Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Something I’m quite sure is nothing more than a short term problem, since we voters are such a stupid lot, is the fact that the favorability factor for the Democrat Party seems to have now hit what’s being referred to as a record low as things now go from bad to worse for the party that suffered a pretty significant midterm defeat. A defeat that we will not know the full extent of until early next month. At least so says a newly released Gallup poll.

According to the Gallup poll released just today, apparently only 36 percent of those taking part in this poll had a favorable view of the Democrat Party, and that’s a 6-percentage-point drop from before the midterms. Also noted is the fact that with the GOP now possessing a 42 percent favorability, it is the first time since 2011 that the GOP has had a higher rating than the Democrats. I’m just not sure if this is something what will last all that long.

It was also noted that the favorability rating for Democrats is the party’s lowest since Gallup began asking the question back in 1992. Now it would be nice to think that the reason behind this new low is the fact that the American people are finally beginning to wise-up and see through what it is that the Democrats are really up to. But I think that’s far too much to hope for. Most likely what we are seeing here is nothing more than a short-lived moment of political clarity.

The polling firm said in a statement, "After the 2012 election, many political analysts focused on the GOP’s ‘image problem’." And it went on to say, "Now, it is the Democrats who appear to have the more battered image. Their favorability rating has never been lower, and they are reeling from defeats that cost them control of the U.S. Senate and strengthened the Republican House majority to levels likely not seen in 90 years."

But Gallup continued, saying, "On the other hand, the American public does not admire Republicans more, their numerous election victories notwithstanding." Adding, "Neither party can say it is making significant progress in improving its image among the U.S. population, but undoubtedly the 2014 elections augmented the GOP’s ability to shape the agenda in Washington and in state capitals across the country."

As for myself I have my own reasons for despising the Democrat Party. Only one of which is its deep-seated hatred of America. It’s also because of the fact that Democrats have no qualms whatsoever when it comes to the taking more of the money that I work so very hard for, thus preventing me from being able to spend it on those things that I want. Instead, I’m forced to hand more and more of my money to the government so that Democrats’ can then purchase votes.

And I guess what worries me the most about this news is the fact that it may serve to many in the Republican Party as motivation, of a sort, to act, or to not act, in a way that, in the hope of being able to increase their favorability over the course of the next 24 months as we head into 2016. And therefore it could come to have what would be an adverse impact on their willingness to do those things that we all know need to be done and that we elected them to do.

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