Saturday, June 2, 2018


I’m sure we all remember how the election of Barry ‘O’ was touted as being the beginning of what was to be 40 years of solid Democrat rule, and how quickly, politically speaking, things turned out to be just the opposite from what so many in the party had predicted.  By the end of Barry’s reign the Republican Party would come to hold more Governors Mansions, more Statehouses, and more legislative seats than they had in over 100 years! Meanwhile, the Democrat Party was having trouble fundraising, and while the Democrats may own half of the nation’s votes, the vast majority of those voters live in a few dozen metropolitan areas along our coastlines.

And while this was indeed bad news for the Democrat Party, there were also signs pointing to further troubles looming for the party.  Now we have proof that the Democrat Party has lost its ever-loving mind and may now be on its way to becoming officially finished as a viable political party in these United States.  And just what is it that I use as proof to back up my rather bold claim?  Well, how about the fact that the Party just spent the last couple of weeks defending the most violent and dangerous street gang in the world today? Why would the Democrats spend so much time defending the murderous thugs of MS-13? For only one reason, politics.

President Trump, I think, has made it his personal mission to destroy MS-13 and he’s using every available resource at his disposal in order to do so.  He’s charged Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the DOJ, and Homeland Security to all focus their efforts on eliminating the gang as a threat in the United States (and wherever else we can hit them). And instead of joining with the President in the fight against MS-13, the Democrats have instead decided to treat them more like Saints.  The Democrats have humanized them, have coddled them, and have become the de facto party of MS-13, and all because they hate Donald Trump. It’s sheer madness.

Hopefully there are enough people paying attention to just how unraveled the Democrats have now become, as a party, and will decide to force them into regretting their rather insane decision to give aid and comfort to such an evil organization as MS-13.  But as we have seen in the past, and on more than a few occasions, those same American people are a rather fickle bunch, especially when it comes to voting.  To the point where you find yourself wondering just what it was they might have been thinking when they cast their vote.  So for that reason I am nowhere near ready to make the call that the Democrat Party is officially finished. 

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