Saturday, February 17, 2024


It was recently that I read that some boob on the left was actually complaining about there being an “echo chamber” on the right regarding what has taken place in this country over the last three years. But the fact of the matter is that if there is an echo chamber that exists anywhere, it would be on the left, especially when it comes to anything even remotely connected to President Trump. And one of the primary contributors to this chorus of lunatics is none other than that loudmouth faux ‘man of God’ Al Sharpton. And while I’m sure there is a small group nutjobs who hang on his every word, it’s most folks with a brain that see him as the racist imbecile his is.

And it’s most people who simply choose to ignore him because they’re intelligent enough to realize that he spends the majority of the time doing little more than talking out his ass. And rarely, if ever, does this moron even make any sense. But none of that seems to bother Sharpton. We saw that once again just this past Friday when MSDNC host Sharpton appeared on MSDNC’s “Deadline” and claimed that the New York City civil fraud trial judgment against President Trump of $354 million in damages and being barred from serving as a corporate officer or a director of a company in the state for three years means he is a “broken person psychologically."

Sharpton said, “Let’s not forget, he’s still facing four trials he’s got to pay lawyers, and he doesn’t know how long the trials are going to last. He does not know what is going to be the consequence there. He can raise money. Whether he can raise $450 million when I combine these and pay lawyers for four different trials, I mean, you’re talking about a lot of money. I don’t know that at some point his contributors don’t get exhausted in terms of this. Then he’s got to run a campaign.” He added, “Don’t forget also, he’s a control freak. Do you know how it will impact him that he has to go and ask someone to write a check. This will drive him completely nuts."

And he went on to say “Donald Trump ran his organization. Any of us that ever met with him pro or con, he ran everything. He signed the checks, everything is named after him. He now has to go and say ‘I want to do this but I have to ask somebody. I want to cut this deal, let me get the monitor on the phone.’ He is a broken person psychologically because now he cannot make any decisions without permission. He’s never had that in his life.” This from the man who has pulled the race card so often he has carpal tunnel syndrome. Clearly, Sharpton is nothing if not an expert on what constitutes being psychologically broken, morally bankrupt and blatantly corrupt.

Sharpton, always the anti-Semite, racist tax cheat who has made a living building what, exactly? Tall buildings? Major companies? Nope. His only ‘accomplishment’ in life, if you can call it that, was shilling for the grievance industry. Sharpton has always been a low IQ grifter and nobody cares what he thinks. I’m 71 and as far back as I can remember he’s been doing evil, always stirring up racial hatred where there was none. There will come a day when he stands before God giving an account of every thought and misdeed. And why, exactly, hasn’t the IRS stormed the Sharpton mansion to confiscate property to pay his tax debt? I think we all know the answer to that.

More wishful thinking on the part of the those on the left. Now while I’m pretty sure that Al views himself as being an expert, it sounds to me like he’s not very familiar with the appeals courts process. There’s no way President Trump is going to end up paying any of this money, just like that scraggly bitch will never see a dime. There is no victim in this so-called fraud of all the real estate that was involved. The banks testified they made good money off Trump. Trump can say what he wants as to what his real estate is worth, but the banks always hire an appraiser to appraise the property. So nobody suffered any fraud. No victims at all in this supposed fraud.

I would love nothing more than to see President Trump engage in a little “lawfare” himself, once re-elected, and have every single one of these scumbags investigated. That reason enough, as far as I’m concerned, for voting for him. If he doesn’t they will simply keep doing this kind of thing and hurting others who don’t have the money, or the influence, that President Trump has that would allow them take on these fucking rat bastards. They claim that there is no one who is above the law and yet that all behave as if they are. This entire system is assbackwards, because it’s the criminals who now seem to be in control of who is to be punished and who is not.

All of these indictments and lawsuits are driven by one thing, fear. Fear that President Trump may actually win the upcoming election and thus make it far more difficult for them to complete their mission to destroy America. They want to break him, and they want to make an example of him to prevent others who may try to do in the future what he is doing in the present. They’re pissed because he broke the system. He owes them nothing. They could not control him. They didn’t make him, so they have no way to break him. And let that be a lesson to all you other plebes, rubes, and proles who would dare to run for office, and win. They will come after you, too.

How funny to hear all of these leftwing loons desperately trying to convince us, as well as themselves, that President Trump is, in any way, being affected by all the bullshit that the left continues to throw at him. If anything, he is even more determined to beat this travesty just as his supporters are more determined than ever to vote for him again. Sad that one man has to fight these communists alone. And the only way we can help him is to vote him back into office! I’ll be voting for him again this election just like I did in the last two. Too bad he can/t get in and start firing everyone associated with this unprecedented destruction of justice in America.

I have no doubt that Democrats all across America are feeling a tingle running down their leg at these outrageous penalties handed down Trump. They are abusing the laws in an attempt to prevent President Trump from running for office. Over $350 Million penalty for a claim he overvalued his property when securing a loan. Then you have another charge that he paid hush money to a woman he slept with. Democrats are so scared that he will wipe Joey up in a general election that liberal judges are needed to try and steal his money from him so he can’t run. They will stop at nothing to stay in power and in control of our government! So we must stop them.

Here’s what’s really sick about all of this; the ridiculous charges and astronomical penalties here are against President Trump as a private citizen. It’s not like he was a politician or working for the government taking advantage and breaking the public’s trust defrauding the taxpayer out of billions. But there’s no shortage of that taking place in government. The word politics is synonymous with grift and corruption. Those on the inside literally get away with murder and are rarely, if ever, penalized. It’s one big criminal cabal where its members are protected. And should you try to expose them or, worse, try to bring them down, they come after you with a vengeance.

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