Saturday, May 16, 2015


Now look, I don’t want to sound like I’m picking on old Hank Johnson, but he certainly does give us all a lot to work with.  And I know I’ve been talking about him a lot of late, but when he says something that I think is just too stupid, I just gotta call a spade a spade.  And he’s done it again.  It was just last week that this bonehead said, in talking about taxes, that “we don’t have enough to do what the government - and do what the country needs the government to do and that’s the problem.”  Well I don’t know about old Hank, but I certainly ‘give’ enough to the government! 

The Georgia Democrat told WABE radio last week that, “If everyone is paying their fair share of taxes than we certainly should and can live within our means.”  He went on to say, “But our problem now is that taxes are being paid by the middle class. The rich, the wealthy and the corporations are not paying their fair share and so therefore we don’t have enough to do what the government and do what the country needs the government to do and that’s the problem.”  Well there are also millions of Americans not paying their fair share.  Half the people in this country pay absolutely NOTHING!

It was earlier in the same interview that Johnson said the country is divided between free-marketers and those that seek more government involvement.  He said, “I do realize that we are at a philosophical divide in this country.”  And he added, “One between free-marketers who think that everything should be left up to the free market economic system, laissez-faire capitalism, and that there should be limited government, versus those who believe in a government involvement in the macro economy. That is the ideal that’s at stake here.”  Laissez-faire capitalism?

It was reported back in 2014 that taxpayers earning $100,000 or more a year pay 71.6% of the nation’s share in individual federal income taxes, according to the Internal Revenue Service.  According to a projection from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of Americans will pay a 32.4 percent share of federal taxes in 2016.  Looking at numbers from the Congressional Budget Office and the IRS, the Heritage Foundation reported in April, “the top 1 percent pays 24 percent of all federal taxes compared to 35 percent of all federal income taxes.”

The bottom line here is that there is not one person who is fortunate enough to live in this country that should be allowed to pay ZERO income tax.  I mean, if we’re talking about fairness, which the Democrats, old Hank included, spend a great deal of their time doing, how fair is that?  Is paying nothing the fair share for some?  And can someone please explain to me how it is that someone should be permitted to get a tax ‘refund’ when they have paid absolutely nothing in the way of a federal income tax?  That just pisses me off!  And people like old Hank piss me off too!

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