetwalker level. So she has allowed herself to make every crisis now taking place in this country, from an open border, to out of control inflation and skyrocketing energy costs, to become secondary to her hatred of President Trump.

And Cheney added, “So if you think about not only is he out there advocating for and complementing America’s adversaries and terrorist organizations that slaughter innocents, he also seems to have shared very highly classified intelligence information both ours and the Israeli’s, in fact, with adversaries. So I think it is simply the latest example of why Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States.” Tapper said, “Who do you think is providing better leadership on the international stage right now, Biden or Trump?” She said, “Oh, certainly Biden.” So what really motivates Cheney, is it simply her hatred of President Trump or is it something more sinister?

First of all, Joey doesn’t lead, he never has. And if we’re being honest, he’s incapable of leading. And dare I say, he has no interest in leading. He merely takes instructions from others, those who have been lurking behind the curtain since day one of this idiotic clown show. And second, Cheney embarrasses herself when she displays her unshakable obsession with President Trump. And so it was once again that a ‘fake news’ media took it upon itself to provide this lying sack of shit a platform from which to spew her rather twisted message. Everyone knows this country, as well as the world, was far better off under President Trump, even with the ‘mean’ tweets.

Clearly there is no longer any limits when it comes to their hatred of President Trump. And yet, I don’t remember the world being on fire when he was in office. Exactly how many conflicts were raging when President Trump was in office? In the world under President Trump’s leadership, North Korea stopped firing missiles at Japan and South Korea, Communist China ‘agreed’ to trade concessions, Russia stopped invading its neighbors, and peace actually broke out in the Middle East. I’ll gladly take that over three years of war in Europe, relentless threats against Tiawan, and the mayhem happening in Israel right now. Cheney has rather odd definition of leadership.

With Joey now sitting in the big chair the entire world is aflame with the enemies of freedom on the advance all over the globe, including Communist China, Russia, and Iran. When President Trump was in office, I can honestly say that I had hope for America and for the world. Now, I feel hopeless and worry that there will even be an America for future generations to live in freedom. The world is one giant mess due almost entirely to Joey’s incompetent foreign and domestic policy, and yet Cheney somehow thinks that he’s providing better leadership than did President Trump. I can only assume that she has completely lost her mind or is cynical beyond belief.

She cannot possibly actually believe what she is saying. Which, if she does, makes her lies all the worse. I seem to recall, in the not-so-distant past, claims by those such as Cheney that President Trump would involve the U.S. in countless wars, and would bring about WWIII. That didn’t happen of course, in fact it was just the opposite that took place. Then there were the prescient predictions that Joey would exhibit the typically weak leadership of all Democrats, and that as a result our adversaries would seek to expand their control and influence around the globe. And oddly enough, isn’t that exactly what have been witnessing take place since Joey’s first day in office?

China’s tendrils now reach everywhere. North Korea is up to its old tricks. Iran is funding and coordinating terrorism. Afghanistan has fallen into the murderous clutches of the Taliban, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other nations are turning away from the U.S. and building relationships with Communist China, Russia, and Iran. Now Iran-backed Hamas has attacked Israel, drawing the U.S., Iran, and Communist China deeper into the conflict. Thank you, Ms. Cheney, thank you very much. All of this was made possible by people just like you! And there’s more, so very much more! And yet she can sit there and claim that Joey is a better leader than President Trump?

And the insanity doesn’t even to begin to end there. Cheney is somehow able to ignore completely the fact that inflation is up, interest rates are up, the cost of energy is up, hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from drug overdoses from illegal drugs flooding over an unsecured border, wages haven’t kept up with inflation, housing is unaffordable, military recruiting is down and the crime rate has exploded. We have an immigration crisis, an illegal drug crisis, a crisis in Israel, a war in Ukraine. And all has happened on Joey’s watch, every bit of it. And yet we have imbeciles like Cheney who go on TV and, with a straight face, claim that Joey is essentially responsible for none of.

Saturday, October 21, 2023


And so it would seem that despite the best laid plans of those intent upon destroying him, the phenomenon that is Donald Trump continues. And yet, there remains in this country millions of Americans who fail to recognize that a vote for anyone but President Trump will only result in the end of this country without a shot ever having been fired. I know that because I work with some of those people. People who are highly educated and very skilled at what they do who, if President Trump fails in his quest, will all suffer the very same consequences as the rest of us at the hands of the hardcore leftist Democrats that they, for some reason, seem to prefer.

