Friday, October 13, 2023


I always have to laugh when any of our many Hollyweird types, the vast majority of which are pretty uneducated, choose to lecture us all on anything they see themselves as being experts on. Take, for example, Robert DeNiro. With very few exceptions DeNiro has played the same character in every one of his movies, only the names have been changed. But then when you look like DeNiro how difficult is it to play some mafia type tough guy. DeNiro’s only problem is that he’s come to believe that he actually is a tough guy. But he’s not really tough, he’s merely playing a character from one of his rather mediocre movies, nothing more, nothing less.

So anyway, I’m sure we’ve all heard that old adage about idle hands being the Devil’s workshop, right? Well, with the Hollywood actors strike sidelining him from any promotional duties for his latest movie “Killers of the Flower Moon,” a movie in which DeNiro plays his usual kind of character, DeNiro has since had to find something else to occupy his time. And in an attempt to fill the current void, DeNiro has returned to his favorite side gig, and one he seems never to tire of, the badmouthing of President Trump and his millions of supporters. And it was earlier this week, on Wednesday to be exact, that DeNiro was back at it, and just as enthusiastic as ever.

In a speech Wednesday for an event this past Wednesday, DeNiro told those in attendance “to reach out to Trump’s followers with respect” — only to insult said Trump followers seconds later by claiming that they have “already turned their backs” on “democracy.” He also called Trump “evil,” adding that “democracy won’t survive” if Trump is re-elected. DeNiro’s speech was part of the “Stop Trump Summit” in New York organized by The New Republic, the left-wing publication that has repeatedly attacked various conservative outlets over the years. The actor didn’t deliver the speech in-person due to the fact that he had come down with a case of COVID.

The speech was read aloud by Miles Taylor, the Never Trump staffer who published an anonymous op-ed for the New York Times in 2018 declaring himself a part of the deep state “resistance.” And it was courtesy of this bizarre statement that DeNiro said, “I’ve spent a lot of time studying bad men. I’ve examined their characteristics, their mannerisms, the utter banality of their cruelty. Yet there’s something different about Donald Trump. When I look at him, I don’t see a bad man. Truly. I see an evil one.” DeNiro’s repeated invocation of “democracy” is part of a larger, demagogic pattern set by Joey & Co. to paint any political opposition as a threat to democracy.

DeNiro’s speech made no mention of Joey, under whose leadership Americans have been suffering from crushing inflation and a wide-open southern border that has allowed illegal aliens to pour into the country by the millions. DeNiro also made no mention of his hometown New York facing an unprecedented and catastrophic influx of illegals who are stretching the city’s already bleak financial situation to the breaking point. He also omitted any mention of the unfolding global calamities in Israel and Ukraine, both of which happened after Joey took office. Because to have made mention of them would have undermined his attacks on President Trump.

These people are so convinced President Trump is a corrupt, racist, evil dictator, but can you imagine what they would do, or would have done, had President Trump actually done one percent of what Joey has done? These people have it completely reversed. But it was the same with ‘BO’. No matter how much he failed, he was praised. No matter how bad the economy was, we were told it was great. Then when Donald Trump came into office, no matter how great the economy was, we were told it was terrible, and no matter how much he succeeded, we were told what a terrible president and failure he was. We’re living in an upside down world.

Those of DeNiro’s political persuasion love to scream how President Trump is a Fascist, but when asked to state what they base that accusation on they simply go silent or call you a racist or, worse, a Nazi. Bashing President Trump, and is supporters, get them the attention that they so badly crave. And if they want that attention to continue then the claims they make must continue to get all the more outrageous or no one will pay any attention to them. They love to claim how it is that President Trump is a megalomaniac and a narcissist. But comparatively speaking, who exactly is it that better fits that definition, President Trump or imbeciles like DeNiro?

And personally, I don’t need to be lectured to by some uneducated old man who has spent nearly his entire adult life working in, and living in, some sort of fantasy world. The only threat to democracy during my lifetime has come from leftists, those who bear an uncanny resemblance to DeNiro. That is why you have two types of judges, constructionists and liberal interpreters. The left admits this openly, they hate a judge who upholds the Constitution. President Trump obeyed all rulings by the Supreme Court, while Joey defies them regularly (border, guns, student loans). Actors have no relevance on this topic. They live in another world, mostly pretend.

The Democrat Party is the proud home of such people as those who support groups like BLM and ANTIFA. The vast majority of those who identify as members of the party are nothing more than Communists, Nazis and Socialists who no longer hide in the shadows but operate in the full light of day. They hate Jews and Christians equally. They are NRA haters, MAGA haters, they support defunding the police, late term abortionists, open borders, the social justice movement, transgender mutilation, the ‘grooming’ of our young, drag queen story hours, the cancel culture warriors and every other misfit clown group. They vote for Democrats 99 percent of the time.

DeNiro seems to forget, or simply doesn’t want to admit, that this is about his side. It’s they who are authoritarian Marxists who can’t quite bring themselves to tolerate free speech and have no issue with persecuting anyone who can’t bring themselves to  subscribe to their group think. And it is in a weird sort of way that I’m impressed in that someone who can be so completely, and consistently, wrong, is able to remain so incredibly convinced that he’s right. I mean, it’s straight out of ‘The Twilight Zone.’ Everything that he hates President Trump for, is exactly what Joey, and his merry band of fuckups, is guilty of. And he apparently thinks the rest of us haven’t been paying attention.

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