Tuesday, February 13, 2024


I think that by now, we’re all pretty much able to recognize the fact that Joey is becoming a little more detached from reality with each passing day. But we’ve been told not to worry because Kamala ‘Headboard’ Harris is ready to serve, standing at the ready, poised to assume control at a moment’s notice if the need should arise. Now I’m not sure about anyone else, but I gotta tell you that that doesn’t exactly give me a warm and fuzzy. And I have a feeling that it’s most American who don’t find it all that comforting that we have Harris as our fallback plan if and/or when Joey should come completely off the rails. Which could be any day now.

And to be honest, it’s just the mere thought of such an eventuality that is about as far removed from comforting as anything could get. In fact, if just the thought of such a thing becoming a reality doesn’t send a cold chill down your spine, then I’m thinking not much of anything will. Anyway, it was while on one of her recent excursions on Air Force Two that Harris was confronted with voters’ concerns about Joey’s age and boldly declared that she is “ready to serve.” Her comments came in an interview with Wall Street Journal national reporter Tarini Parti just days before special counsel Robert Hur released his report regarding Joey’s classified documents investigation.

On Thursday, Hur published his report, in which he cited Joey’s memory as being a factor in the decision not to pursue criminal charges. After the report dropped, Joey delivered a special address to the nation aimed at pushing back on the narrative but, instead, brought further scrutiny about his age and mental acuity. While taking questions from reporters Joey was pressed about his memory. In one instance, he snapped at a journalist who asked about voters’ concerns about his age. Polling conducted before the release of the bombshell report and disastrous presser showed that a majority of Americans have concerns about Joey’s mental and physical health.

And a NBC News, published on February 6, found that 89 percent of registered voters have concerns, to varying degrees, that Biden lacks the physical and mental health for a second term in office. This included 62 percent of registered voters who have “major concerns.” Moreover, 63 percent of voters had “doubts about his fitness for office,” while in a separate Harvard-Harris poll released in January, nearly 70 percent said he was “showing he is too old” for the presidency. Meanwhile, as Harris floated the idea of replacing Joey, her favorability rating is worse than his. A recent poll showed that Harris would have a difficult time winning the 2024 presidential election.

Harris also claimed that everyone who works with her “walks away fully aware of my capacity to lead.” But I have a very sneaky suspicion that it’s not actually in a good way. I mean, after all, Harris has either not done, or has done very poorly, every single task she has been given to her to handle. So it only stands to reason that she most certainly would do things worse than Joey and would likely take his incompetence to the next level. So it comes as no surprise, or at least it shouldn’t for most people, that she manages to have even worse approval ratings than a demented, retarded pedophile who was just judged incompetent to serve.

Harris’s comments were in response to criticisms of Joey’s cognition, or lack of. In a long-awaited report, Hur found Joey not competent to stand trial for stealing classified documents. Joey is an “elderly man with a poor memory,” Hur wrote in his report on Joey’s wrongdoing. And, of course, it has been since the report was released that all we’ve continued to hear from both the Democrats and their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media is how Mr. Hur’s report was meant as a political hatchet job against the *president. Joey has claimed his memory was “fine” and slammed Hur for noting in the report that he could not remember when his son died.

And another thing, just because she’s claims to be “ready to serve,” does not mean that she is fit to serve or that she’s right for the job. Hell, Joey proved that. Have we not learned anything from his disastrous presidency? The only place Harris is qualified to serve is at a McDonalds drive through. And anyone who would believe that Harris is qualified to serve has got far greater mental issues than does Joey. It’s pretty pathetic really, that we have a *president who most of the time doesn’t know what’s he’s saying, and we have has his number two a *vice president who has no clue of what to say. It’s like the movie Dumb and Dumber, they’re interchangeable.

So breathing is now the standard for determining the leader of the ‘free world?’ But then, it’s not like she would have any actual power to do anything on her own. I think we can all agree that there is a permanent shadow government that handles pretty much everything, and all they need a Democrat president for, is to rubberstamp everything and to stand behind the podium and read from the teleprompter. Only in America can a two-bit HO who got to where she is by her questionable ethics, and well-worn knee pads, strive to be *president. And only in America will Democrats line up to vote for her, actually believing that she somehow qualified for the job.

Harris couldn’t organize the line to a one-hole outhouse, much less attain the position of president! America is in a very precarious position with Joey in the White House and would be even more so with that knuckleheaded cackler running things! Her life is all about riding the public gravy train. She has virtually no concern for being a responsible leader. Like a kid in a candy store, she’s ready to gorge without limit, with no maturity to temper her. So it’s a lose-lose for the Democrats, they’re stuck with either Joey with his catastrophic policy failures and escalating dementia, or Harris with her catastrophic policy failures and escalating buffoonery.

Americans, those with some sense, in 2019 looked at Joe and Kamala as an impossibility. From a commonsense perspective, they never had a chance, because both are failed human beings with no accomplishments worthy of being president and a heartbeat away from president. Imagine our shock the day after the election and these two somehow ‘won’ and how the world would most certainly be in a world of hurt as a result. Inflation, wars, division, American degradation around the world are all the logical results of a Joe/Kamala presidency. There never could be any other result. And it was painfully obvious to those with some sense.

What a freaking joke. This woman can’t even do those jobs that she has already been given. And it’s like most senile old men that Joey is desperate to prove that he’s not going senile, and so he’s rushing out to do appearances and make statements as a feeble demonstration of how he’s still got it. But the harder he tries to prove he isn’t senile, the more unhinged and senile he actually appears. At a presser where he was trying to prove that his memory is still super-accurate, he forgot which country is Mexico and which is Egypt and simply made an even bigger fool of himself. With a little luck, and God’s blessing, this circus is coming to an end.

Finally, if Joey was a good Democrat, he would take it upon himself to do the honorable thing, that one thing that would be best for his party at this particular time in its history. He would simply take that big black pill and quietly go to sleep. He’d likely go out a hero, complete with a state funeral, a national holiday, the works. There would be tearful farewells from those proclaiming his greatness and questioning how America would get along without him. But like all Democrats there is a limit to his willingness to make sacrifices. So perhaps, knowing Democrats as we all do, maybe it’s someone who take it upon themselves to help him in that regard.

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