Friday, May 1, 2015


Much like the idiotic chant, “Black Lives Matter”, that we have heard ad nauseam over the course of the several months and, oddly enough, from the very ones who, at the same time, choose to completely ignore the fact that most young blacks die at the hands of other young blacks, and not at the hands of police officers, we now hear from the all-but-anointed 2016 Democrat nominee for president, Hitlery Clinton, how it is her opinion that, “Every life matters.”  But how can that be when, at the same time, she also supports a woman’s right to abort her baby right up to the very moment of that child’s birth?  Anyone but me sensing a little hypocrisy?

Hitlery Clinton gave a little speech earlier this week in which she apparently missed the rather obvious irony of her own comments.  Because while at the same time Hitlery supports abortion on demand at absolutely anytime during the pregnancy, and for absolutely any reason.  She proceeded to tell those attending her speech that “every life matters” and that we should therefore “care for every child as our own.”  But it would seem that Hitlery’s claim that “Every life matters,” has a few exceptions.  Actually millions of them.  Namely the millions of unborn babies who have been brutally murdered courtesy of abortion in the years since Roe vs. Wade.

Her comments, made as part of a speech given at Columbia University this past Wednesday, were directed at the criminal justice system and recent cases of black men who died at the hands of police.  Her speech was very clearly nothing more than a very blatant attempt to, and in typical Hitlery fashion, score some cheap political points.  Because Hitlery knows just as well as others out there decrying that open season has now been declared on young black men, that it is far more often that these same young black men fall victim to other young black men.  And besides, better to talk about poor black men than her time as secretary of state, right?

But be that as it may, it was the very, very, pro-abortion Hitlery Clinton that said, “Now even in the most painful times like those we are seeing in Baltimore, when parents fear for their children, when smoke fills the skies above our cities, when police officers are assaulted, even then, especially then, let’s remember the aspirations and values that unite us all, that every person should have the opportunity to succeed, that no one is disposable, that every life matters.”  Actually I thought that that was a rather interesting choice of words, especially since it’s the little corpses of thousands of unborn babies that are ‘disposed of’ each and every day.

In her first speech since becoming an official presidential candidate, Hitlery told the audience at the sixth annual Women in The World Summit just last week that “religious beliefs” must be changed for the sake of abortion.  She said, “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper.”  And she added, “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will.  And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”  And yet she claims, “every life matters?”

And yet in her speech at Columbia Hitlery said, “We need to start understanding how important it is to care for every single child as though that child were our own.”  She noted “a growing bipartisan movement for common sense reforms in our criminal justice system” spurred on by the likes of senators “as disparate on the political spectrum as Cory Booker and Rand Paul and Dick Durbin and Mike Lee” who have reached “across the aisle to find ways to work together.”  But again, apparently the unborn are not to be included when she speaks of “caring for every child.”  Because, those who are prevented from making their way into this world don’t seem to count.

And in her continuing to place blame on the criminal justice system, instead of where it rightfully belongs, on those who refuse to act like civilized adults, Hitlery said, “It is rare to see Democrats and Republicans agree on anything today, but we’re beginning to agree on this. We need to restore balance to our criminal justice system.”  And she praised Barry “Almighty’s” task force on policing and called for every police department nationwide to use “body cameras to record interactions between officers on patrol and suspects.”  She said, “That will improve transparency and accountability. It will help protect good people on both sides of the lens.”

Hitlery seemed to go out of her way in her effort to imply that we have in America today, police departments all across the country full of these rogue police officers who seek out innocent black youths to kill in cold blood.  And in the process, she warned that “for every tragedy caught on tape, there surely have been many more that remained invisible. Not every problem can be or will be prevented by cameras, but this is a commonsense step we should take.”  She went on to say, “The president has provided the idea of matching funds to state and local governments investing in body cameras. We should go even further and make this the norm everywhere.”

Hitlery concluded her speech by actually asking the audience to pray for Freddy Gray’s family and other men who lost their lives “unnecessarily.”  And like this corrupt bitch has ever prayed in her entire life, she said, “Please join me in saying a prayer for the families of Freddy Gray and all the men whose names we know and those we don’t, who have lost their lives unnecessarily and tragically, and in particular today, include in that prayer the people of Baltimore and our beloved country.”  Beloved country?  She makes me sick!  How about we, instead, say a prayer for all those millions of lives lost so needlessly to the progressive cause of abortion?    

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