Sunday, May 3, 2015


During large rally, just yesterday, there in front of Baltimore’s City Hall, it was some imbecile introduced as “Brother Rose,” who, in a winding and sometimes rather incoherent speech, reminiscent of what we heard from Michael Brown’s stepdad in reference to Ferguson, Missouri, praised the burning of a CVS store at the corner of Pennsylvania and North Avenues. “America didn’t care until we started affecting things they profit from… What we saying, ‘Let’s get you out of our communities.’”

This moron went on to say, “Without us running (unintelligible) Mondawmin Mall [the site of mass looting on Monday], taking back from the stores that have taken our dollars for how long, and not giving back to the community in any type of way. We made a statement. The world heard us then. They heard that the youth of Baltimore are going to get justice by any means necessary.”  Now don’t you have wonder, at least a little bit, about the intelligence, or lack of, of such an individual?

But this boob didn’t stop there, because he also advocated shutting down restaurants and businesses that were protecting their investments. “If they protected themselves against you, protect yourselves against them. Don’t spend your money there. Don’t give them no reason to be in your neighborhood. Kick them out.”  Now, it was unclear how his grand plan would allow neighborhood residents to get desperately needed goods and services, but I can only assume he must not see that as being a problem.

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