But put yourself in his shoes, that is if you dare, would you willingly put yourself through all that he has been made to endure, for no other reason than his desire to save our country if you didn’t strongly believe in what you were doing. Or, would you simply view your task as being too difficult and simply throw up your hands and return to your very comfortable private life. The reason so many decided to take on President Trump is because they thought they smell blood in the water, they sensed what they thought was a soft target. But, as it turned out, they were little more than premature regarding the assessment of their chances of victory.

They had hoped that by now President Trump would have somehow been removed from the contest, either by being in prison or by simply forced from the race. But despite their claims of knowing what drives President Trump, they have instead proven that they know nothing about the man. Ironically, they have instead succeeded only in revealing themselves to the American people as being nothing more than a bunch of pathetic backstabbers. And sadly for them, and more importantly the country, it could have all been so very different had they simply chosen to put the country above their individual egos, and united behind President Trump.

President Trump now nears 60 percent of support on the national level as his primary opponents all fall to single digits, that according to a recent Emerson College poll. At the same time, he also holds a slim lead over Joey in a hypothetical general election race. In the Republican presidential primary race, President Trump takes 59 percent of the response, placing him more than 50 points above his nearest competitors. Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis both register at eight points, Chris Christie is said to be hot on their heels at a whopping four percent. Candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Mike Pence are also within reach of second place at three percent apiece.

From there, Tim Scott, Doug Burgum, Larry Elder, Perry Johnson, and Asa Hutchinson all take one percent of the response. Another ten percent of respondents are undecided. In a hypothetical match-up between the leading candidates of both major political parties, President Trump holds a slight advantage over Joey at 47 percent to 45 percent, which barely falls in the ± 2.4 percent credibility interval. Eight percent of the respondents are still somehow able to remain undecided in this scenario. The poll’s crosstabs show President Trump performs better with independents at 44 percent to 40 percent and holds an advantage with younger voters.

And yet there are 25 traitorous ‘Establishment Republicans,’ one of which is my own member Congress, John Rutherford, who think they can stand against President Trump and his supporters and against Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House. I have no doubt that these same Establishment Republicans, aka RINOs, would love to see President Trump be defeated, or to be put in prison just as much as the Democrats would. That’s exactly why they chose to vote against Mr. Jordan as Speaker. And regarding these primary challengers, they need to realize that President Trump’s movement would never go back to the old swamp establishment that they all represent.

You would have to be a complete moron not to be able to admit that the world was a better, safer place while Trump was President. Either a moron or so consumed by your hatred of President Trump to the point where you would rather live in the country as it now exists under Joey and the Democrats than as it existed under President Trump. The country, and the world, was much better when Donald Trump was president! No wars, cheap gas and food, the southern board that was secure. And maybe the most important thing of all, is that the American people would never have become aware of just how corrupt so many of our government officials truly are.

Democrats say, “Bring it on!” Yet they are doing their damnedest to have him thrown in prison on what are nothing more than trumped up charges before the Election. Democrats are always saying that President Trump running will guarantee a Democrat victory yet, strangely, instead of doing everything they can to make that happen, Democrats are doing anything and everything to get President Trump knocked off the ballot, including filling lawsuits to prevent President Trump from even appearing on the ballot. Now why the Hell would they do that unless they’re frightened of him? They know they’re in political trouble. President Trump can win, and they know it.

Say what you will about President Trump, but there is one thing that you cannot say, that he’s a pussy, like most in the Republican Party. Is he a little brash sometimes? Sure. Is that off putting? Of course, for some it is. That said, we’re not choosing him to lead a Sunday School class, we’re asking him to properly represent our country on the world stage. And I think more people are getting a little tired of how much of a joke we have truly become under Joey. Many Americans are coming to the realization that President Trump’s sometimes A-hole approach sure beats the heck out of constant wars, skyrocketing inflation and being overrun by illegal immigrants.

President Trump’s remaining competitors, if you can really any longer call them that, in the Republican Party primary are nothing more than a bunch of pompous fools exercising their overinflated egos. The more these contenders continue to talk, the more they reveal to us who they really are, and what they really support! Take for example how it was that Ms. Haley recently admitted supporting the U.S. bringing 1.5 million Palestinian refugees to this country. You can’t get much more ‘Democrat’ than that. So far President Trump is the only one that I trust with the running of this country, over any RINO or Democrat, be it Joey or some other leftwing nutjob.

Frankly, I’m amazed that you could find anyone willing to admit that they would even consider voting for Joey at this point. But then, as has been said many times before, you just can’t fix stupid, and it would seem that we continue to have an epidemic of stupid taking place in this country. Pray hard folks! Satan’s little helpers are already hard at work on how best to go about stealing yet another election and therefore keep their programmed downfall of this once great country on schedule! I do so wish that we could do like Germany once did, and divide. But we can’t, so it comes down to one thing, “United we stand and divided we fall.” We must unite!!!

