Thursday, May 7, 2015


It really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that earlier this week we heard E-Lie-Jah Cummings, Democrat from the People’s Republic of Maryland, reject entirely the notion that Democrat control and Democrat policies in Baltimore are really what’s to blame for the death of Freddie Gray after he was seriously injured in police custody, as well as for the subsequent rioting in the city.  So it was then, in the name of Democrats everywhere, that instead accepting any amount of blame for what has taken place, and continues to take place, in the city of Baltimore, Cummings simply attempted to place all of the blame squarely on the Republicans.

Cummings made an appearance on the Communist News Network (CNN) this past Wednesday, and it was then that host, and well-known journalistic wannabe, Chris Cuomo challenged him by saying blame should be laid at the feet of Democrats, who have controlled Baltimore for decades.  Cuomo said, “Baltimore has been run by Democrats, and recently African-American Democrats, for a really long time.”  And he went on say, “It’s not really about Republicans. I mean, the Democrats, you’ve had your people in there, Congressman Cummings. You guys are as responsible for what has and hasn’t been done as anybody else, isn’t that fair?”

“Chris, come on Chris,” Cummings whined. And went on to say, “You know it’s not about personalities, it’s about policy.”  Cummings then proceeded to blame policies and budget cuts from the state government and from Congress.  He said, “You know and I know that a lot of the policies coming from Washington, coming down from the state actually too, but [policies] coming from Washington are not necessarily kind to urban areas.”  And E-Lie-Jah then added, “I mean, you keep in mind that Freddie Gray had a serious problem with lead poisoning, and we just found out that that budget has been cut 33 percent.”  Is he serious?

But old E-Lie-Jah wasn’t quite finished.  He said, “The new neighborhoods budget figure has been cut some 70 percent.” And then he went on to use that standard claim used by Democrats everywhere when he said, “So, come on. But not only that, as I said, you’ve got to have money to do a lot of these things.”  Now I don’t mean to accuse old E-Lie-Jah of being a liar, but think about it, in what Democrat controlled city does anyone, anywhere actually believe that a budget was cut by 1 percent, let alone by 70 percent?  Does he really expect us to believe such a patently absurd statement?  Now your basic dumbass Democrat may buy it, but few others will.    

And what should also not come as being much of a surprise is the fact that Cummings’ remarks are very similar to those made by other Democrats, such as Senate Minority Leader ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid. It was ‘Dingy’ who said just last month that it’s up to Congress to create jobs to stop the rioting, and that Congress could do so by passing some kind of jobs bill.  “We need to do more,” Reid said. “It is up to us in this Capitol to create these jobs.”  Which begs the question, why when ‘Dingy Harry’ was Senate Majority Leader was there never any kind of a jobs bill brought up.  Oh that’s right, back then it was Obamacare that was priority number one, not jobs!

Now when you hear such idiotic claims being made by the likes of Cummings and Reid, and then you compare such statements to the fact that the last time Baltimore had a Republican mayor was back in 1967, or nearly five decades ago, they ring more than just a bit hollow.  Indeed, the People’s Republic of Maryland has had just two Republican governors since 1969, and one of them took office just took office four months ago.  The stark reality of things is that Baltimore is a deep blue city buried within in a deep blue state. The mayor is a Democrat. Every member of the city council is a Democrat.  So how is it that any of this can be blamed on Republicans?

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