Saturday, January 27, 2024


As we head further into what is sure to be a crazy election season, I don’t think anyone is really surprised to hear some of the garbage that is already being spewed by those on the other side in their attempt to convince Americans that it’s is only they, and not President Trump, who are able to feel their pain. Pain, THEY have created! And they are able to say such things with a straight face, and never once are they challenged when making any of their insane claims by those who claim to be serious ‘journalists.’ It’s just further proof that the supposed ‘news’ media in this country truly is dead and those involved in it are no longer worthy of being listened to.

And those that took the time to tune in saw that again, this past Thursday, when Howard ‘The Screamer’ Dean appeared on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” and made the claim that President Trump had “never given a damn about the United States of America.” And it was once again that a supposed ‘journalist’ chose to give another loudmouth leftist a pass and simply move on, nodding in agreement. But this is what now passes for ‘journalism’ in America today, to provide some lout, like Dean, a venue where said lout will be free to make all manner of accusations and without fear of being asked to provide any proof that would substantiate those same accusations.

Anyway, in getting back to this rather idiotic, and quite pointless exchange between two peas in the same pod, it was Cooper who got the ball rolling in the proper direction when he said, “The border issue as Mitt Romney pointed out today, the idea that the former president would you know, get senators, members of the House, but most importantly right now, members of the Senate, to basically back away from an actual border deal because he didn’t want to give any kind of perceived win to the White House while you know, during this election because he wants to run on the border, it’s not surprising I guess, but it’s, I mean, it’s deeply cynical."

Dean said, “Donald Trump has never given a damn about the United States of America. The only thing Donald Trump gives a damn about is Donald Trump and that is what’s going on here. The trouble is when he has the power to intimidate all those people in his own party who are being jerked around so fast they have no idea which way is up or down anymore, it hurts the country. We need strong Republican Party. Right now we don’t have any Republican Party. We have a guy who’s controlling them all because they’re so fearful they’re hiding under the bed.” Democrats, the mentally ill segment of society, make the most absurd statements. But that’s come to be expected!

Dean added, “The Republican Party cares much more about the Republican Party than they do about the United States of America. I think people are going to figure that out. I suspect Joe Biden is going to beat Donald Trump.” President Trump has proven his love for America and for her people. Because of him, and him alone we had a booming economy, with more Americans able to find a job than ever before. We had low inflation, a secure southern border and relative peace throughout the world. It’s Democrats such as Dean who will always accuse the other side of exactly what they themselves are actually doing. But will Americans buy that garbage yet again?

Once again his idiotic comments are far from being newsworthy. President Trump raised the standard of living, repatriated jobs, made American energy independent, protected the border and so much more. And yet Dean claims President Trump does not care about the American people. And it’s the people that are now defending Joey so tirelessly that tell us all we need to know about this administration. Know who won’t give a damn about America? The next Democrat President, no matter who it might be. This idiotic ‘border deal’ represents nothing more than the uniparty telling the American people to ‘change positions’ and get ready for more screwing.

Dean is nothing more than a has-been with a know nothing opinion, which is always quite comical to hear. And likely his scope of influence very likely extends no further than to his immediate family. And yet he’s provided a platform from which to spew his typical leftwing drivel without fear of having to justify any of his ridiculous claims. There’s never any request for proof, just the nodding in agreement like some weird bobblehead. I find it all rather astonishing how an election year always finds tiresome, butt-ugly, ranting has-beens coming out of the woodwork. Dean, Axelrod, Carville, Begala and many more comprise what is nothing more than a rogues’ gallery.

And so, after three long years of allowing what is nothing more than an invasion of this country to take place, that invasion is now somehow all the fault of the MAGA Republicans? Seriously??? During his first term in office President Trump made it very, VERY clear just how much he truly loves America and her people. And he has been made to endure much, from people just like this clown Dean, because of it. And yet he has stood strong, and I cannot think of a more blatant act of cowardice than to abandon him after he has been made to go through so much. Always remember, and never forget, President Trump IS our last line of defense if we wish to remain free.

And finally, this dweeb, Howard Dean, is just another angry loser liberal who has absolutely nothing of substance to contribute, and never really has. But then that’s why he likely appeals to so many of America’s bottom feeders. He’s living the dream of every low-intellect American. He has lots of money, and as a result, can do pretty much whatever he pleases, pretty much whenever he wishes. And he’s invited onto shows just as this to spew his bullshit to those imbeciles who choose to tune in. The truth of it is that it’s Dean, and those like him, that don’t give a damn about America. But on this day that simply was not a road that Cooper wanted to go down.

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