Saturday, February 24, 2024


Look, I’m pretty sure everyone is very well aware of how it is that the Democrats take great pride themselves, however hysterically, in being able to refer to their party as being ‘the big tent party.’ But I prefer to use a slightly different analogy. I would, instead, refer to it as a big magnet of a party because it seems to attract every kook, weirdo, imbecile, degenerate and pervert imaginable. People with no morals, no values, no scruples, no principles and virtually no integrity. In other words, the real dregs of our society. And it’s these people who proudly identify as being members of this booby hatch, from the very top, to those at the very bottom in the gutter.

All of which brings me to none other than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, aka AOC. Never at a loss when called upon to utter something stupid, it was just this past Friday, during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight,” that this moron made the idiotic comment that President Trump “would sell this country for $1.” She said, “For me, it’s not even as a Democrat, but it’s as an American. are we really going to see what happened on January 6, and not have serious consequence for it? If we do not issue, if there is not a clear proceeding that is swift, this is not just about an individual case, this is about the message that this stands for our democracy."

She went on to say, “And if there is not clarity on how unacceptable and how clear the crimes were that happened on January 6, and leading up to January 6, then we a creating an open question about whether this is acceptable or not. And that cuts to the core, not just of our Justice System, but to our democracy.” So, is she really trying to say that President Trump would be no different than Joey? And isn’t that exactly what President Trump during his first term? Joey has been selling off America piece by piece to the Communist Chinese for decades, and he’s gotten far more than just a dollar. Yet another embarrassingly pathetic attempt at being relevant, again.

She added, “We are hurtling towards an election where you have a Donald Trump who is more desperate than he has ever been, particularly with this financial ruling. More financially desperate than he’s ever been. He was hoarding classified documents about u.s. national security secrets in Mar-a-Lago and we don’t know the full extent. But what I believe is that Donald Trump would sell this country for $1 if he thinks that it would benefit himself. And when you have a settlement of over $400 million, we need to be really serious about the stakes of what’s happening here.” The depths of this woman's stupidity never ceases to amaze me, and yet she tries to lecture us.

And have you ever noticed that whenever a Democrat, and I mean any Democrat, tries to come up with something new to accuse President Trump of doing, they can never come up with anything and so are forced to resort to use something that they themselves have either done, or continue to do? I mean, I can only assume that AOC has been paying very little attention to what the Biden Crime Syndicate has been doing for over half a century. I would love to hear her expert opinion on just how it was that Joey was able to become a millionaire several times over on a Senator’s annual salary having never worked anywhere of significance in the private sector.

Simply put, AOC is full of shit!!! As you may, or may not recall, President Trump didn’t even take a salary when he served as president. Clearly, AOC chooses not to recall that particular little factoid. And too, it is once again that I feel I must remind this brain damaged dolt, that we are not a democracy, we are a Republic! And if President Trump truly didn’t care about this country, he wouldn't be running to be president in the first place. And why would he allow himself to be subjected to the continuing efforts by the Democrats to prevent him from running. He would simply return to private life and allow the Democrats to continue with their plan to destroy America.

President Trump has repeatedly told us how it is that Communist China has been ripping us off since before she was even born, and continues to rip of us off today. And oh by the way, Joey has been only too happy to assist them in that endeavor and became very wealthy in the process. It’s her party that is destroying our country while at the same time she spouts silly gibberish like this in an attempt to divert attention. It was Jimmy Carter who sold the Panama Canal for one dollar and it is now controlled by the Communist Chinese. So is this some kind of weird reverse time projection. President Trump loves this country. AOC loves nothing more than money and attention.

Obviously, she’s got things a bit reversed. All one has to do is to look at the destruction taking place in our country and apply a little commonsense to see we are heading in the wrong direction and who it is that’s responsible. And it most certainly is not President Trump! If she were honest, she would admit that President Trump can’t sell this country for a dollar, or for any other amount, because by the time he arrived on the scene Joey had already made it possible for Communist China to secure much of this country. And now, between his massive illegal invasion at the border and his pandering to the Communist Chinese, there’s hardly any country left to sell.

Yes, idiocy is strong with this one. I hear no response from AOC on how it’s Joey who is destroying America. Of course not, because like most Democrats, their goal is to collapse our government in order to install a more socialistic one where THEY run everything. The irony here is that Democrats complain it’s President Trump who is intent on killing our democracy. And it’s those behind the curtain pulling Joey’s strings that are sending out the day’s “talking points” to their allies in the ‘fake news’ media in an attempt to shed a more “positive” light on all that Joey has done to lead our country right over the cliff. The hypocrisy of those in the Democrat Party is sickening.

And so it continues, this little ploy concocted by the Democrat Party and their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media. Democrats know that they have virtually nothing on which to run on other than to decry the evils of President Trump. Apparently the hope here is that if they scream loud enough, long enough, about just how bad Donald Trump is, the American people will somehow forget all about their last trip to the grocery store, what it cost the last time they filled up the family car, our skyrocketing crime and everything else that Joey has managed to do that has only succeeded in making their lives far more difficult. And so, AOC warns us about President Trump.

And finally, on a slightly different topic, perhaps, just perhaps, what happened on January 6 was because ‘The People’ don’t trust lying politicians, Billionaires donors and radical groups to not tinker with the election process. And perhaps Americans are growing tired of lying politicians doing little to police themselves while at the same time lining their own pockets and sending more taxpayer dollars abroad instead fixing issues here at home. And perhaps people are waking up to all the decay that has been brought about in our cities by lying politicians who swore an ‘Oath of Office’ to protect and defend citizens from all threats both domestic and foreign. Just a thought.

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