Politicians who stand no chance of winning will, I suppose, gain some level of gravitas and make money on talk shows or writing books in which they will forever be introduced as “former Republican candidate for president.” And should anyone other than President Trump be selected as the Republican nominee, it would mean only one thing, that Republicans have once again allowed the Democrats, and their many allies on the ‘fake news’ media, to choose their nominee for them. We can ill afford another Dole, McCain or Romney. President Trump cannot back out now even if he wanted to, because it would be then that only the terrorists would win.

Friday, October 20, 2023


Let me just say that it is once more than I am less than impressed my representative in the U.S. House, John Rutherford. You see, it was after a less than impressive career in the Jacksonville Sheriff’s office that Rutherford decided to run for Congress to replace retiring Ander Crenshaw. And while Crenshaw was only a borderline conservative at best, Rutherford, during his tenure, has proven to be nothing more than a reliable RINO. It was during the primary process, after having watched him as Sheriff, that I chose to vote for Rutherford’s opponent, but in the general election I must admit that I did vote for him. But that was the last time I did so.

Rutherford has proven to be no better as a member of Congress than he was as member of the Sheriff’s Department. And it was once again that Rutherford himself has proven me right in choosing not to vote for him. You see, Rutherford has now escalated his increasingly personal attacks against Rep. Jim Jordan as moderates and establishment Republicans, aka RINOs like Rutherford, continue working to derail the Republican’s Speaker nominee. Rutherford has demanded that Jordan now step down, insisting “the race is over” and even suggesting Republicans “either go to conference to show him in private or back to the floor to show him in public."

Rutherford, who also happens to be a stalwart supporter of increased taxpayer aid to Ukraine’s war effort, accused Jordan of “fiddling while the world is on fire.” Rutherford voted against Jordan on both ballots on the House floor this week, and he sighted Jordan winning 200 followed by 199 votes in his two rounds, short of the necessary 217, as being reason enough for him to step aside. Needless to say, I have made more than one phone call to Rutherford’s office, but to no avail. So essentially, he leaves me with no choice but to, once again, not vote for him when he comes up for re-election. My hope is that there will be someone who runs against him.

And I’m sure that it comes as virtually no surprise that in January’s speaker election Rutherford proudly stood by Kevin McCarthy, a fellow RINO, throughout all fifteen rounds of voting, during which McCarthy’s vote totals similarly hovered around 200 through the first dozen rounds. After one of those rounds McCarthy also lost support, and yet maintained Rutherford’s backing. McCarthy won on the 15th ballot by the very slimmest of margins. Rutherford has advocated for Republicans to work with Democrats to empower Speaker Pro Tem Patrick McHenry and has echoed other anti-Jordan Republican talking points in more than few tweets.

Yet the Appropriations Committee, on which Rutherford serves, does not appear to have done much work during the 269 days in which this Congress did have a Speaker. Seats on the coveted Appropriations Committee are traditionally reserved for the most ardent allies of leadership. Crossing Republican leadership by voting against the leadership position can jeopardize one’s position on the committee. Rutherford, a supporter of Steve Scalise for Speaker, has referenced Scalise’s support of the majority of the Republican conference as the reason for backing the Louisianan. On Scalise’s winning ballot, Scalise won 113 votes to Jordan’s 99.

Rutherford is nothing more than a two-bit phony and he has shown, repeatedly, that my decision not to vote for him to be re-elected has been the right one. And it was his statement that Scalise won “by majority rule” that was more than a little misleading. Three of Scalise’s votes in conference came from non-voting delegates from Guam, American Samoa, and Puerto Rico. These members are unable to vote for Speaker on the House floor. Without those three votes from delegates, Scalise fell short of majority support from the House Republicans. But that seemed to matter not to those like RINO Rutherford, we in his district now have the duty to send him packing.

Rutherford’s double standards were again on display in the tweet thread from October 11, the day Scalise won the Republican nomination before later dropping out after lacking a path to the speakership. Rutherford claimed that every Republican should get behind the Republican nominee, saying “any member of the Republican Conference who doesn’t follow majority rule is just an obstructionist.” Despite Jordan winning the Republican nomination just two days later, the “obstructionist” Rutherford has now voted against Jordan twice on the House floor. Rutherford has continually demonstrated that he has no business being in Congress.

