Friday, May 15, 2015


Much was said during the lead up to the 2014 election about how it was to be considered a pivotal election regarding the direction in which the country was then headed.  And it would appear, much to the disappointment of those who ‘thought’ they were voting for change in that direction, that despite our newly elected Republican majority in Congress, very little, if anything, has yet even been attempted that would result in a different direction for our country.  Which, I would argue, does very little to convince anyone to vote for any Republican come 2016, the last chance we are likely to have in doing any sort of a course correction for the country.

And if those with whom I am surrounded with on a daily basis are any example, most Democrats seem totally un-phased by what has been the continuing stream of unfavorable news reports about Hitlery Clinton’s emails, the ongoing Benghazi probe or the dealings of the Clinton Foundation. That said, there does seem to now be what has been described as a growing buzz, at least among leading Democrats, that Hitlery may yet expect a stiff challenge to her once certain grasp on the party’s presidential nomination next year. Possibilities range from past presidential nominees John Kerry-Heinz and Al Gore to others such as Rahm Emanuel and even Bill de Blasio.

But those who get paid to know such things say the most successful challenge would come from a left-wing candidate and a woman. Elizabeth Warren fits the bill but has vowed not to run. Or so she says.  Warren, who is also apparently part Native American, has become the darling of the left. Her opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement earned her criticism from Barry “Almighty”, but her successful Senate effort to block the bill has earned her more plaudits from party comrades.   But for now, Hitlery’s lone opponent for the nomination is Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who votes with Democrats in the Senate.

And a just-released Quinnipiac poll showed that at least among voters in Iowa, Hitlery leads Sanders at next year’s first-in-the-nation caucuses there with 60 percent support compared to 15 percent. But given recent developments and some nationwide polls, this could change rapidly.   The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed the former secretary of state rated favorably by 42% of likely voters nationwide and 42% unfavorably. This is down from March, when the same poll showed Hitlery’s favorable-unfavorable at 44%-36%.  So, might there be others waiting in the wings should Hitlery suddenly fall out of favor?

Well, should such a thing actually come about here are but a few of her, at least for now, potential rivals, a rogues gallery, if you will, of various rabid progressives who Hitlery may yet be made to face in her race for the 2016 Democrat nomination for president:

First on our list perspectives is none other than John Kerry-Heinz, 71, and Hitlery’s successor as secretary of state.  And someone who has proven on multiple occasions to be even less skilled at the job than she was. The former Massachusetts senator remains a sentimental favorite among his party’s liberal grass roots and can always count on needed funding, thanks to wife Teresa Heinz (widow of the late Republican Sen. John Heinz, heir to the ketchup fortune). No friend of the Clintons, Kerry-Heinz delivered a key endorsement to Barry at a critical point in the ’08 nomination battle with then-New York Sen. Hitlery Clinton. Some Obama acolytes are said to be courting Kerry-Heinz, who came within the electoral votes of one state (Ohio) of unseating George W. Bush in ’04.

Next we have ‘global warming’ zealot Al Gore, 67, who apparently also evokes warm sentiments among grass-roots Democrats, many of whom still believe he actually won the disputed 2000 election against Bush. It is no secret that ‘Slick Willie’s’ vice president has grown distant from his ticket mate and, like Kerry-Heinz, he supported Berry over Hitlery in ’08.  Working against a “Gore II” bid are his divorce from wife Tipper, unfavorable reviews for recent speeches on his personal crusade for climate change, and a considerable weight gain. ‘Climate Change’ continues to animate the Democrat left, so Gore manages to remain a viable candidate.

Then we have, of all people, Jerry ‘ Moon Beam’ Brown, 77, incredibly, is governor of California today and its oldest governor, 40 years after becoming the Golden State’s youngest governor. Once ridiculed as “Gov. Moonbeam” for his meanderings about outer space, Brown has lost three past bids for the Democrat nomination.  Now legally termed out from ever running for governor again in 2018, no one rules out a fourth Brown bid for the nomination.

And next on the list is none other than Andy ‘The Crook’ Cuomo, 57, who was just re-elected to his second term as governor of New York while at the same time fighting off accusations of corruption.  Andy also served as ‘Slick Willie’s’ HUD secretary, so is said to have good relations with the Clinton Klan and its political organization. The son of the late New York Gov. Mario Cuomo, a beloved liberal icon in his heyday.  Known for his hair-trigger temper, Andy lives with girlfriend Sandy Lee. With the indictment of Democrat Assembly Speaker and close ally Sheldon Silver, recent polls show the governor's popularity plummeting.

