Wednesday, January 24, 2024


So why is it, do you suppose, that it’s always those who reside on the left end of our political spectrum who seem to be so convinced that those with whom they disagree with politically somehow have it within themselves to knowingly vote for a politician who seeks nothing more than to become a dictator. Oddly enough it’s those on the left who have shown, repeatedly, that they are the ones who seem to have no qualms when it comes to doing just that. And it matters not in the least to them that those for whom they vote have demonstrated, and on numerous occasions, a willingness, even an eagerness, to place strict limitations on our freedoms.

Which brings me to MSDNC anchor Rachel Maddow. You see, it was this past Monday during her quirky little show, “The Rachel Maddow Show” that that she claimed the Republican base was “enthused” about making President Trump a dictator. Maddow said, “On the Viktor Orbán thing, I think there is a very simple reason that Donald Trump is making that closing argument, in what could be the last contested primary. That is really what he is offering. This is a special sauce. Donald Trump is not leading the Republican Party field of candidates because of his youthful vigor or because of his policy preference, or because of his eloquence. This is what he is offering."

She went on to say, “If you pick me, that’ll be the end of politics, and you won’t have to deal with politics anymore. You won’t have to deal with contested elections, you won’t have to deal with contests or divisions when it comes to power, you’ll have a strongman leader and I’ll just do what I want. And won’t that be a lot simpler? That’s what he’s offering. That strongman model is what the Republican base is enthused about.” Meanwhile, back in the real world, contrary to her idiotic claims it’s ‘Pedo Joe’ who blatantly ignores the Constitution and has been, for the last three years, busily doing all that he can, as fast as he can, to destroy this country.

Maddow added, “That is something that sets him apart from every other Republican candidate. I think we are naive to thing he is tricking people into picking him and then surprise he will act like a dictator. What he is offering is strongman leadership, the end of politics, the end of elections, the sidelining or the domesticating of the Judiciary and Congress. He will be the man in charge and he will get it done. That’s what he is selling. That is what they are very eager to buy.” So I’m confused, it’s not like Donald Trump hasn’t already been elected President and he certainly didn’t become a dictator then, and yet Maddow wants to believe that this time he will?

And so it is once again that we hear more delusional nonsense from an even more delusional member of our ‘fake news’ media circus. Donald Trump, the dictator that never dictated anything. Meanwhile, old ‘Pedo Joe’ is guilty of committing that which was perhaps the greatest infringement on the First Amendment in our history. Democrats always accuse everyone else of wanting to do exactly what they are, in fact, already doing. In short, this is nothing but more of the same old Democrat drivel that we’ve become accustomed to hearing from the likes of Maddow for decades. And trust me when I say it’s only going to get worse between now and November.

And I must say that I find it truly amazing that these loony Democrats insist upon calling President Trump a dictator and claiming that his millions of supporters would be very happy with that scenario. And it’s so amazing because it’s just the opposite that is so obviously true. Because it’s the Democrats who to try to shut down opposition speech, who imprison opponents without due process, who force people with religion to accept their twisted morals and warped values. Democrats are the real danger to this country. And are they so stupid that they will believe whatever they are told or merely hypocrites who are able to live with that.

The entire concept of ‘crying wolf’ seems to be lost on these kooky leftists. They keep wondering why all of their shouting actually makes more people oppose them, than makes them want to join their cause. How sad is it when Democrats can so hate a man who proved that he could do such good things for the country when last he was in the White House. Democrats have run this country in the ground. They’re losing and they know it, so they’re merely lashing out. Everything Maddow, and her ‘fake news’ media cohorts, say in their attempt to diminish President Trump backfires diminishes both her and those in what was once referred to as being our “mainstream media."

What are these braying imbeciles even talking about? It’s the Democrats that have banned, taxed, regulated, and litigated the public into a corner, proving themselves to be the worst sort of tyrants. Democrats don’t adhere to our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, or our existing laws. President Trump is about as far removed from wanting to becoming a dictator and anyone can be. But ‘Pedo Joe’ would like nothing more. All this is, is yet another attempt on the part of Democrats once again trying to use fear as a motivator since they really have nothing else on which to run. Then along comes someone who can’t be bullied, and they end up screaming, “he’s a dictator!"

Clearly Maddow is delusional, which I really don’t mind, everyone needs a hobby, I guess. But what I do mind is that she gets to spew the lies she does about the best President in my lifetime, while at the same time she’s very happy to back ‘Pedo Joe.’ Maddow and the other party operatives there at MSDNC can demonize the Republican base all they want, but it’s backfiring on them. People can see for themselves how much better the country was under President Trump and how badly the country is doing under Joey. The Republican base loves President Trump because he’s a strong, smart, hardworking and competent leader, and a man who actually loves America.

Meanwhile, Joey is a weak, feeble, pathetic, corrupt, dishonest, incompetent, lazy, stumbling, bumbling, gaffe-prone dementia patient who does not know where he is half the time and is on vacation the other half. He only wants to enrich himself and his corrupt family while he’s busy destroying our country in the process. Those in the Republican base want a better life for themselves and for their families, which is why they prefer President Trump over someone like Joey. It has absolutely nothing to do with wanting to make President Trump into some sort of a dictator, as Maddow so foolishly claims. Maddow is just another useful idiot pushing Democrat propaganda.

Yes, the Democrat Party is a ‘big tent’ of a political party. And it’s that tent that is chock full of grifters, people who have spent their entire lives pretending, because most of them have some life-dominating character flaw. The Democrat Party promises to take them as they are, flaws and all, and to get someone else to pay for it. In return it only demands complete loyalty from its dependents, no matter what. A person without principles, who cannot afford deep set principles because of that life-dominating character flaw, will fall for anything, and their own ease of lying enables them to preach a lie as if they believe it. They’re just that shallow and cynical.

So once again that all we really have here is yet another attempt by those on the left to project onto President Trump that which the Democrats desire to do. It’s the Democrats who desire a one-party police state and are busily working to achieve that goal as rapidly as possible, fearful that they may be running out of time. Since the left knows that is a position that is reviled by the majority of those living in this country, they must attempt to convince as many people as possible that it’s actually their opponents who are guilty, when in fact it’s really them. Everyone knows the left are authoritarians, they don’t even really try to hide it anymore.

Remember how during the ‘Obama regime’ these same bobbleheads were literally breathless about every overstep and abuse of power, how they were downright giddy about giving ultimate unlimited authority to one person. The Republican base isn’t “enthused” about making President Trump a dictator, they’re enthused at the prospect that when he gets back inside the White House, they may finally see the swamp drained of the corruption, the bought-and-paid-for judiciary and the end of “bring down America” brigade. And they’re especially enthused at what’s going to happen to shitheads like her, who do nothing more than to lie for a living.

Finally, I love how the Democrats, in what has been their ongoing effort to ‘get Trump,’ continue to marry themselves to losing strategies like referring to President Trump as someone who seeks to make himself a “dictator” who will “end democracy and freedom in America.” Even the dumbest among us know that these Democrats are simply talking out of their collective ass. Nope, President Trump will only be dictator for one day, reversing our current backward energy and insane border policies that our current dictator put into place on his very first day in power. We have been living under a lawless dictator for over three years, enough is enough. We must act!!!

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