As well, I think it worth mentioning that in June 2022, the House Ethics Committee opened an investigation into Rutherford for failure to disclose multiple stock trades in accordance with the law. Rutherford reportedly paid thousands of dollars in fines for missing filing deadlines over multiple years but refused to meet with the committee, leading to the investigation’s formalization. One of the stocks Rutherford purchased was Raytheon, which he purchased the same day Russia invaded Ukraine. It was via a tweet that same day that Rutherford said, “The U.S. and our allies must impose the maximum possible sanctions & leave nothing off the table."

Rutherford’s case is unique to say the least in that he also serves on the Ethics Committee, sitting on its investigative branch. Oddly enough it was that committee that dismissed the charges in August 2022. Just one of those things that make you go, hmmmmmmm. Rutherford is more of a Democrat than a Republican. He just uses an (R) by his name to get elected. For God’s sake, the man has a Liberty Score of 53 percent, an F. Clearly his only reason for opposing Jordan is because if Jordan were to become Speaker, Mr. Rutherford gets his piggy bank broken. He’s for spending, earmarks and massive giveaways to other countries. He needs to go.

With the world is teetering on the brink and a corrupt, dementia patient for a president and a cabinet is filled with incompetent boobs, it’s ‘Republicans’ like Rutherford who seem interested in nothing more than lining their own pockets. Rutherford should not be allowed to continue in his current position. He has no interest in serving his constituents, only himself. And he also has no interest in keeping this nation safe. He is a fraud and a con man. I made the mistake of voting for him once, and since he has now become more a part of the problem than a part of the solution, I have not made, and will not make, that mistake again.

And finally, it’s time for those whom Rutherford relies upon to continue his ‘career’ to come together and put an end to that ‘career,’ as he is no longer deserving of anyone’s support. RINOs such as him are worse than Democrats, at least Democrats are upfront about their desire to destroy this country. Joey has destroyed our economy, our military and has thrown open our border, making it far more likely that our homeland will be hit. There can be no working across the aisle anymore, the enemy is among us. And it would seem that our cadre of RINOs can’t be bothered with doing their job. A thorough House cleaning is now called for, Rutherford and those like him need to be retired.

Thursday, October 19, 2023


I’m really gonna need someone to explain to me just how it is that MSDNC can, in any way, continue to be referred to as a bona fide ‘news’ network and considered as a credible source of ‘news’ and useful information. Now that’s not to say that the same thing cannot be said of CNN or even, at times, Fox News, because it most certainly can, but the focus here is going to be on MSDNC and it’s rather bizarre cast of ‘journalists,’ political commentators and various other talking heads. And one of those who stands out there at this supposed news network is the rather confused Rachel Maddow who, as strange as it may sound, even has her own show.

And it was Ms. Maddow who, during an appearance this past Wednesday on ABC’s “The View,” claimed that if President Trump wins the presidency again, there will not be another election. Now it was once again that she was rather vague regarding what it is that brought her to that rather bizarre conclusion, but that’s not important, the only thing seen as being important is, that’s how she feels. And I’m quite sure that she felt right at home with the hogs of ‘The View,’ as was not asked to provide one iota of proof to back up her claim. Ironically the only ones proven to have cheated in federal elections are the Democrats, and more times than I care to count.

Anyway, Maddow then went on to say, “If you listen to what Trump is saying, you don’t sort of regard him as a spectacle, but listen to what he’s saying, he’s basically portraying a future for America, if he is put back in the White House, in which we don’t have another election after that. Because ‘the elections are all rigged.’ That the democratic process can’t be trusted, that Congress should just work for him. The Justice Department should just work for him. That’s a strong man form of government.” She continued, “He wants to put MSNBC on trial for treason so he can execute us.” Like where does she come with this stuff?

She added, “You’ve had a lot of senators and governors and members of Congress who have gone to prison. It has happened. It doesn’t hurt us as a democracy, but people at the very top tend to bring a lot of political pressure to bear on the justice system to let them off.” Maddow concluded, “So I worry about it, but I also feel like I want to know more about our history of this, so I understand better our capability for dealing with something that’s put this much stress on our system. Don’t put criminals in high office.” And just how much of a leftist crackpot must you be to even make such a nutty accusation. But that said she certainly was in good company when making it.

According to dimwits like Maddow, it would be worth it to stop having elections for no other reason than to avoid even the potential of ever having a “dictator” like President Trump in power. Kind of like how they stole the election in 2020 in order to prevent President Trump from stealing the election. But this is just another example of your typical leftist logic. But then we all know that Maddow doesn’t think up the things she says, she’s no more a part of the message than a stereo speaker is a composer of music. It’s the big bad extra-constitutional, covert politburo that dictates her script, like an advertisement for a cleaner, whiter, laundry detergent.

