Saturday, April 20, 2024


Let’s face it, there is not s bigger bunch of condescending assholes anywhere on the planet than those who refer to themselves, and very proudly so, as Democrats. They always view themselves as being the smartest people in the room and if you dare to disagree with their position on any issue, well then, you’re just flat out ignorant. But, instead, they’re nowhere near as smart as they think they are, and it’s their position on the truly important issues of the day that always, and I do mean always, are completely ludicrous and make zero sense, and is likely only beneficial to their party. But that never prevents them from attempting to force their position on others.

And we find these people not only in government, as some politician or faceless bureaucrat, but we find them absolutely everywhere, from the ‘fake news’ media to academia to big business to the entertainment industry, they are nothing less than a massive infestation. Democrats have always hated this country but in the past they were always a little less obvious about it because they knew, with few exceptions, that they would never be called out for it by the opposition. But then along came Donald Trump, a man who genuinely loves this country, and who wasn’t intimidated and was willing to point out their treachery and their hatred of this country.

Which brings me to MSDNC contributor Claire McCaskill. And it was on Friday during an appearance on “Morning Joe” that McCaskill claimed that President Trump does not know what the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) or the Affordable Care Act dubbed Obamacare were. Speaking of not knowing things, Claire doesn’t know what hypocrisy, self-awareness and reality are. She’s nothing more than another traitor to America! The problem with McCaskill, and so many others like her, is that they are ignorant but don’t know it! Their ignorance is monumental, but, since they have risen to the ‘top’ in their fields, so their ignorance is essentially ignored!

McCaskill said, “I don’t think people realize. We always talk about the intelligence community like it’s some kind of big group of folks somewhere. I think people think of spy movies and stuff. The vast majority of people on the intelligence committee are either veterans or active military. They are really hardworking, smart patriots that are trying to keep our country safe. It’s just bizarre to me that if you got Donald Trump right now and put a microphone in front of his face and tried to hold him to an answer on this, what is FISA, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t even know what it is. He has no idea.” They are just two examples of many, of massive government overreach.

She added, “Republicans used to go to the White House when I was in the Senate they’d come back and have a health care discussion. Republicans would say, he has no idea what Obamacare even is, what the Affordable Care Act even is. He’s just parroting this. Yes, we need to be careful about oversight in the intelligence community. You don’t want it to run amuck and violate Americans’ rights but the surest path to our country being under attack is to actually defang our intelligence community. That’s what Donald Trump is trying to do.” And so it is that once again this washed up, deranged irrelevant hack, is attempting to be seen as relevant.

Here we go again with yet another example of all that’s wrong with politics in America. Despite the fact that this political quack is no longer a member of Congress, there are still far too many like her who are. I’m sick of theses idiots speaking about what President Trump does or does not know, when they can’t even provide us with what it is that defines a woman. This kind of rubbish is becoming all too common and is only going to intensify as the election draws closer. Democrats are campaigning solely on abortion and lies. The never ending lies along with the continuing stupidity coming from individuals like McCaskill is becoming more than a little tiresome.

What President Trump does know is that both are blatantly unconstitutional. And what else is there to know? Any federal governmental power not included in the stated enumerated powers, is unconstitutional. And yet crooked Claire is at it again. Anybody who believes a word this ethically challenged woman utters is a complete moron. Have you ever noticed that whenever one of these Democrat politicians finds themselves on the receiving end of a political defeat they always blame ignorance on the part of the voters and never on themselves. Remember, it was Hitlery herself who once declared that the average Democrat voter is “just plain stupid."

And it’s common knowledge that Obamacare is nothing more than a massive boondoggle that only accomplishes one thing. It allows the left to claim they have increased the number of people with healthcare insurance. However, the coverage sucks, and the out-of-pocket costs are prohibitive for a large percentage of enrollees. The program is a huge money loser that has only survived courtesy of huge subsidies. And if you dare attempt to end this idiotic program, the left goes absolutely apoplectic. This is just a another scheme that Democrats had to pass in the dark of night and passed before it could be determined what was actually in it.

Sometimes I swear there must a competition when it comes to who it is that can spew the most outrageous statements. They just say the first thing that pops into their heads. Are there any sane Democrats left? Doubtful. Democrats are in a panic because they know their agenda to end this country may be hanging in the balance. If President Trump is successful in his quest to get re-elected, things go up in smoke at least for a while. We’ve already gotten to the point where they’re willing to say anything, they’re only going to be more unhinged over the course of the next six months. The American people must get into the habit of simply tuning them out.

And finally, McCaskill is making all manner of idiotic comments that have zero basis in any actual fact. Because what we are now witnessing in this country is a level of incompetence, and even of stupidity, exhibited by those who have been placed in positions of responsibility solely because of their politics, their skin color or because of their sexual persuasion. So we really shouldn’t be surprised by the level of chaos that has resulted because it is was the intended result. This is what happens when you have as your *president a man who was installed and not elected by the people. Yet those like McCaskill point their boney old fingers in the opposite direction.

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