Yet another potential rival of Hitlery’s is Jim Webb, 69, who insists he’s running, but as nationally-syndicated columnist Michael Barone has recently noted, “he won his only Senate term [in ‘06] with anti-war Northern Virginia liberals who don’t want him as president now." A best-selling novelist, decorated U.S. Marine Corps veteran in Vietnam and briefly secretary of the navy under Republican President Ronald Reagan, While the Navy I once met this guy and was less than impressed.

And then of course we have Marty O’Malley, 52, dubbed during his stint as mayor of Baltimore as the Democrat Party’s “hottest political property since Jack Kennedy” by Chris ‘Mr. Tingle Going Up My Leg’ Matthews.  Marty now appears to seriously exploring the race and will be, according to some recent press accounts, announcing that he is a candidate on the 30th of this month and in the city of Baltimore. What may work against him, however, is his tenure as governor of the People’s Republic of Maryland during which a record number of tax increases, including a ‘rain tax’ were enacted.  And you may also recall how it was that his chosen heir lost the governorship to Republican Larry Hogan in a state that went 62 percent for Barry “Almighty.”

Rahm ‘The Godfather’ Emanuel 55, is an intriguing prospect, months after being re-elected mayor of Chicago over a spirited left-of-center challenger. Once top political adviser in ‘Slick Willie’s’ White House and Barry’s first chief of staff, Emmanuel as mayor took a hard line against demands of striking teachers. Uber-agent brother Ari could bring in heavy Hollywood endorsements.

Then there’s Comrade Bill de Blasio, 54, an unabashed leftist, and current communist mayor of ‘The Big Apple’, who has sparked recent speculation about running. He recently made a tour through the Midwest touting a progressive agenda.  De Blasio’s black wife and son, whom he proudly points to as a modern mixed family could, since race is what seems to be the most important issue for them, draw a significant number of black votes in Democrat primaries.

Deval Patrick, 58, was the first black governor of Massachusetts (he left office in January) and one-time head of the Civil Rights Division in the U.S. Department of Justice.  Reportedly a personal friend of Barry “Almighty’s”, the former governor made news recently with a spirited defense of the rollout of Obamacare in his state. Barry proved that a black candidate in the Democrat Party starts with an enormous base.  But it would seem that Patrick spent much his time in office being seen as a do-nothing governor who spent most of his time, and in typical Democrat fashion, calling in favors and handing out jobs for his friends, earning him incredibly low approval ratings throughout much of his tenure as governor.

And then last, but certainly not least, we have ‘Slow Joe’ Biden, 72, who brings out one intriguing common denominator among political scientists and Democrat operatives alike, not one has so much as mentioned, even in passing, the name of the vice president, who no doubt would very much like to be a candidate.  ‘Slow Joe’, who will be 73 in 2016, is the second-oldest vice president in history after fellow Democrat Alben Barkley (Harry Truman’s vice president, who was 74 when he left office). Said to be disliked by Barry and his entourage, ‘Slow Joe’ does, for some bizarre reason, remain popular among rank-and-file Democrats.

But at this point Hitlery looks certain to be the nominee. But she appeared to be certain this time in 2007 when a freshman senator from Illinois stunned the political world in Iowa.  And I don’t think there is anyone, even on the left, who can argue that Barry has not made a great deal of progress in fulfilling his then campaign promise to “fundamentally transform” this country.  And what 2016 will boil down to is whether or not the American people, or at least enough of them, favor what it is that he has thus far been able to do.  And whether it’s Hitlery or any of the others mentioned as her potential rivals who wins election, they will be picking up where Barry left off.

And it’s not a very pretty picture.  Because we if continue on our present track, America will soon come to look like Detroit, Baltimore or any other of our largest cities that have been run by Democrats for decades.  Our cities serve as being the best examples of just how it is that liberal policies can take a once thriving metropolis, and turn it into what is nothing more than a cesspool of violence, poverty and corruption.  If we possess the desire to actually improve the life of each and every single citizen, then we need to shun these types of policies and those who endorse them.  The Democrats wants to finish that which was first begun by progressive icon Woodrow Wilson, taken to the next level by FDR, fine-tuned by LBJ and then rapidly accelerated by Barry “Almighty.”  So what is a dream for ‘progressives’, will most assuredly turn out to be a nightmare for the rest of us.

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