Monday, November 17, 2014


It would appear that we are once again going down that very familiar path where the most important quality possessed by yet another of Barry’s appointees is a blind adherence to the same failed, freedom smothering, leftist ideology. She of whom I speak is none other than Loretta Lynch, the political hack whose name was most recently placed into nomination for attorney general to replace the outgoing hack, Eric Holder.

Ms. Lynch has quite the history of not only supporting and fighting for leftist causes, but also for having donated to leftist candidates. Because it’s according to that we see how it was between 2004 and 2008 that Lynch contributed over $10,000 to Democrat candidates, which, as it just so happened, also include donations to Barry’s presidential campaign. So might this nomination be something in the way of payback?

Barry said at the time he place her name in nomination that, "It’s pretty hard to be more qualified for this job than Loretta." But that would depend on how is it that one might define, ‘qualified.’ He then went on to say, "Loretta has spent her life fighting for fair and equal justice that is the foundation of our democracy. I can think of no better public servant to be our next Attorney General." What she has been fighting for is certainly not fair and equal justice.

Barry’s opportunity to appoint the esteemed Ms. Lynch to a position allowing her to wield a certain amount of power in his behalf came back on May 3, 2010 when he appointed her the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York. And it was according to the Department of Justice (DOJ) that, "Before returning to the office as United States Attorney in 2010, Ms. Lynch was a partner in the New York office of Hogan & Hartson L.L.P."

And it was during her tenure at Hogan & Hartson L.L.P. that Lynch donated $14,800 to Democrat candidates with $4,600 of that amount going to Barry’s campaign. In addition to Barry, Lynch donated $4,200 to Democrat Chris Owens who campaigned for Congress during the 2005-2006 federal election cycle, and she also volunteered for Barry’s campaign and organized an effort called "Brooklyn for Barack."

Lynch also donated $1,000 to Chris Owens’ father, former Rep. Major Owens (D-N.Y.), another politician who endorsed Barry for president. In addition to these donations, Lynch also contributed Democrat Senate candidates - $1,000 to Jim Neal, $2,000 to Steve Novick, $1,000 to Tom Strickland and $1,000 to Ron Kirk. So what we have here is someone who very clearly demonstrates that which Barry goes looking for when looking to fill positions.

So once again what we have here is someone whom we’re expected to believe will be impartial in enforcing the nation’s laws, but who in reality is just another hack politician who if confirmed will simply do the bidding of her boss, assisting him in any what she can to move his leftist agenda ‘forward.’ Which as we have seen on more than one occasion is, next to race, the primary qualifier for one to be appointed by Barry in the first place.

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