Saturday, April 21, 2018


We can add yet another voice to the chorus of Democrats who have now made it all too clear what their intent it should the American people be foolish enough to hand Democrats control of Congress come this November’s midterm elections.  This time around it was none other than Bernie Sander who declared in a New York Times interview on Friday that President Trump’s agenda will be “dead” if the Democrats are able to win the majority in the House or Senate in 2018.

Sanders told the times, “If Democrats control either the House or the Senate, Trump’s agenda is dead.”  Sanders also aimed criticism at Democrat Party fundraising organizations, such as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), for not supporting progressive grassroots candidates.  Bernie went on to say, “The establishment Democrats are still, I think, looking toward candidates who can self-fund.”  On that point I think I disagree with Bernie.   

Sanders gained a foothold in the 2016 Democrat primary against Hitlery by raising money for his presidential campaign mainly through small-dollar donations. The failed 2016 presidential candidate said progressive candidates on the left are more electable than conservative Democrats, adding that Americans are catching on to ideas such as universal health care.  Conservative Democrats?  That, my friends, is a breed of political animal that very long ago went extinct.

If the Democrats are successful in their effort to take control of our government it surely will signal the end of America. The Democrats will negate all of the good work that President Trump has done thus far and they will tear our Constitution to shreds. They will start with an attempt to impeach the president, move on to reversing the recent tax cuts and gutting, to the greatest extent possible, our Second Amendment, and placing all manner of limits on the First Amendment.

Once again freedom loving Americans have become this nation’s first line of defense against tyranny from within.  It's time for patriots to again man up for the sake of the country.  Sanders, for once, is right.  Democrats can not, they MUST not, be permitted to take control of Congress.  Because if they do all that President Trump has been able to thus far achieve, in spite of opposition from the Democrats, the RINOs and the state-controlled media, will be in peril.

Democrats tell us that tax cuts are bad, the fact that unemployment down is bad, more minorities able to find a job is bad, higher wages are bad, miners going back to work is bad, rising consumer confidence is bad, in short anything that can now be said to be better because of President TRUMP is bad.  Meanwhile open borders is good, illegal immigrants being able to vote is good, illegal immigrant are the best folks this country has and, of course, paying higher taxes ALWAYs good.

The goal for conservatives in this November’s election has got to be on getting President Trump MORE help.  Democrats and RINOs MUST go, for they are the impediments in making America great again.  The American people know why they elected President Trump.  And the decision for them this time around, is do they vote for those who will work to advance the Trump agenda or for more of those who will, as Bernie has promised, work to kill it.  The choice is very clear.

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