Monday, April 22, 2024


It’s a shame, don’t you think, that we have those within the Republican Party who would much rather turn their backs on their constituents that to tell Democrats to go fuck themselves. And it is these RINOs, as they have come to be called, who have proven on more than one occasion shown a willingness to abandon the objectives of their own party to join with the Democrats in accomplishing their primary objective of destroying this country. And it is because of this willingness to unite with the enemy whenever needed that the focus must now be on purging as many of these RINOs as we can and replacing them with bona fide ‘America First’ conservatives.

All which brings me to their most recent act of treachery, the handing over to Ukraine another $60 Billion. And it was during an appearance this past Sunday on ABC’s ‘This Week’ that Michael McCaul, RINO and Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, stated that House Speaker Mike Johnson was a “profile in courage” for bringing foreign aid bills to the House floor. So, Judas Johnson is a hero for selling out his country and sending more of our limited treasure to the other side of the world to be wasted! One traitor applauding another! How much did they get for selling out the country? McCaul and Johnson should not, must not, be reelected in November.

Host Jonathan Karl asked, “On all of these bills, why did it have to be so difficult? Why did it take months to happen?” McCaul said, “Well, I think, you know, the motion to vacate McCarthy, which is a rarely used tool, only twice in the history of Congress, right? And the threat of the motion to vacate kept this from coming to the floor in a timely basis. I have to say, watching your piece, I am so proud of the Speaker Mike Johnson. He went through a transformation. At the end of the day, the profile in courage is putting the nation above yourself, and that’s what he did. He said at the end of the day, I’m going to be on the right side of history irrespective of my job."

RINO McCaul added, “I think that was what I admired so much.” Karl said, “He was the one guy that could either make it happen or not happen. Is his job now in jeopardy?” McCaul said, “I tell you what, he’s got any support.” He added, “I think the stock in Mike Johnson’s stock has gone way up. I think the respect for him has gone way up because he did the right thing irrespective of his job. That garnered a lot of respect, and also from the Democrat side.” Respect? Seriously? Respect for what, exactly? For violating House rules, unnecessarily relinquishing control to the Democrats, and going against the will of his constituents? What good is this guy?

RINOs Johnson and McCaul are nothing more than profiles in treason! And I wonder, does McCaul have a challenger in the Texas primary next month? I would hope so, but even if so, the problem we have is that, at a minimum, it is at least a third of our Republicans in Congress that are of the RINO persuasion and in need of being primaried. These RINO creeps are completely insufferable. They seem to have no problem when it comes to agreeing with Democrats over leaving the border wide open, allowing rampant violent crime to go unchecked, and making up crimes to destroy their enemies. And yet it’s important that Democrats respect Johnson.

The more I find out about this guy, Johnson, the more I have no doubt that he knew exactly what he was doing here. The left loves him, a Republican Speaker who gave their election effort a billion dollars, all while shafting the rest of America. The country is a mess with record high inflation, wide open borders, gas prices, politically motivated lawfare, antisemitism, grocery store prices are insane, interest rates out of control, DEI another term for discrimination, education in a free fall, a military whose focus is no longer the defense of the homeland but is used as some sort Petri Dish the sole purpose of which is to conduct all manner of social experimentation.

You are either for border control, or you are not. You are either for unlimited funding of a war against Russia on their own border, or you are not. You either agree with bringing into the country millions of poorly vetted/completely unvetted illegals with the U.S. government partnering with the Mexican cartels, or you don’t. Clearly the RINOs do and, thanks to Johnson, got exactly what they wanted. Washington is all about Washington. Those in government stopped representing the American people long ago. And then they wonder why we question Johnson’s lies or the way that these RINOs look at the world or the way that they continue to mischaracterize MAGA?

The more I hear from this guy Johnson, the more he sounds like a Democrat. And this guy McCaul should be considered as nothing more than an embarrassment by the folks back home. These RINOs always rush in to defend one another. Johnson voted to financially starve Americans while sending their tax dollars to Ukraine and fund the forever wars. He supports driving the country into debt and fueling inflation while ignoring the problems of this country. How is being a traitor brave? How is abusing the voters trust, brave? No one here cares about Ukraine. We care about the southern border invasion, our country being looted by illegals and skyrocketing crime.

RINOs are really no different than the ‘progressive’ Democrats who run their districts into the ground and then blame the people on the other side for the failing results, decade after decade. Americans are being fleeced, and it’s big business to keep fleecing the suckers that can’t see beyond the propaganda. Johnson and the politicians that support this useless and unwinnable war in Ukraine are oblivious as to what Americans want. Americans are hurting and we are being invaded and these traitors are worried about Ukraine. How fucking dare they? They make me sick! They ALL need to go!!! It has to be ‘America First,’ or this country is over!!!

Respect for Johnson may have gone way up in the sewer that is Washington DC, but real Americans despise him and would love nothing better than to see him run out of town on a rail wearing tar and feathers. He simply gave in to the Democrats when the majority of his party was against him, he went rogue and now thinks himself a hero. If Democrats are cheering for you, then you know you’re on the wrong side. You just generalize and say it was all good for the country and the best that could be done. So now, I guess, we’ll get to see how much respect he has remaining from his Louisiana voters in his next election. Hopefully not very much, but you never know.

We’re in such deep shit, my friends. We’ve been put into the position of not only have to fight the Democrats, but also of having to fight those traitors within our own party who pose a far greater threat. Bad is outrunning good more by the day. Pretty soon there will be nothing left that is good. When the Democrats protect our Republican Speaker, you know something bad is afoot, something very bad. Personally, I’ve lost all respect for him. He promised one thing and didn’t deliver. We should not be sending anymore of our hard-earned tax dollars to Ukraine. That is their war, not ours. Johnson has removed all doubt that he is nothing but another Boehner or Ryan.

Finally, with ‘leaders’ like Johnson is there any wonder why the Democrats always get their way and are able to pillage America at will without ever having to face a single consequence. Why doesn’t Johnson use this much enthusiasm to secure the American borders. And it’s Republicans, these RINOs like McCaul and his ilk, that are traitors to both their party and to their country. The downfall of this country is being brought on by the very people who were elected to secure the safety of our nation. They want patriots to be considered as the enemies, people who love their country, their families and their God. The American people must act to get rid of these traitors.

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