Wednesday, February 7, 2024


It was during an address this past Tuesday that Joey B. once again made clear how he does not see it as being his fault that America is rapidly becoming a third world country. And Joey’s ‘depends’ seem to be in a serious twist over the fact that his ongoing open border policy will most likely not become a permanent thing, certainly not in the way he would like, and at least not for now. And it was according to Joey that the current massive influx of illegals coming across our southern border is not his fault but is, instead, all the fault of President Trump and those MAGA supporting Republicans who oppose this non-bipartisan-bipartisan piece-of-shit legislation.

So I’m guessing the point of his ridiculous little rant was to place blame squarely on President Trump and “MAGA Republicans” for the broken border system and his administration’s failure to convince Congress to pass a $118 Billion bill that would allot $20 Billion for border security while at the same time providing $60 Billion more for Ukraine. And it was during his rant that Joey said, “Now, all indications are this bill won’t even move forward to the Senate floor. Why? A simple reason: Donald Trump.”  And he claimed that President Trump thinks the bill is “bad for him politically,” and, therefore, it is opposed by Republicans in the House and Senate.

He also put all of the blame on President Trump for the record levels of illegal immigrants streaming over the border, not on his own policies and/or lack of enforcement of the law. And he proceeded to outright lie when he said, “Every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican friends.” And he claimed, “It’s time for Republicans in Congress to show courage, to show spine, to make it clear to the American people that you work for them, not for anyone else. I know who I work for — I work for the American people."

So Joey finally admits we have a border crisis after having repeatedly denied the same. Now it’s President Trump’s fault because…Trump made the U.S. into a racist, fascist, totalitarian hellhole and all these migrants decided they needed to move here and live under that system, I guess. This was the purpose of the border bill. To provide cover for Joey & Co. so they can blame President Trump. Now I can understand that the uninformed Democrat faithful will buy into this weird inversion of reality, but that said, it’s close to criminal that those in our ‘fake news’ media are standing at the ready to echo all of the ridiculous remarks made by these evil people.

Look, Joey is desperate because this bill would have handcuffed President Trump when he, hopefully, will take over next year. President Trump wants to secure the border and the sole purpose of this bill is to make sure he would be unable to do that. Democrats are taking election interference to a new level. This was just an attempt to get illegal immigration levels locked in and to make permanent forever spending to Ukraine before President Trump returns. They tried the twofer snow job and failed. Americans who have a brain are now on to the tricks and paying attention to the economy and the priorities of illegals over citizens in their own communities.

Most people with a pulse can see what’s going on, but more importantly they know why. This bad piece of legislation is about nothing more than wide open borders, work permits for illegals and amnesty, and it gives total discretion to an unelected official (head of DHS) that cannot be reviewed. No real Republican favors it. It’s only Democrats and their RINO allies who are really behind it. There is one and only one person responsible for the invasion now taking place and that person is Joey, the law-breaking illegitimate president. He is causing the invasion and its resulting in murders, rapes, gangs, human trafficking and fentanyl deaths all across America.

The fact that ABC, NBC, CBS and of course CNN and MSDNC will not call him out on the fact he’s been in charge of the border for three years now with the situation getting worse each year and is the real danger to America. Without a functioning, unbiased, press questioning the government’s actions, freedom is doomed. Imagine how different things would be if we had responsible people that could be counted on in our “mainstream media” instead of the pack of liars we have today. Tell a lie often enough and some people will come to believe it as the truth! This border issue was created by Joey, and the consequences of it need to be laid squarely at his feet!

I don’t see President Trump ordering the Border Patrol to the Border to tear down the razor wire that Texas is putting up. I don’t see him ordering the border patrol to lift the razor wire up so the illegals can crawl under it. And I don’t see him giving out credit cards, phones, welfare cash and plane tickets to anywhere they want to go. I don’t see President Trump vowing to bring even more illegal invaders into this country! I don’t see Trump vowing to make those illegals citizens with voting rights within the next few years! This dishonest old fool thinks he can convince you yes you, that you shouldn't believe your own eyes and that it's not him doing all of this.

Joey is nothing more than a ranting, senile, foolish old kook. He hates America and the American people who he claims to love and to work for. And somewhere in the deep recesses of his demented mind he likely believes that they fall for all of his lies and phony stories. He has spent 50+ in government and has never once produced anything that made the lives of the American people anything but more difficult. He’s become nothing more than a pathetic doddering old man underserving of the office in which he finds himself. And he has accomplished that which many had thought was impossible, he has surpassed ‘BO’ as being the worst president in American history.

The Democrats are simply lying once again. Even passing this bill will not get money distributed in time to stop the influx of illegal border crossers before the election. Biden would like us all to believe passage of the bill would have an immediate effect. It would not. You couldn’t hire enough border patrol and judges fast enough. He says failure to pass the bill will lead to more people coming in as if passage of the bill would result in fewer. If he wanted fewer, he could take executive action to accomplish that. He won’t because he doesn’t want to solve it. He wants to use it to legalize this massive illegal migration that he caused and even encouraged.

Joey continues to insult the intelligence of the American people by blaming the open border on President Trump. Everybody knows who caused this massive surge. When Joey took office, the border was under control. And it was shortly after he took office that the border became out of control. And yet it’s President Trump's fault? Sorry Joey, we have the tape. We have the videos of the before and after. The lies have stopped working for many American, they know who’s really to blame. And those in the blue cities and municipalities who had no regard or respect for their fellow Americans on the border, are finally feeling the effects of what they voted for.

Remember when ‘BO’ declared, “We are just 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America?” And how the crowd cheered? They couldn’t have understood what that would mean. The deal he made with Hitlery was that he would run first. They agreed that the First Black President had a tad more oomph and she would follow as the First Female President. Transformation completed in 16 years. But along came an outsider with a different approach. He screwed up their plan. Democrats orchestrated stunt after stunt trying to take him down. They've not stopped and seem extremely desperate to make that happen before November.

The great boogeyman President Trump and those nasty MAGA Republicans at it again. The lie is failing. The American people recognize the difference in their communities compared to when President Trump was President and now with Joey as *president. And those in the ‘fake news’ media seem to be working overtime spinning the narrative and with very little success. It’s happening on Joey’s watch and there’s no way to hide it. Joey opened the border to thugs and miscreants on day one. He’s hoping no one remembers and dares to blame President Trump for his mistakes. Not one right decision in four years. Shame on him for what he’s done to America.

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