Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Juan Williams is another one of those guys, much like Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo, who every time I see on television I can’t help but wonder why?  After all, here’s a guy who quite literally does nothing but spew what are the accepted-as-fact Democrat talking points.  I would love the opportunity to ask him if he genuinely believes the shit that comes out of his mouth.   He’s the primary reason I never watch that stupid little show on Fox News, ‘The Five.’  He’s actually billed as being one of the co-hosts of this bizarre little menagerie, at least half of whom are ‘NeverTrumpers.’  

Anyway, it was on this past Monday’s telecast that this genius, Williams, inquired about why it might be that fellow Fox News host Sean Hannity didn’t disclose his relationship with Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.  As with most of those of his particular political persuasion, there must always be something nefarious afoot.  Yet this is the very same boob who NEVER saw anything the least bit questionable when it came to the many shady associations of Barry ‘O’.  Williams is simply doing what those on the left always do, accuse others of doing what they themselves do and then whine.  

Williams said, “[T]he question for me is why Sean didn’t disclose this earlier. Because, in the previous — Sean says there’s no third parties, obviously referring to the idea that Cohen was setting up payments to women for Trump and for Elliot Brody, the guy who’s the RNC donor. And we just — I don’t think there’s any evidence of anything like that with Sean Hannity. But, why, when Sean was on the air, strongly an advocate for President Trump, not saying, ‘Hey, I’ve got a relationship with the lawyer,’ I think that’s a question –.”  A question for whom, exactly?

It's pretty obvious that Williams long ago lost all ability to think for himself.  The man hasn’t come up with an original thought in years.  He’s a robot who does little more than spout the talking points that have been provided to him by his kooky leftwing friends.  I wonder, does Williams have any issue with George ‘Stephy’ Stephanopoulos who routinely identifies himself as being a ‘journalist’ but rarely ever mentions that he was one of the primary stooges of ‘Slick Willy’s’ presidency, and is a big supporter of Hitlery.  Likely not, since both Stephy and Williams are birds of a political feather. 

Or are we to assume that Williams is perhaps only play-acting, pretending to take the opposing position, and going all out to sound like a moron in an attempt to mock those on the left.  No, I’m thinking there is nothing fraudulent about Williams appearing to be a moron.  On those few occasions when I have watched him, it oftentimes becomes rather painful to watch as he tries very hard to make his idiotic point sound rational.  Even NPR got tired of him.  He should thank God every day that Fox puts up with his limited brain and unlimited spewing of Democrat gibberish.

And are we also supposed to believe that Williams has never had any conversations, no matter how innocent they may have been, with anyone at the senior levels of his beloved Democrat Party?  Conversations that would likely reveal that he’s really nothing but a political hack and conversations that I’m sure he would much prefer to keep just between him and the ‘party.’  But let’s face it, few in today's ‘fake news’ media have virtually no ties to someone within the Democrat Party.  Williams is but another example of how ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ has become so prevalent. 

And finally, anyone who has spent any amount of time watching, or listening to, Sean Hannity is able to recognize the fact that he is not a ‘reporter’ and has NEVER claimed to be either a ‘reporter’ or a ‘journalist.’  Everyone knows that he likes President Trump, just as everyone knows that Williams absolutely LOVED Barry ’O’ and was pretty partial to Hitlery.  Hell, he made enough excuses for their pathetically corrupt behavior.  Hannity’s show, whether we’re talking radio or television, is an opinion show, plain and simple.  Williams needs to get his head outta his ass.

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