This woman is clearly an idiot. She’s another of those people talking about how “we have to save our democracy.” Funny thing though, but I don’t remember President Trump ever doing, or saying, anything that threatened our ‘democracy.’ Maddow is also the same moron who made a big deal about having one of President Trump’s tax returns and she was going to release them on her show. And when she released them, they showed that President Trump made $150 million and paid $38 million in federal income taxes. A higher tax bracket than just about everybody who hated him, including ‘BO’ and Joey. I hate the stupidity and dishonesty of these people.

Maddow has actually given us another reason, as if we really needed one, to vote for President Trump. Anything that makes Maddow unhappy has to be good for America. All I can say is that I hope President Trump does win the next election. If Joey, or any other Democrat, gets elected, America will turn into Venezuela and all MAGA Republicans, Catholics, pro-lifers, parents at school board meetings and Jews will be thrown into jail or re-education gulags. The sad truth of it is that if Democrats are able to retain the White House, then it won’t be much longer until we won’t have a country left. Democrats play their constituents, and these people love them for it.

Maddow provides nothing useful to those stupid enough to tune in to her silly little show. She does nothing more than promote the daily talking points that she has been provided, just like every other of the good little leftist mouthpieces who are paid to instill hatred where there is none. They continue to spew all manner of lies and deceit, which in the end makes them no different than the monsters they serve and whose propaganda they gladly spew. They don’t provide any ‘news,’ that’s not their job. Their job is to endlessly promote madness, war, terror, lies and deceit all in an attempt to convince those listening that what they are saying is the truth.

Maddow is another proud member of the party that is currently committed to doing all manner of election interference and attempting to rig the 2024 election claiming that it will be President Trump who will end future elections. I mean, who is it that wants to make DC and Puerto Rico states? Who wants to pack the Supreme Court? Who advocates for mail in ballots, weeklong elections and no voter ID? Who is trying to keep a presidential candidate off the ballot? What is the purpose of all these things if not to establish a Democrat run Dictatorship. The input from the American voter will no longer be needed, the leadership of this country will be selected by the elite.

On the bright side, President Trump will likely be in the headlines every day and these deranged ‘journalists’ will just as likely remain unable to hide their hate of the man. And in the end the urge to vote President Trump will only continue to intensify. If she thinks people like me are against punishing people like her, she’s out of her mind. What’s amazing to me is that there are bobble headed morons who actually agree with Maddow, someone who’s been wrong about everything she has ever accused President Trump and the Republicans of being or doing. Democrats love to claim how there will not be another election if Trump is elected, but that’s the Democrat plan.

Maddow is another of those who have denied us our right to honest reporting. The enemy of the people must pay. I mean, their lies have led to at least two wars so far. That said, who do these people think that they are that they should have the right to say whatever it is that they believe about President Trump defending himself against a rogue Attorney General? If President Trump can be gagged based on a sophist straw dog claiming that his words are like imaginary threats to court staff, what about a media whose constant lies have led us to the brink of WW3? The ‘mainstream media’ is now in need of being flushed, taken right down to nothing and rebuilt.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


It would seem that those in our ‘fake news’ media continue to reveal what is their blatant bias against Israel that has them, these days, going so far as to actually assist terrorist organizations, like Hamas, by providing them with some level of justification for the atrocities they commit. They do so by spreading that which is nothing more than pure propaganda and in what is nothing more than an attempt to sway both public, and world, opinion against Israel and in favor of the terrorists. And it matters not that the accusations made by the terrorists are true, only that they have been made.

And it was yet again, just this past Tuesday, that we saw just such a scenario once again play out. It was during the broadcast of MSDNC’s “The Last Word,” hosted by that proverbial dim bulb, Larry O’Donnell. It was then that O’Donnell stated that Israel “has to be even more welcoming to” a discussion about restraint and being careful about civilian casualties in the wake of the explosion at a hospital in Gaza even if it turns out that Israel had nothing to do with the explosion, because “it is a matter of perception that they have to be very much concerned about."

And it was MSDNC ‘political analyst,’ a moron once in ‘BO’s administration, Richard Stengel who stated the one thing *president Joey “wants to do, which John Kirby has said, and which other people at the NSC have said is, he wants to talk to Bibi, not only about his endgame, but about restraint, about being careful about civilian casualties. That’s also something a friend can do.” And since Joey is no friend of Mr. Netanyahu, it should be a fairly short conversation. And I find it rather strange how they aren’t telling Zelensky and Ukraine to Restrain themselves, fucking hypocrites.

