Thursday, January 9, 2025


Cleary, that which could once, and fairly accurately so, be referred to as our ‘mainstream media’ has, over time, reduced itself to being nothing more than a joke, a mere caricature of its former self that can no longer be relied upon to provide us with an accurate account of daily events. Of course, one reason for that is because today we have very few actual ‘journalists.’ Sadly, it would seem that our bona fide ‘journalists’ have all gone the way of the dodo. Instead, what we seem to have today are nothing more than a bunch of posers, those who like to refer to themselves as ‘journalists’ but who merely spew talking points they read from a teleprompter.

And it was one of those posers, none other than Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo Rivera, who, during an appearance Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” said he would like to punch Stephen Miller, President Trump’s immigration policy adviser. So, it was once again that this weasel crawled out from under his rock and proceeded to do a little boasting about his virility. Rivers, another ardent defender of criminals who expresses sympathy for victims but says full steam ahead when it comes to allowing even more monsters into the country. Rivers is nothing more than another of those useless and clueless hacks who refuse to go away. Old Jerry has been a phony for most of his life.

And so it was during a supposed discussion on the subject of immigration that host Ari Melber said, “The Trump transition team wants to do what they call a D.C.-area showcase immigration raid in the first days. This would be a quote, ‘high-profile raid targeting undocumented immigrants in its initial days.'” He asked, “I’m curious what you think of this because I’ve covered this? I’ve had Stephen Miller on the show. I think we can stipulate that there are debates about immigration in this country and undocumented immigration has been rising. And there’s a question about how to deal with that in a holistic way that is humane, but protects national security."

Rivers responded in typical arrogant fashion saying, “You know, I’m an old man now. I’ve been a boxer all my life. I’ve given it up because of my frailty. But I would come back to punch Stephen Miller in the nose because he is the most hideous in terms of his policy. I don’t know the guy personally. In terms of his policy, he is absolutely draconian. He’s the definition of it. He doesn’t want to resolve the issue. He wants to scapegoat certain people that will in his mind it would resound favorably to President Trump.” Why is that liberals must always threaten violence? Raise your voice and they immediately have PTSD, but they sure like to talk about punching people.

Frankly it’s Jerry’s sophomoric comments that kinda remind me of Joey’s mind set. Jerry wants to punch people in the nose while old Joey wants to take them out behind the gym and beat them up. But which was it that was more awkward? Jerry’s juvenile macho threat, or Melber's wishy washy lead-in on immigration? Melber reluctantly appears to understand one of the two issues which put President Trump over the top on the popular vote. And if nothing else, it’s old Jerry who seems to have found a good fit there at MSDNC. After all, Rivers has a long history of confusing legal immigration with ILLEGAL immigration, along with any number of other issues.

Rivers is an insufferable jerk. He’s an old man and he’s been insufferable for as long as I can remember. And isn’t it amazing how liberals always want to hurt, hit, or kill those people who refuse to agree with their rather cockeyed way of looking at the world. Physical violence seems to come very easy to these people. they’re emotional nut bags. Rivers is a loser and has always been a loser. Notice how Jerry never shows any anger towards Mayorkas and his continuing policy of allowing murderers to cross our borders at will. It shows what he thinks of our country. Rivers, another vicious nasty trash talking, imbecilic, liberal who thinks his Democrats own America.

And you know, it’s a funny thing but I had no idea that it was considered Draconian to simply enforce the laws as written. These people are here illegally, and the law says they must be deported. And apparently Jerry is against deporting these illegal immigrant criminals. At least it’s good to know which side old Jerry is on and it’s not the side of law abiding legal/lawful U.S. citizens. The good thing is that these loudmouth losers like Rivers won’t live forever. The sun is finally setting on many of these people, they’re getting old and soon will be gone. And when they’re finally gone it will be cause for celebration because they won’t be here to spew their hate.

I’m sure others have also noticed how it is that whenever confronted with an issue for which he has no answers Rivers always resorts to anger and disparagement. The guy lost his relevance years, perhaps decades, ago. His argument simply doesn’t hold water. And while those like this boob Melber clearly don’t care, anyone with a brain isn’t going to be buying what old Jerry is working so hard to sell. And another thing, anyone who’s serious about wanting to address our ongoing immigration problem likely doesn’t watch MSDNC, therefore Jerry’s idiotic little rant about wanting to take on Mr. Miller was likely heard by a select few who still watch this useless network.

But, if nothing else, old Jerry certainly does make for some good entertainment. As for Mr. Miller, why not give him the same chance as that given to the outgoing guy who allowed them all in? What’s wrong with deporting all of those here illegally? After all, they broke into our house, why shouldn’t they be evicted? They don’t belong here!!! I don’t understand this resistance. Isn’t cutting ahead in line a no-no anymore? It’s because of those like Rivers that we have gotten to the point where there is really only one option left, the only one that makes any amount of sense. We need to round up those here illegally and move ‘em out, no explanation is necessary.

Democrats always turn to violence when the plan to save their party is threatened with the removal of those in this country illegally. Open borders has become the number one cause for Democrats. Nothing sets those people off more than someone talking about deporting illegal immigrants or cutting back on legal immigration. Why have Democrats embraced this cause? Well, for starters, their hope is that all of those here illegally can be made into a new voting bloc. But, as we witnessed by way of the November presidential election, most Americans don’t vote for those politicians who would rather represent those here illegally than the American people.

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