Thursday, February 15, 2024


While I can’t quite put my finger on when it happened, it was somewhere along the way that that which was once referred to as our “mainstream media,’ morphed into what has today become our ‘fake news media.’ And while I’m quite sure that there has been an ongoing shift to the left regarding those who we’re supposed to be able to depend on to tell us the truth, in days past they at least made an attempt to appear impartial. These days they simply look us dead in the eye and lie. Somewhere along the way our supposed ‘news’ organizations chose to abandon their role of providing bona fide ‘news’ and simply began spewing nothing more than propaganda.

And we saw that again on this past Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central.” Because it was then that David Chalian, a guy who’s billed as an American journalist and political analyst and who has the fancy title of Political Director for his bullshit ‘news’ network, stated that “We normally think of” immigration as “just an issue for the right-wing echo chamber.” But now that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has brought “the migrant issue and crisis to cities, to blue states and cities, that has changed the calculus” on the issue. And it was in making such a comment that Chalian made clear that he’s neither a journalist or, for that matter, much of a political analyst.

Chalian said, “Tom Suozzi was advertising with him on Fox News talking about his full defense of ICE. So, not every Democrat runs on the immigration issue the way Tom Suozzi did in this district. It worked for him there. There does seem to be a bit of a divide inside the Democratic Party about how to grapple with this immigration issue. But you’re right, it is going to be a front-and-center issue. We normally think of it, I think, John, like that it’s just an issue for the right-wing echo chamber. But the whole movement that Greg Abbott did and what have you to bring the migrant issue and crisis to cities, to blue states and cities, that has changed the calculus here."

And he said, “You see this issue rising in importance for all voters.” Now I’m not sure why he brings up Suozzi, he’s just another Democrat who refuses to take our crisis at the border seriously and is just another pretender. There is only one solution to the border crisis, a wall. A wall that is strong, surrounded by deep trenches and sensors and manned by the U.S. military. The litmus test for voting for any politician, regardless of party affiliation, is whether, or not, they would vote to fund the wall. And this guy, Suozzi, does not favor a wall nor did he vote to impeach Mayorkas. So he’s nothing but a another charlatan hoping to pull the wool over the eyes of voters.

So is what we have here, courtesy of Mr. Chalian, CNN admitting that they finally decided to report in the issue only because Democrats voters are complaining about the invasion? That tells you all you need to know about CNN’s journalistic ethics and goals. This demonstrates the lack of mental acuity, reason, logic, and appreciation of objective relevant facts that the radical LEFT (Democrats) care to use in making policies. They seek to punish those who do not support their radical authoritarian agenda. Nor do the Democrats care that their radical policies greatly harm their own constituents in economic terms, in terms of security, and sociological conditions.

And so is this boob finally admitting, albeit more than a little late, that our ongoing border crisis might have actually always been a problem, but due to a willful ignorance those on the left never really believed that it was? And that suddenly, now that it has been brought to their doorstep, it somehow changes everything? Illegal immigration has always been illegal, and ignorance of the law is no excuse. And choosing to ignore the fact that those now streaming across our border illegally are breaking our laws, is nothing if not inexcusable. This is just more proof that Democrats believe the ends always justify the means, no matter how illegal.

And imagine just how much of an echo chamber one would have to have been living in for literally the last 30 years to not realize how much of an issue immigration is for the American people. Just another example of how CNN is nothing more than a completely one-sided propaganda outlet not to be confused with a bona fide news organization that can, in any way, be trusted to provide accurate information. They are clearly the exact opposite of their tagine about being the most trusted news source. Least trusted would be far more accurate. Much like how ‘Fox News’ long ago ceased being a network one could count on to be ‘Fair and Balanced.’ But I digress.

These people are so blatantly arrogant that they actually think that they’re smarter than everyone else. It’s mind boggling that they are considered part of the ‘elite’ and are taken seriously at all by anybody. Those like Greg Abbott are heroes while the ‘fake new’ media outlets like CNN are the real bad guys and are those who are lost in their own stupidity. Remember that these scumbags were just fine when it was Texas, or Arizona, or New Mexico's problem. They knew what was happening, and since it wasn’t them, they didn’t care. While I am against shipping illegals all over the country, but sadly it’s the only way to serve it back to the people responsible.

Funny that Chalian would choose to refer to a mythical “right-wing” echo chamber. After all, it’s not an echo chamber if the information about a real crisis is accurate and is simply ignored by ‘the mainstream media.’ This guy clearly has no clue about how hard this illegal immigration problem continues to be hitting ranchers, farmers, and small town folks in places like Texas. He thinks the blue cities and states have it tough with 150,000 of those critters sucking on the taxpayer tit. Think about the 1.5 million, or so, that are hitting Texas. Changed the calculus? Does a Democrat actually possess any real values, think independently, or ever do the right thing?

Yes, ivory-towered liberals in lily-white townships are just fine when they are immune from the consequences of their own policies. What really needs to happen is for these waves of illegals to make the rich white leftists feel the full brunt of the violence and crime the rest of the country has felt for years. It’s every time that Democrats are forced into putting their money where their mouths that they either get awfully quiet or begin loudly blaming someone else for the problem that they themselves have caused. If these leftists were truly interested, they’d be informed. Sadly, even a trip to the border to see what’s going on is ignored or viewed through their prism.

All Americans, whether you have any of these illegals in your community or not, need to understand that billions of dollars are being spent every month to support this insanity that was created on purpose courtesy of the Democrats! The effects of the mounting debt created in just the last three years will be felt far beyond the current administration! Joey will be long gone and won’t have to face the music for the pain he left behind! The system is fully out of control, and it has all been done very much on purpose. And like it or not there is only one escape route available to the American people. And it involves never again electing any Democrat to any political office.

And this is why the Blue states have been sanctuary states for so long. They felt comfortable welcoming the masses of immigrants because they weren’t being impacted. But now that they are being impacted, and in a big way. They're having to deal with these people and their demands for housing, food, medical care, education for their children and all that goes into paying for it. Suddenly it’s not okay anymore and they’re not so welcoming. It takes financial and other resources away from their own local citizens which in turn is making those citizens angry. It’s all fun and games until YOU actually have to start dealing with these issues and paying for stuff.

And finally, you know the truly sad thing here is that if pieces of shit like this moron Chalian were actually out there doing their job, none, and I mean absolutely ZERO, of what we’re watching take place in this country today, would be taking place. And I’m not just talking about what’s taking place at the border. These people allow this stuff to happen by purposely doing everything they can to keep the American people totally in dark about what their supposed leaders are really up to. And while they may think that they’re all so clever, it’s fewer and fewer Americans who are swallowing their garbage. But it seems to matter not to clowns like Chalian, because the lies continue.

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