Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Let’s face it, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the strange little habit that the Democrat Party has for choosing perverts as candidates for higher office.  And just as difficult to ignore is ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden’s rather bizarre penchant for little girls or his equally bizarre, and even creepier, habit of skinny-dipping in front of female Secret Service agents.  Yet, apparently, there are many within his Democrat Party who are now of the opinion that this disgusting old pervert is the ideal candidate to represent the party against President Donald Trump in 2020.

And so now once again we have ex-vice president, and many-time candidate for president, ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden teasing yet another run for the White House, this time telling reporters that he will have a decision regarding 2020 by the end of the year.  And in what I can only assume is something being used a test run, of sorts, for what would be his third ‘official’ run for the White House, on top of the many times he “explored” the idea, ‘Creepy Joe’ has embarked on a growing list of appearances as he stumps for Democrat candidates in the 2018 midterms.

‘Creepy Joe’ recently told those in the media who care about such things, that he would not make any decision about throwing his very well-worn hat into the ring for the Democrat nomination in 2020 until after the 2018 elections are over.  But he has not ruled out another try for the White House.  ‘Creepy Joe’ ran what many have referred to as a disastrous campaign back in 1988 when he was derailed and bowed out early after confronting a series of plagiarism charges, not only in his campaign speeches but also in papers written when he was in law school.

Realistically, ‘Creepy Joe’ has floated himself as a candidate for president, or actually started a campaign, in nearly every presidential election since 1988.  He launched a second serious bid in 2008, facing down then-Sen. Barry ‘O’, but bowed out early again when he was not able to win enough primary voters to knock Barry out of the race. ‘Creepy Joe’ garnered only one percent in the Iowa caucuses in 2008, and in all his attempts to run for the White House, he has never come close to winning the Democrat primaries.  He must think that now is his time.

If he were to be elected in 2020, he would be 78 years old and would be the oldest president on inauguration day in U.S. history.  ‘Creepy Joe’s’ possible candidacy comes on the heels of evidence that he and his son, Hunter Biden, struck a billion-dollar deal with the Chinese government in an arrangement author Peter Schweizer calls a corrupt attempt at influence peddling.  So besides being quite the pervert, ‘Creepy Joe’ has a pretty corrupt side too, in trying to use his position to enrich him and others in his family.  Ah, the PERFECT Democrat candidate!

Actually I’m thinking that ‘Creepy’ just likes the attention, I doubt he’d go through with it.  He reminds me of how Mario Cuomo used to act in the late eighties.  Larry King had a show on CNN then, and would slobber over Cuomo, to convince him to run.  But in the end he never would.  Can't wait to see the primaries as ‘Creepy Joe’ faces off against Harris, Booker, Warren, Gillibrand, Waters, and Hitlery.  Each will lean the ship further to the portside until the vessel capsizes with all aboard.  Then Sanders enters the race with a rowboat and a yellow, rubber-ducky life vest.

I remember ‘Creepy Joe’ a dozen years ago sitting on the Senate Judiciary Committee going on one of his longwinded rambles questioning the fitness of Samuel Alito to be on the Supreme Court.  It was a tossup who was the worst on that committee, ‘Creepy Joe’, Ted ‘The Drunk’ Kennedy, or Patrick ‘Leaky’ Leahy.  He was an ass then, and over time he’s only managed to become a bigger ass.  He nothing more than a creature of ‘The Swamp’ that should have long ago been retired.  But the morons there in Delaware just kept sending him back to the Senate.

The Democrats don’t have anyone who’s even close to being a reputable candidate to run. After all, only a hardcore leftwing kook would run on that party’s platform, and if ‘Creepy Joe’ is the best they've got they’re not scraping the bottom of the barrel, they’ve gone through the bottom of it.  It’s difficult to imagine a Democrat candidate for president that anyone who is not a card-carrying left wing kook would respect enough to vote for.  They had Jim Webb, a decent enough guy, and state-controlled media made sure to marginalize him on Hitlery's behalf.

At this point, it's pick your flavor of commie. Their ideas didn't work, so America opted for know-how and Americans first, and elected Donald Trump. Moderate Democrats, if they have even an ounce of commonsense, will gravitate toward President Trump for economic opportunity and to avoid open borders.  What's left for the commies is violent revolution.  The Party that pushes minorities and women, all the while ascribing KKK-levels of white racism and male domination to the GOP, is likely to see two old white guys vying for its nomination.

And you know, if the Democrats actually do choose to go with ‘Creepy Joe’ as their man in 2020, it would speak volumes about exactly where the party is today, in that a nearly 80 year old pervert is the best individual they could come up, as a party, to run as their candidate for president.  Granted, most Democrats don’t really give a squat about who their candidate is, they’ll vote for whoever it is, regardless.  They’ve proven that more times than I care to count.  But for them to resort to a guy like this creep, would prove just how far gone they are as a party.

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