O’Donnell then stated, “Well, and after this event, that is an unavoidable discussion. It’s one that — a discussion that Israel has to be even more welcoming to, after this event today. And that isn’t to say that Israel is to blame for this at all, but it is a matter of perception that they have to be very much concerned about.” O’Donnell never misses an opportunity to yell, “Stop the hammering!” Obviously, what we have here, with O’Donnell and this ex-Obama boob, Stengel, is nothing more than a couple of useful idiots on the side of the terrorists. There’s really nothing new here.

As for “restraint,” if Hamas was truly interested in “restraint” they never would have massacred 1300 innocent non-combatants. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) now has the unenviable task of ensuring that Hamas will never be able to do this again. Hamas doesn’t care about perception, and it will kill/rape/burn whatever, and whomever, it wants without a care in the world. I find it odd that our fraudulent *president seems to share the same opinion as that of MSDNC, that it’s the Israelis who should practice restraint, but says nothing about Hamas’ reign of terror and acts of brutal inhumanity.

Meanwhile, it was four different news cameras that recorded the rocket launched from Gaza veer off course and strike this hospital! Terrorists, Democrats and those in the ‘fake news’ media lie, video does not! I’m for not causing civilian deaths. Yet the reality of war states otherwise. There was no talk of restrictions in WWII, cities were deliberately bombed, Dredan and London anyone? No restraint was considered for Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Did Hamas discuss restraint before slaughtering Israeli citizens? We will not forget these antisemites now coming out of the woodwork.

O’Donnell should be made to explain why it is that he loves seeing babies get their heads chopped off, young girls kidnapped/raped/murdered, others taken hostage and innocent civilians murdered for no reason. It’s almost as if the leftist media is getting their talking points directly from Hamas and merely repeating them. It should be clear to everyone by now that MSDNC is a terrorist supporter and an anti-American propaganda outlet for the Democrat Party. He needs to stop pretending there are rules in terrorism. There are none, the response to terrorism is to react in kind.

As has been said by others, if Hamas was to lay down its weapons, the violence would stop. If Israel was to lay down its weapons, it would cease to exist. O’Donnell refuses to acknowledge the crimes committed by Hamas. Which makes one wonder, or at which side it is that he supports? O’Donnell seems to be a fan of Hamas, he believes in their methods as evidenced by his so called reporting. Israel must do this, Israel must do that, etc. I can’t help but wonder if Mr. O’Donnell might have a different point of view had his family been slaughtered by Hamas. But knowing him, maybe not.

With a pathetically weak leader in the White House, America has signaled to the world we can be pushed around and shamed for the actions of Hamas and other belligerents. America's true leader has been consigned to courtrooms to continue American leadership's weakness on the world stage. Since Israel has already been smeared and painted as being the villain in this most recent exchange, they have nothing to lose if they go belly to the ground and destroy everything in Gaza. Screw international opinion and just go in and get the job done, whatever it takes!!!

Israel will use far more restraint than will their terrorist adversaries. That said, war is not pretty; and Israel is in a war that Hamas started. That Hamas will not like what is about to happen next is hardly surprising. And it is once again that we see how it is that those on the will defend any act terrorism committed against Israel to their dying breath. And clearly it is in O’Donnell that we have one more leftist who seems to be a very enthusiastic supporter of terrorism. But then he is far from being the only one. Listen to any of these clown, they’re all saying essentially the very same thing.

And finally, it was just as the Germans elected Hitler that the Palestinians elected Hamas. So I have no sympathy for either. Both populations earned the consequences of those actions. German towns and cities were firebombed, and many German civilians died. Palestinians are about to suffer the same consequences, and no one should be neither surprised nor upset; actions have consequences. That has always been true, and it will always be true, even if those consequences are delayed. Exactly. We leveled Dresden and nuked southern Japan into oblivion. That’s how you win wars.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


As I have said on more than one occasion, there is absolutely nothing that Chris Christie can say that would convince me that he’s the guy I should vote for to be our next president. If for no other reason than when he’s not trying to bully his way to the front of the pack, he’s whining like a little girl about how he’s somehow being discriminated against, for whatever the reason. This guy has no more business being president than do any of the other RINOs running. He’s another of those who will say whatever he feels he must to get votes only to promptly forget whatever promises he may have made once safely ensconced in office. I simply do not trust him.

