Thursday, January 4, 2024


So in what continues to be his never ending quest to do damage to President Trump, just how low is it that Chris Christie is willing to go? How willing is to debase himself, and to publicly embarrass himself all in the name of getting Trump? And apparently all for naught, which when you think about it is kinda funny. All he has done is to validate the reason why, in his supposed quest to become the next president, he has only been able to garner for himself support from no more than two or three percent of the electorate. The vast majority of Republicans have long recognized what his ‘campaign’ is really about. Simply as a way for him to attack President Trump.

Now think about it, when you’re a Republican who’s supposed to be running for president and somehow feel the need to appear on ‘The View,’ might that be an indication that perhaps your campaign has really been a fraud all along. And just how is it that anyone is now supposed to take your candidacy seriously? After all, what Republican would ever choose to belittle himself, or herself, by appearing with the hogs of ‘The View.’ Just who is it that they might be trying to appeal to? How many conservative women would choose to waste a second of their life watching a TV show that has absolutely zero redeeming qualities, none! Zip, Zero, Zilch, Nadda!!!

You see, it was this past Wednesday, that Christie again took his ‘I hate Trump’ show on the road, this time stopping to pay a visit to the hogs of ABC’s “The View.” And it was during this particular appearance that ‘The Fat Man’ actually made another of his rather ridiculous argumenta against President Trump when he claimed the Confederate President Jefferson Davis “had some class” because he didn’t attempt to run for office again, unlike President Trump. Now I am nowhere near enough of a political expert to understand just what point it is that Christie might have been trying to make here with his trying to connect President Trump to Davis.

Now it’s a partial transcript of this rather bizarre exchange that follows:

Caryn Johnson: I mean, you’ve seen what the lengths that the people have gone through to make sure his feet don’t touch the ground. Do you think that letting him get away with being an insurrectionist is the right way for us to let the country know how we — what are going to do it next time we get another one?

Christie: I think they should try him and convict him in Washington, D.C. and send him to jail for it. And I think that’s the way to do it.

Sunny Hostin: Jefferson Davis wasn’t convicted.

Johnson: Did he break the law, though? Did he do what he, what he’s been accused?

Christie: I think he’s going to be convicted of it.

Johnson: No, no, that’s not what, that’s not my question.

Hostin: She’s talking about the 14th, section 3 of the 14th Amendment —

Christie: I know what she’s talking about.

Hostin: Jefferson Davis wasn’t convicted.

Christie: I understand but Jefferson Da —

Hostin: He wasn’t allowed to hold office again.

Christie: But he never tried to again. OK. So we never tested that, Sunny, right? It was never tested.

Hostin: There was precedent.

Christie: It was never tested because Jefferson Davis, if I you imagine saying this, the president of the Confederacy had some class. And decided never to run for office in the United States again.

Alyssa Farah Griffin: At least more than Trump!

Christie: That’s the point, right? Well, this has never been tested —

Hostin: The point is the Constitution, and there is a Constitution and there’s precedent. He needs to be taken out by the Constitution!

Christie: I understand. I understand that —

Hostin: The law applies to him like it applies to every single person.

Christie: It absolutely should. But the question I was asked was why I said what I said. And I, and I’m trying to be practical about this, Sunny. If, in fact, we take him off the ballot and he doesn’t have a chance to run, I think it’s going to cause conflict in this country well beyond what we have now.

For Christie apparently any publicity is better than no publicity, when you’re trying to make a name for yourself. The most important thing is to just get your name out there! But keep in mind that the Democrats are the enemy. They are on the other side and the battle lines have been clearly drawn. We know them, and they know us. The fight for the Republic is only beginning. We are fewer in number, and they control most of the positions of power and influence. Worse than this are these quisling RINOs like Christie, Romney, Ryan and the like. They are the enemy within. They sow discord and division in our ranks and weaken us before the enemy. We all must shun them.

From day one Christie’s entire ‘campaign’ has been about nothing more that trashing President Trump on whatever leftwing television show that would have him. And instead of campaigning for president, Christie has instead merely been auditioning for a gig on CNN or MSDNC so he could then be in the position of being able to complain about President Trump for the next four years. Look, it’s a sinch that his political ‘career’ is pretty much over, I doubt even the Democrats would have him at this point. And I have no doubt that Christie will remain in the race as long as the Trump haters continue to fund his “campaign” and put money in his pocket.

Christie is so in tune with the Democrats, he should simply start putting a ‘D’ after his name. Christie, as governor of New Jersey, presided over increases in taxes, tolls, fees, regulations, business losses, the flight of taxpaying citizens from his state, corruption, and Christie grew the state's government. Christie wants you to believe he’s a conservative, but he’s not even a Republican. Christie, for all intents and purposes, is a Democrat. For those few people who may still be considering Christie as a viable option, please, look more deeply into his two dismal terms as New Jersey’s governor before you decide to do something you may end up regretting. Just sayin’!

Christie is the very definition of a RINO: he would rather let an exceptionally horrible Democrat win than vote for a “controversial” Republican, and he gives stupid mealymouthed excuses for taking that stance. This is an illustration of why the Republican Party is not our opposition party versus the Democrats, we have far too many in the party who share Christie’s views on the truly important issues. They refuse to engage on the real issues, as they are just as statist as the Democrats. They’re all one club of elites, and the RINO contingent of the Republican Party have their particular function in the grand scheme, which is generally abjectly losing!

Those in the ‘fake news’ media love Christie because they can claim they have a ‘balanced’ conversation with a ‘Republican’ on their panel. It’s the very same love-fest treatment they gave McCain, and continue to give to Romney, Cheney and any other RINO willing to throw stones at President Trump. By continuing to attack President Trump instead of those most responsible for the misery being experienced by a majority of the American people, what these RINOs are saying is that their own personal issues with President Trump are larger and far more important than is the survival of our country. And that alone makes none of them fit to be President.

And finally, I think that it’s at this point that we can safely declare that the political dynamic is no longer one of purely Democrat versus Republican. It’s ‘The Establishment,’ aka ‘the swamp,’ versus the outsiders, aka the ones who want to clean up the entrenched insider system. Those in the Republican establishment aided the Democrats in undermining President Trump for the entire four years he was in office. And people like Christie are more than happy to suck up to the ‘fake news’ media to ensure their place in the swamp. And if he has his way he will continue to say whatever it is he feels he must to keep his bogus charges front and center.

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