Thursday, June 14, 2018


Jeff Flake is another of those soon-to-be departing RINOs who just can’t bring himself to put on his big-boy pants and act like a man.  Instead he prefers to have what amounts to little more than a near endless temper tantrum that has now been going on since President Trump was elected.  And in a speech on the Senate floor this passed Wednesday, Flake again criticized President Trump's, this time focusing on the president’s actions through the past week, including his supposed “insults” lobbed at Canada and praise given to North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un.

Flake called the events of the past week “baffling” and mentioned “inexplicable attacks on our closest allies” and “appalling praise of perhaps the most brutal dictator on Earth.”  Flake said Trump's White House is embodying “upside-down values” and that Americans must not mistake “disruption for dynamism.”  He said that Trump showed “admiration for dictators and despots” like Kim and said that attacks on Canadian and European allies are “beneath the presidency.”  All this coming from a guy who has been an abject failure as a U.S. Senator.

Flake said, "[Such behavior] projects to the world not American values but some sort of creepy nihilism.”   And he echoed his mentor, and fellow RINO, John ‘The Maverick’ McCain, by saying a “bipartisan majority” of Americans stands with those allies.  Flake called for President Trump to utilize “constructive dialogue” and not “bellicose taunts or bombastic tweets” and said that there was a stark contrast between the way the president described Kim versus the comments that he made about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada.

Flake is retiring from the Senate this year but told NBC News last month that he has not ruled out challenging the president in 2020 on the Republican side.  However with his approval rating being the lowest of any sitting Senator, I wish him good luck in that endeavor.  An 18 percent job approval couldn’t get you elected dogcatcher, much less president.  Arizona must be so proud!  Flake embarrasses Arizona every time he opens his mouth.  He was one of the original NeverTrumpers.  This guy is a far left liberal merely pretending to be a conservative Republican.

The ONLY reason that Flake is retiring is because he knew that he had no chance of being able to win a primary in Arizona.  Flake should be used as our example in making crystal clear what we expect from those whom we chose to elect.  Either they ‘pull their own weight’ in this alliance to save our nation, or they too will be sent back into the political wilderness.  I think we can expect that there will be those who choose to get on-board, but there will be those, like Flake, who simply won't understand that we’re serious and will be made to disappear.

And Flake really has no one to blame but himself for the fact that he now finds himself on the outside gazing longingly in wishing he had some remote chance of remaining part of the club.  His time has come and gone, and instead of choosing to admit that he made some mistakes, most important of which the fact that he chose to turn his back on those who elected him, he spews what is essentially nothing more than hate and disparaging remarks toward those who disagree with him.  All he had to do was what the people sent him to Congress to do.  

And what is it about politicians when they refuse to understand that we really don't like, nor do we trust, politicians.  For the most part President Trump walks the walk and does what he says he’s going to do.  Granted he is unconventional, but he owes no favors in the political world.  And while he tends to say exactly what we feel, there are those time when he also goes off the rails and will say things that I don’t necessarily agree with.  But the bottom line is as long as his plans match mine I will support him.  What you do is more important than what you say.

And lastly, Flake is a flake. He is vocal now only because he’s leaving office at the midterms because couldn’t win re-election.  All he had to do is what he said he would do if elected.  He said he would work to prevent Barry O’s attempts as socialism and instead, simply took a bunch of money from special interest groups, padded his bank account, and did nothing for Arizona or for the country.  He is now being sent home. But I feel quite confident in saying that he will say or do all that he can to undermine President Trump until he is fully out the door, and likely even after.

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