Thursday, January 11, 2024


As I am sure I have mentioned this before on what has been numerous occasions, one of President Trumps’s greatest accomplishments was to force many of those within the Republicans Party, long suspected of working for the other side from their warm comfy spot there in the shadows, out into the full light of day. And it is many of those very same jackals that have since become very vocal when it comes to their traitorous attacks on President Trump, especially when it comes to his ongoing quest for re-election. They are now more determined than ever to ensure that he fails.

Of course, chief among those jackals is none other than Liz Cheney. And it was this past Wednesday that Cheney again crawled out from under her rock, choosing yet another friendly venue, this time ABC’s The View,” to make the announcement that she would never vote for President Trump, but who is it that couldn’t have seen that coming.  Cheney also announced that we should not rule out that she might even be casting her vote for incumbent *president ‘Pedo Joe.’ But that too likely didn’t come as being much of a shock to anyone who’s the least bit familiar with this bitch.

Cheney said, “I think that the Republican party itself is clearly so caught up in this cult of personality that it’s very hard to imagine that the party can survive. I think increasingly it’s clear that once we get through 2024, we’re going to have to have something else, something new. I believe the country has to have a party that’s based on conservative principles and values — where we can engage with the Democrats on substance and on policy.” And she went on to add, “I think post-2024 election, we’re going to see just a huge tectonic shift in our politics."

Co-host Joy Behar said, “If it came down to Biden v. Trump, would you vote for Biden?” Cheney said, “I’m not going to endorse anybody today. And I think that, again, we don’t know exactly what the choice will be. I’d say that I will never vote for Donald Trump. There are some conservatives who are trying to make this claim that somehow Biden is a bigger risk than Trump. My view is, I disagree with a lot of Joe Biden’s policies. We can survive bad policies. We cannot survive torching the Constitution.” Pretty much sums up everything that I’ve thought for a long time.

But Cheney needs to understand that no one really gives a flying fuck what she thinks. Especially when blathering to the skanks of ‘The View.’  How sad that she seems  unashamed about her historic removal from Congress and keeps getting time to spew her hatred and division, for the Democrats. Her statement about voting for the Democrat, Joey if he makes it, was inevitable. No way Haley gets the nomination and Christie has fallen by the wayside and will likely also to vote for ‘Pedo Joe.’ And she has expressed her dislike of DeSantis saying that he’s worse than President Trump.

Yes, my friends, the TDS is clearly strong in this one. How can anyone in their right mind not vote for President Trump? I mean, look at all he accomplished during his first term in office. All the winning. The low taxes, no wars, exposing the swamp, a secure border and the list goes on and on. Cheney sounds like your average Democrat. Just another lefty. She has become one of them. Hateful, spiteful, no emotions, just venom coming out. She needs to be true to herself and be honest with the rest of us. She clearly supports the agenda the purpose of which is the end of America.

I know this it is likely a bit too much for her feeble pea sized brain, but one doesn’t have to vote FOR ‘Pedo Joe’ to avoid voting for President Trump. If you actually vote FOR ‘Pedo Joe,’ it means you prefer his policies over those of President Trump. You can hate President Trump all you want, but his policies support conservative positions on the issues FAR more than do ‘Pedo Joe’s policies. If that’s not the case, then you might be a RINO. Cheney has come completely unhinged, and continues to demonstrate that despite claiming to be a conservative for years, she is not.

She’s one of the more reliable scumbags that CNN and MSDNC can routinely trot out whenever they find themselves in need of a ‘Republican’ to accuse President Trump of some sort of wrongdoing or of being a threat to our supposed “democracy.” But unbeknownst to her, she’s no more relevant than any other has-been political hack. She’s a traitor to her own party and at this point might as well be a Democrat, but they too seem to have little use for her except to use her to bludgeon President Trump. Thus she remains a favorite of those in the ‘fake news’ media.

And at the end of the day does she really think that anyone cares who she supports? Her one vote in Wyoming has zero influence on anything. I think it’s fair to say that she’s been supporting old ‘Pedo Joe’ for some time now.  Personally, I hope she does come out for ‘Pedo Joe.’ It may convince whatever holdouts there may be that she cares very little about this country, especially when her ability to build her bank account is placed in jeopardy. This is neither exactly shocking or a hold the presses moment, I’ve always assumed that she would never vote for President Trump.

And that she can say that the Republican party is a cult destroys any credibility she might have once had. People who support President Trump have objective relevant facts for doing so. Facts like: less government, more liberty, appointed judges that follow the Constitution as written and his policies that promoted energy independence. It is not like the Democrat cult which is based on emotion, and rejection of reason, logic, and objective relevant facts. There can be no compromise with Democrats that seek to deprive American citizens of their inalienable rights.

As I said, the best thing that resulted from Donald Trump defeating Hitlery back in 2016 is the fact that he ‘outted’ so many of the secret agents of the establishment’s uni-party: Cheney, Bush, Romney, McCain, Pence and so many more. People such as these were the reason that Republicans could so routinely snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The uni-party plays us, pretending to be two parties so they can get their desired results regarding Healthcare, Immigration, Minimum Wage, etc. This why we have Socialism and a ruling-class promoted by Democrats and RINO politicians.

Cheney is a RINO and, as such, will support only Democrats and other RINOs. Ponder the bizarre nature of her statement at face value. Has she now officially lost sight of what this is truly all about. My advice to Cheney is to go ahead, support the guy that sold his influence and used the office as his own personal gain in order to make sure that he and his family became very, very wealthy. Why am I not surprised? It only makes sense that she would support the worst president in all of American history as she was one of the worst members of Congress in all of American history.

I don’t think Cheney understands the level of hatred she inspires. Her own State tossed her out of office. So she can vote, or not vote, for President Trump, it makes absolutely no difference, she certainly isn’t going to influence anybody one way or the other as far as I can see. She claims to be a Conservative Republican but her actions tell us something very different. Cheney was a willing accomplice to the Democrats assisting them any way she could to stymie President Trump. If it smells like a rat, has teeth like a rat, and crawls around like a rat, it’s a rat! Cheney is a rat.

Those on the left simply see Cheney as being nothing more than a weapon to be used against President Trump, as well as his millions of supporters, and she seems to be just fine with that. But if she were to run against, say, ‘Pedo Joe,’ those same folks on the left would suddenly remember just how much they hate her. And what’s so weird is the fact that none of these RINO traitors can name exactly what part of the Constitution it is that President Trump is supposed to have violated, yet millions of us have no trouble identifying which parts ‘Pedo Joe’ has chosen to violate.

This narcissist Cheney seems to crave attention so badly that she welcomes even negative attention. She seems to be more than just a little mentally unstable. You would think that some point, if she loves this country as much as she claims, Cheney would come to realize error of her ways and how she should have been supporting President Trump all along in order to advance the conservative agenda she claims to believe in. Those like her did nearly nothing to help President Trump in his first term. She, and people like her, are what we hate most about the old Republican Party.

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