Friday, October 27, 2023


It was this past Thursday that, just like clockwork and in response to the recent Maine shootings, *president Joey again pushed for a repeal of protections that protect gun makers from frivolous lawsuits. And so it was that Democrats again set to work to exploit the death of these victims to further their effort to take guns from law abiding citizens, a right GUARANTEED to them by our Constitution. And it was another attempt to come at the issue from the side by claiming that gunmakers are somehow at fault for lunatics using their product to mass murder. You know, like how those who make cars are responsible when someone drives one of their products through a crowd. published Joey’s highly political statement which opened with him saying, “Today, Jill and I are praying for the Americans who’ve lost their lives, for those still in critical care, and for the families, survivors, and community members enduring shock and grief.” He then proceeded to urge residents in Maine’s Lewiston area to heed all law enforcement’s warnings, including alerts to shelter-in-place. Joey eventually transitioned to the summer 2022 passage of the gun control he passed with Sen. John Cornyn’s, one of our many pathetic RINOs, help, noting, as always, that gun control is not enough. Of course, but it sure is good for starters.

Anyway, Joey then said, “I urge Republican lawmakers in Congress to fulfill their duty to protect the American people. Work with us to pass a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to enact universal background checks, to require safe storage of guns, and end immunity from liability for gun manufacturers.” But just a little time spent fact-checking Joey’s claim that gun makers have “immunity from liability” and one would quickly find the claim to be false. But it’s very few gun control zealots that have any interest in doing that. They, like every moron in the ‘fake news’ media, merely take Joey’s claims and run with them.

Joey again claimed gun manufacturers are shielded from “liability” and cannot be sued. In reality, gun manufacturers are not shielded from liability. Rather, they are protected from frivolous lawsuits over the criminal use of guns that are legally made and legally sold. In short Joey lied, but what’s really new about that? Perhaps we should sue Joey for our 401k losses due to the inflation that he caused! It just makes no sense, at the very same time Democrats insist upon returning violent offenders to our streets and calling for the defunding of our police, they seek to take from us our only real means of defending ourselves and our families.

And let’s not forget all of the companies who make hammers, knives, pencils, or ANY other object that a person can use as a weapon to kill others! Just about everything that comes out of the liberal progressive left actually proves to be regressive and damaging to society! And yet there are imbeciles who continue to vote for these lunatics. And as I recall there was one car maker that has already been sued because one of their models is supposedly easy to hot wire. How about we just lock up the car thieves instead? Nope, can’t do that!! The world has now been officially turned upside down, and sadly it’s far too few people who seem to care about fixing it.

Joey cannot manage this country’s economy which in in the gutter, so now he wants to gut the Second Amendment over one mentally ill person, likely a registered Democrat as most of these shooters are, who breaks the law. My condolences to the murdered individual's families, however you cannot blame the millions of responsible gun owners that are law-abiding. Look at any large American city under Democrat control, and what do you see? I’ll tell you what you see, you see areas that have the strictest gun laws in the country, and where thousands of innocent people are made to die every single year because the ONLY ones able to get the guns, are the bad guys.

Look, let’s be honest, neither Joey, nor any other Democrat, gives a flying fuck about the victims of this most recent shooting, or of any other shooting. In fact, they continue to do everything possible to ensure that these shootings continue and, with luck, get increasingly worse. They pray for the largest body count possible, because it then provides to them ammunition that they can use to convince the gullible among us that if we could only take the guns from law-abiding citizens that would fix everything. But it’s all a crock!! They know it, we know it and they know we know it. But still they try, with their primary target being the morons among us.

This guy who committed these horrific crimes shouldn’t have had any guns in the first place. He shouldn’t have been in the Army Reserves or the National Guard, either. He should have been kicked out a long time ago. His anti-social behavior was, as well, at least appears to have been known to many of the locals. He had protection orders/domestic violence convictions on his record, and the Army knew that he had some serious mental issues. Had the laws that are already on the books simply been enforced, as they should have been, we very likely would not now be conducting this man hunt. But they weren’t, and was that, perhaps, all by design?

Maine has one of the lowest rates of violent crime in the nation, and that’s with their existing gun laws. Nothing Joey is pushing would have prevented this attack and he’s lying by claiming that they would. Once again, the government failed to do its job. The police, his military command, the mental health agencies all knew this guy was a threat, yet they didn’t keep him institutionalized and they didn't confiscate his weapons. Instead, the usual political hacks push their tyrannical fantasies of taking everyone’s guns. They don’t care about controlling crime or the mentally deranged, instead they keep pushing gun control laws that haven’t worked in the past and won’t work in the future.

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