Tuesday, October 24, 2023


So, what’s it finally going to take to convince our current gaggle of RINOs that their time has now officially passed? And that there is nothing that they can say, or do, that will convince anyone to trust them after spending decades lying to us. And neither is there anything they can say that will convince us that we need to abandon President Trump and to, instead, choose one of them as our nominee as we head into the 2024 Presidential election. Nor will they be able to say, or do, anything that will prevent President Trump from crossing the finish line first, and miles ahead of his so-called competition. The race is effectively over and yet they fail to recognize that fact.

But even with all of that said, the RINOs still continue to try to convince voters that there are many better choices than President Trump. And in so doing their tactics have become so bizarre, with each claim being made against President Trump being a little more outrageous than the last. For instance, it was as recently as this past weekend that Liz Cheney, during another of what has become her typical brand of visits to the Communist News Network, aka CNN, this time appearing Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” hosted by resident moron Jake Tapper. And it was during that very same appearance that Cheney made one of the most bizarre claims yet heard.

And I’m quite her ridiculous claim was one that left more than a few people, at least those us who are on the Republican side, thinking that there can be no longer be any doubt that her hatred of President Trump has now driven her completely over her edge. Her claim? Well, it was that *president Joey has been providing better international leadership than did President Trump. Tapper said, “The attack was on October 7, a Saturday. I this it was Wednesday that Donald Trump gave a speech in which he insults Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, said the attacks wouldn’t have happened if he had been president, and said that Netanyahu let him down."

Tapper asked, “He insulted the defense minister of Israel called him a jerk and praised Hezbollah and did it surprise you that Trump could say all of that about the prime minister while they were still burying dead?” Cheney said, “They were appalling comments. You’re absolutely right, there should be a response, I think that every Republican member of Congress ought to be asked about think comments.” She then went on to say, “Every Republican candidate for the presidency ought to be asked about these comments.” She added, “Donald Trump, that he reportedly shared Israeli intelligence with the Russians very early in his term."

Cheney said, “He also, as we know now from the indictments that we’ve seen from Jack Smith, shared high lit classified military documents relating to a military action potentially against Iran. He shared that with Mark Meadow’s ghost writers and political consultants according to the indictments.” If this level of lie is the price she has to pay for a CNN gig, then perhaps she should consider a more honorable job, like prostitution at the streetwalker level. So she has allowed herself to make every crisis now taking place in this country, from an open border, to out of control inflation and skyrocketing energy costs, to become secondary to her hatred of President Trump.

And Cheney added, “So if you think about not only is he out there advocating for and complementing America’s adversaries and terrorist organizations that slaughter innocents, he also seems to have shared very highly classified intelligence information both ours and the Israeli’s, in fact, with adversaries. So I think it is simply the latest example of why Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States.” Tapper said, “Who do you think is providing better leadership on the international stage right now, Biden or Trump?” She said, “Oh, certainly Biden.” So what really motivates Cheney, is it simply her hatred of President Trump or is it something more sinister?

First of all, Joey doesn’t lead, he never has. And if we’re being honest, he’s incapable of leading. And dare I say, he has no interest in leading. He merely takes instructions from others, those who have been lurking behind the curtain since day one of this idiotic clown show. And second, Cheney embarrasses herself when she displays her unshakable obsession with President Trump. And so it was once again that a ‘fake news’ media took it upon itself to provide this lying sack of shit a platform from which to spew her rather twisted message. Everyone knows this country, as well as the world, was far better off under President Trump, even with the ‘mean’ tweets.

Clearly there is no longer any limits when it comes to their hatred of President Trump. And yet, I don’t remember the world being on fire when he was in office. Exactly how many conflicts were raging when President Trump was in office? In the world under President Trump’s leadership, North Korea stopped firing missiles at Japan and South Korea, Communist China ‘agreed’ to trade concessions, Russia stopped invading its neighbors, and peace actually broke out in the Middle East. I’ll gladly take that over three years of war in Europe, relentless threats against Tiawan, and the mayhem happening in Israel right now. Cheney has rather odd definition of leadership.

With Joey now sitting in the big chair the entire world is aflame with the enemies of freedom on the advance all over the globe, including Communist China, Russia, and Iran. When President Trump was in office, I can honestly say that I had hope for America and for the world. Now, I feel hopeless and worry that there will even be an America for future generations to live in freedom. The world is one giant mess due almost entirely to Joey’s incompetent foreign and domestic policy, and yet Cheney somehow thinks that he’s providing better leadership than did President Trump. I can only assume that she has completely lost her mind or is cynical beyond belief.

She cannot possibly actually believe what she is saying. Which, if she does, makes her lies all the worse. I seem to recall, in the not-so-distant past, claims by those such as Cheney that President Trump would involve the U.S. in countless wars, and would bring about WWIII. That didn’t happen of course, in fact it was just the opposite that took place. Then there were the prescient predictions that Joey would exhibit the typically weak leadership of all Democrats, and that as a result our adversaries would seek to expand their control and influence around the globe. And oddly enough, isn’t that exactly what have been witnessing take place since Joey’s first day in office?

China’s tendrils now reach everywhere. North Korea is up to its old tricks. Iran is funding and coordinating terrorism. Afghanistan has fallen into the murderous clutches of the Taliban, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other nations are turning away from the U.S. and building relationships with Communist China, Russia, and Iran. Now Iran-backed Hamas has attacked Israel, drawing the U.S., Iran, and Communist China deeper into the conflict. Thank you, Ms. Cheney, thank you very much. All of this was made possible by people just like you! And there’s more, so very much more! And yet she can sit there and claim that Joey is a better leader than President Trump?

And the insanity doesn’t even to begin to end there. Cheney is somehow able to ignore completely the fact that inflation is up, interest rates are up, the cost of energy is up, hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from drug overdoses from illegal drugs flooding over an unsecured border, wages haven’t kept up with inflation, housing is unaffordable, military recruiting is down and the crime rate has exploded. We have an immigration crisis, an illegal drug crisis, a crisis in Israel, a war in Ukraine. And all has happened on Joey’s watch, every bit of it. And yet we have imbeciles like Cheney who go on TV and, with a straight face, claim that Joey is essentially responsible for none of.

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