So anyway, Christie was again recently out and about whining about how he thinks that there is some sort of sinister plot afoot, actually claiming that the Republican National Committee (RNC) is rigging the process by covertly supporting President Trump’s bid for re-election. Not while I may not know exactly what it might be that old Chris has been smokin’, snortin’, or shootin’ up, for him to make such an idiotic claim, I do feel, and pretty confidently so, in saying that the last guy those in the RNC want to see as the Republican nominee, and I do mean the very last one, is none other than one Donald J. Trump. And to assume anything else is delusional.

You see it was just this past Monday during one of his many routine appearances on MSDNC, appearing this time on MSDNC’s “Inside,” hosted by Jen ‘Circle Back’ Psaki, that Christie made the rather idiotic claim that the RNC was somehow trying to restrict debate in order to help President Donald Trump. And it was on the subject of President Trump that Psaki asked, “He is the leading candidate, far and away, the Republican front runner. What do you think that says about the party right now? This is a guy who’s making threats, he’s attacking the prime minister of Israel, and he still faraway the front runner in the Republican primary."

Christie said, “He is the incumbent. He’s won the nomination twice. Most Republicans think about him more than they think about the rest of us. That’s our job over the next three or four months, is to start to, you know, go after that, and what you need to do as a candidate, as have your views in your thoughts out there is clearly indirectly as possible.” He continued, “You saw today that the super PAC that supports our candidacy put out a very direct ad with me calling Donald Trump a fool and unfit for office. You saw Ron DeSantis’ super PAC put out on that day when he’s implying bad things about Trump, but they won’t even say his name."

He said, “That’s not leadership, that’s cowardice. And, you know, the fact is that if we want to have a race where you can actually beat the front runner, you have to actually run against the front runner.” He said, “And you’ve seen the RNC trying to restrict argument and debate. Vivek Ramaswamy and I were going to have a conversation on another network for 45 minutes, and the RNC told us if we did it, would be kept off the debate stage because Trump doesn’t want these arguments on the debate stage. He doesn’t want them broadly given. That’s why, you know, for folks out there who care about this and want to take Trump on directly, make sure they keep me off the debate stage."

Christie is nothing but an angry loser. The best thing for him would be to just go away. Nobody cares what he says, or thinks. Clearly, he’s lost his mind, the RNC absolutely does NOT want President Trump to be the Republican nominee. Christie goes on Psaki’s show to complain about the big bad Republicans, is that making sense to anyone. Who is it that even watches her show? And since when has it been the RNC that has done anything that could even remotely be viewed as beneficial to President Trump? And if we’re being honest, these debates are really all for naught. There is no more primary. The contest is over and has been over. President Trump has won it.

And yet Christie remains the darling of the Democrat media, but his constant appearances don’t seem to be helping him gain much traction in the polls. Maybe no one is inspired by Christie’s blather. When will he, and those who seem so determined in putting him out there, finally realize that? He had to have known that he had no chance at all, even BEFORE he started his smear campaign. He had only a seven percent approval rating when he left office in New Jersey. Christie is one of those guys who talk tough but when confronted, fold like a cheap lawn chair. Another fake Republican at the service of the MSM. Like the others, he is doomed to oblivion.

We now have a decrepit old man in the White House, one who has a difficult time stringing together a coherent sentence, who can barely make it up a flight of stairs, who is destroying America from within and then there’s Christie going after President Trump every time he opens his mouth. I have a feeling it won’t be all that long before the RINOs will simply pickup their toys and go back to the Democrat Party who will likely welcome them. The only purpose that Christie continues to serve is as a useful idiot for those in the ‘fake news’ media. Dean Wormer had it right in summing up Christie, “Fat, Drunk, and Stupid is no way to go through life, son."

And as I have said before, he never has been in this race with the purpose of actually winning it. He is in the race to do all that he can to take down President Trump. And the only question yet to be answered is, who it is that’s paying this blowhard to do this. I mean, he has no issues other than he hates President Trump. He couldn’t get elected dog catcher at this point, and yet he still gets asked to be on shows like this one. Why? What might the Democrats be offering Christie for him to constantly attack President Trump? Christie has zero chance of becoming president. He has about as much chance of being elected as does someone like Hitlery.

Christie hasn’t bothered to detail his plan for the country or present an agenda that appeals to the Republican Party base. Instead, he offers only his hatred of President Trump. Why bother listening to Christie’s hate when we can get the very same thing by tuning into CNN, MSDNC or even Fox News? Christie is nothing more than another globalist RINO who’s only too happy to appear on some far-left propaganda outlet to whine about President Trump who is far ahead of him in the polls while pretending the RNC hasn’t been a hinderance to MAGA and an agenda that appeals to the majority of conservatives in 2023. Christie appears to have sunk to a new level of stupidity.

