Friday, February 2, 2024


I’m sure most are aware of how presidential candidate Nikki Haley has been spending a great deal of her time, of late, talking about certain groups of voters that, while they may not yet be convinced into voting for President Trump, they are, however, far more likely to vote for her. Now while that may in fact be the case, Haley must be aware that there are literally tens of millions of us who would rather sit out the coming election than to vote for her, if by some miracle she were to become the Republican nominee. Her fate has been sealed by way of her own words as well as her own deeds. Therefore I can say with some certainty that she will never be president.

But be that as it may, it was this past Thursday that Haley showed up on one of those ‘news’ networks that all RINOs seem drawn to whenever seeking to plead their case regarding their political aspirations. And it was during this appearance on CNN’s “The Lead,” hosted by Mr. Fake News himself, Jake Tapper, that Haley rather boldly declared that she would continue her campaign until the Super Tuesday primaries. Tapper asked, “Did you think it was inappropriate when the RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to suggest you drop out because she did not see a path for you?” Haley’s response was to say, “I absolutely think it was inappropriate.” Well, that makes one of us.

Anyway, Haley went on to say, “We had two states that have voted, unique 1215 delegates, Donald Trump has 32, I have 17. We have 48 states and more territories to go before we get there. I’m not going anywhere. I will continue to go all the way through South Carolina, go on to Super Tuesday and keep on going forward.” She added, “This is about the fact we cannot live in chaos anymore. It is about the fact we have to focus on what it will take to not just get domestic policy on track, what we do to prevent wars and make sure we keep America safe. We cannot do it with the two guys there. Americans are telling people that."

She continued, “We need to make sure we are listening and focus on what it takes to win a primary so we can get our country back on track.” Tapper said, “Your committed sticking with the race through Super Tuesday no matter what happens in South Carolina?” Haley said, “We will go to Michigan and Super Tuesday. We have country to save, I’m not going anywhere because i don’t want my kids to live like this.” But inquiring minds want to know, what’s the point of continuing when even your home state rejects you? Even Walter Mondale won Minnesota. So what’s the real reason she continues to run? I’m guessing the donations racket must be a good one.

Of course she’s hanging on, paid with dirty money, all in the hopes that President Trump will somehow be ruled ineligible to run, and she will be the only candidate left. But even if that were to happen, victory would still be out of reach. She likely has the support of some in the party, those in the RINO contingent of the party, and we KNOW she has the support, for now, of Democrats and those like Tapper in the ‘fake news’ media, so she sees no way that she can lose this thing. And if the courts do succeed in finally vanquishing President Trump? We can ill afford to underestimate to what lengths the forces of darkness will go to eliminate President Trump.

Very few people on the Republican side are even listening to her anymore. So, she’s forced to appear on MSDNC and CNN and spread her lies to those still stupid enough to not only listen to her, but to believe her. This type of behavior on her part is the exact reason why she will never ever go further than she is now in politics. Politically she’s DOA. Her blatant disregard for the wants of the American people is further proof that she should NEVER have power and authority over others. She’s every bit the fraud that Joey is. Her best chance, at this point, for winning the White House would be to change parties and run as one of those with whom she has much more in common.

And while Haley speaks of chaos, she refuses to accept, or to admit, that she is one of primary culprits in stirring up the chaos in the Republican Party. It’s a typical leftist tactic. Accuse your opponent of doing what you yourself are doing. She has got to go for the good of the party and for the good of the country. Call me cynical but something tells me that she’s been told that President Trump will be eliminated, and so she has been told to stay the course. So being the good ‘soldier’ she follows orders. Her goal, her objective, going forward is to hurt President Trump in any way she can. She’s merely playing a part and is likely being paid quite handsomely for doing so.

And besides, she can’t quit before Super Tuesday, it’s in her contract. She doesn’t collect the big paycheck if she quits before then. How much? We’ll never know, of course. In truth, voting for her would be no different than voting for the worthless corrupt administration that’s in charge now. Essentially nothing would change. She continues to be the Democrats’ choice for the Republican nomination, it’s not an unfamiliar situation that Republican voters find themselves in. And we all know how the story ends if they are successful, another Democrat victory and further damage being done to our country. Those who love this country MUST vote for President Trump.

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