Thursday, January 23, 2025


Ya know, if the last 15 years, or so, have shown us anything it’s that the Democrats are nothing more than a party dedicated to the destruction of this country. There are, of course, a few stand outs in this merry band of malcontents but make no mistake it’s every single Democrat who is committed to bringing this country down. Democrats care about nothing more than the preservation of their party and the accumulation of political power. And, as we have seen on more than one occasion, there is nothing that Democrats will not say or do in their quest for power and to ensure their ability to maintain that power once achieved. Democrats are freedom’s greatest enemy.

And it would be one of those standouts previously mentioned that is none other than Adam Schiff. Yes, you would be hard-pressed to find a more unscrupulous piece of shit in all of the U.S. Congress than he who is the newly minted U.S. Senator representing the state of California. And it was during an appearance this past Wednesday on MSDNC’s “The Last Word” that Schiff rather boldly claimed that President Trump didn’t “give a rat’s ass about law enforcement.” Thus, we had yet another example of Schiff calling the pot black, but ignoring the stove. Schiff said, “These people he just pardoned were beating police officers within an inch of their life.” Which is a lie.

Anyway, this dolt went on to say, “They were bear-spraying them. They were gouging them. They were hitting them with baseball bats and hockey sticks. These are the people Donald Trump just pardoned. So, one thing is abundantly clear. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about law enforcement. That much is clear.” He continued, “But then finally, in giving these violent offenders these pardons, he is essentially telling people who would commit violence on his behalf that he has their back, that he will pardon them if they commit violence in the service of Donald Trump.” This guy is an entrenched swamp rat and a mouthpiece for his ‘New World Order’ puppet masters.

Schiff added, “You would be hard-pressed to find a country that has gone from a democracy to a dictatorship without finding this step of essentially pardoning people who commit violence on behalf of the would-be dictator. It doesn’t mean that we’re gonna become a dictatorship. But it does mean that we have taken one tragic step in that direction.” So says someone who had no issue with people in his own party calling for defunding the police. He discredits himself by his own actions and words. And his little rant to his butt buddy, Larry O’Donnell, was classic projection uttered by a sociopath. And O’Donnell simply sat there and nodded in agreement.

And after a while, you don’t blame the fool for running his mouth because he just can’t help it, but you do start to blame the people who continually give him a platform from which he is able to whine and those who buy into the whining. And is it really necessary to broadcast every inane statement made by Schiff? I mean, take away his pulpit and he becomes as irrelevant as his thoughts. Stop reporting his idiotic comments and he will then become one the numerous Senators who we rarely hear from. Clearly Schiff is one of the most prolific liars Washington has ever seen (and that’s saying something) and anyone would be a fool to trust anything he says.

So once again all we really have here is Schiff being provided with yet another opportunity to disperse another bit of Democrat projection. And it’s in Schiff that we have an individual who destroyed evidence that would have proven him to be a liar and yet was the recipient of a presidential pardon from Joey. So just who is it really that doesn’t “give a rat’s ass about law enforcement,” the rule of law or the Constitution? I don’t know about you, but the answer seems pretty obvious to me. And in so doing this stupid ass reminds all of us that he’s a traitor, an active participant on the January 6 Committee and is utterly contemptuous of America.

Democrats have always been rather selective when it comes to the laws they wish to see enforced. And everything Schiff is accusing President Trump of doing is exactly what the Democrats have been doing for at least the last 10 years. President Trump pardons 1500 railroaded protesters who went on an FBI guided tour of the Capitol and Joey pardons over 8000 criminals who committed major offenses, many of them violent, and sit on death row. So who hates law enforcement? And Schiff, a guy who manufactured evidence, has been shown to have leaked classified information to the ‘fake new’s media and was still granted a preemptive pardon from Joey.

Since prosecution requires evidence and the January 6 Committee destroyed their evidence, there is no basis for continued persecution of these political prisoners. Outside of a few planted agitators, the protesters were peaceful until they were unlawfully attacked without the requisite three warnings to disperse by the police. The vast majority of the people paroled committed no acts of violence, they just walked through open doors into the Capitol and then walked back out. Schiff is a huge piece of garbage who lied for years over his Russian Collusion ‘evidence’ that he never possessed. Democrat endorse breaking the law by coming into our country illegally.

And I find it funny how a traitor with a blanket pardon now finds it so easy to run his mouth. Schiff deludes himself into thinking that he’s somehow part of the solution to the problems our country faces. However, in reality, he’s a big part of the problem, as is every other Democrat. Every time he opens his mouth, he’s seeks to do nothing more than to pour gasoline on the fire. He’s nothing more than a rabid leftwing ideologue. He does nothing more than to spew his party’s latest talking points and rant about how dangerous President Trump is. Schiff is nothing more than your average crackpot tooting his tin whistle. It’s not music, it’s just noise.

So Schiff, who has been given a pardon for his many crimes, is upset that others have been given pardons after having been confined in the DC gulag for years for the crime of ‘trespassing’ at the Capitol. And by Schiff accepting a pardon isn’t that essentially an admission of guilt? Those who habitually vote for politicians like Schiff cause me to have zero sympathy for Californians whenever they are devastated by some catastrophe, which is usually of their own making. Such as the current batch wildfires. They put progressive politicians in charge and now they suffer the consequences of their choices. Like they say, you get what you vote for.

Democrats have squandered billions on radical un-American ideas without any taxpayer approval. They have contributed nothing to reduce the country’s debt except more tax and spend nonsense, they lack the ability to govern since their party has been taken over by radicals out to destroy America. President Trump has taken the initiative to reverse many of Joey’s ‘America Last’ policies and Democrats, like Schiff, are doing their best to obstruct President Trump’s forward progress. We must make Democrats understand they will be held responsible for the damage they have done to our economy and the billions wasted on illegals breaking our laws.

But look, this is what Democrats do. Accuse your political rivals of what they are doing. This confuses the low information voters. All they see is each party accusing one another of the same thing so they throw up their hands in disgust and confusion. Democrats are good at muddying the waters relying on their extensive propaganda machine to provide them cover, and to confuse and to lie to voters. All one has to do is to look at any of our big cities, or states, that are under Democrat control to recognize, and very quickly, just which party it is that actually cares about law enforcement and the rule of law. Yet Schiff wants us to believe it’s the Democrats.

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