Monday, October 16, 2023


So riddle me this, how is it that after all that our country has been forced to endure over the course of the last 30+ months, that we can still have people who remain convinced that our country is somehow headed in the right direction? And how much of a braindead Democrat must you be to believe that Joey and the Democrats are in no way responsible for the sad state of our country. And it would be in so doing that one would have to view the four years under President Trump with a secure southern border, a booming economy, relative peace in the world, a strong economy and energy independence actually had the country headed in the wrong direction.

All of which brings me to a recent survey in which the majority of American adults believe the U.S. is moving in the “wrong direction,” revealing that only 21 percent of respondents agreed with the way the country is heading. The recent Associated Press-NORC Research Center poll, which was taken in the days following Kevin McCarthy’s ouster from the House Speaker position, found that 78 percent of U.S. adults disagree with the direction the country is taking. The survey also revealed that general agreement amongst voting-age adults has been on a decline, with a three-point increase in adults who thought the direction was “wrong” last month.

According to this same survey, Americans are holding the most negative sentiments regarding the general direction of the country since May. Joey’s approval rating was a mere 38 percent, while 61 percent of respondents disapproved of the job he is doing. Another question was posed in terms of overall favorability, to which 54 percent of respondents answered that they viewed Biden unfavorably compared to 42 percent who view him favorably. What I found a bit bizarre was the fact that those taking part in this survey rated President Trump less favorably, with 58 percent of respondents giving him an unfavorable rating, compared to 37 percent saying “favorable."

Jonathan Turley, a professor at George Washington University Law School, as well as being a Democrat, said of the poll: “Despite the media running cover for the Bidens for years, the public is just not buying it…” Personally, if you’re someone who sees nothing wrong with the direction we’re headed in as a country, then you’re simply part of the problem. There is clearly only one way out of our current mess and that would, of course, be to never again vote for any Democrat. But having said that, I suppose we will always have those among us who are determined to aid the Democrats in what has become their primary mission, the destruction of our country.

To say we’re headed in the wrong direction, is an understatement! There are forces within and outside of the country that are working to destroy us! It’s not only Democrats, it’s also the wealthy megalomaniacs of the World Economic Forum (WEF)! We’re in deep trouble! There is very poor outlook for average American families. Medicare is collapsing, Social Security is not being funded properly and our public schools, in most communities, are a nightmare. And then we have home prices and the cost of fuel and food that really hurts average working people. This country is so far gone because of corrupt politicians who are proxies of Chinese Communist Party.

The one problem I have with this particular poll is that “wrong direction” differs rather substantially regarding conservative patriots and communist insurrectionists, and no breakdown is included.  While you would think that most Americans would consider Joey’s skyrocketing inflation, high energy costs, a wide-open southern border and the continued funding of the war in Ukraine as being the wrong direction, millions of Americans seem not to be bothered in the least by such issues. Instead, they view the country as moving too slow on such things as the allowing unlimited abortions and making it acceptable for perverts to teach our young as being the wrong direction.

Democrats would rather vote for ‘promised’ freebies that they’ll likely never receive than vote for someone who calls it straight. You really can’t fix stupid with these people. And the very same people who said President Trump would start WW3 are now praising Joey for doing all that he can to start WW3. Most know that the country is going in the wrong direction but they just can’t bring themselves to vote for someone not a Democrat. There are still too many who are clueless to the fact they’ve been used by the very politicians they think are taking care of them. Victimhood and vilification remains a big problem and too many believe the propaganda of our MSM.

We are going in a Democrat direction. Democrats need people poor and dependent on government. Pretty much every problem this country has is the result of asinine leftist ideology, and that goes back decades, at least to the days of Lyndon Johnson. And it has been since then that our country has been on a downward spiral with few interruptions. Our corrupted public education system has created millions of misinformed, brainwashed liberals and the ‘fake news’ media has continued the disinformation and propaganda. It seems that many of the older generations still remember reality and have enough common sense to recognize right from wrong.

Who but those on the left would continue to support an administration whose only goal is to dismantle the very foundational values of the country? Our integrity as a nation, our survival, depends on honoring those values, but this administration, and its supporters, seek to overturn the applecart, and replace its contents with poisoned fruit. At this moment in our history, the greatest threat comes not from without, but from right here within. Americans should pause, take a deep breath, and see what is really going on. Government is supposed to be our servant not our master. We tell it what to do not it tells us what to do. We are ruled by tyrants. Liberty or death.