Tuesday, April 2, 2024


And so it was once again that Ms. ‘Fingernails-Across-A-Chalkboard’ was recently out making the rounds, this time stopping by to pay a visit to Jimmy Fallon, host of what was once considered to be the best hour in all of late night television, to do what it is that she does best. And, of course, that would be bitching and moaning about what a horrible guy President Trump is while at the same time singing the many praises of the decrepit old fart, Joey B.  Yes sir, you can always count on Hitlery to hand out some worthless advice. She’s certainly not good for much else, that’s for sure.

And it was during this rather pointless appearance that dimbulb Fallon asked Hitlery about those voters not particularly happy regarding the prospects of a rematch between President Trump and Joey. Hitlery responded by saying: “Get over yourselves, those are the two choices … And, you know, one is old and effective and compassionate, has a heart and really cares about people, and one is old and has been charged with 91 felonies. I don’t understand why this is a hard choice, really.” And people still wonder why no one watches these idiotic late night shows.

I think it safe to say that there is nothing that drives folks to vote for President Trump more than this drunken, tired, old has been. Except, of course, for the fact that while Joey is old, the moron is ineffective, lacks compassion, has no heart and cares about no one but himself and the money he can make off of his and his kid’s criminal activities. Kind of like Hitlery. And regarding those 91 felonies against President Trump that she mentioned, all are strictly political and none have any basis in law. And that’s the truth that doesn’t become less so because idiots disagree with it.

Hitlery is a bitter, hateful, condescending old bitch with absolutely no redeeming qualities. She is insufferable. She should get over her old self and get real. She has never been good for this country, lecturing to audiences that should know better than to kowtow to this overbearing piece of shit. You just gotta laugh every time she opens her mouth and spews her masticated version of life. She’s impotent and irrelevant and she knows it. And yet she trots from show to show, venue to venue, like a whore in Times Square banging on anyone who will give her a moment in time.

And understand this, Democrats, including Hitlrey, don’t care about your welfare. They want only to be able to control you. The easiest way is to keep you down economically, keep you stoned by legalizing pot, and distracting you from reality by focusing on things that are meant to upset you such as sexualizing children. Meanwhile, homeless people are flooding our cities. Illegal immigrants are committing crimes at an alarming rate. Robbery and theft are no longer prosecuted. Stores are shutting down and boarding up. America is being destroyed from the inside out.

“Get over yourself”, doesn’t even make sense as a response. Get over yourself means that you have an elevated perception of who you are, what does that have to do with being unhappy with the choices we have to vote for. I really don’t need to be corrected by a nobody political hack who has done nothing but use the American taxpayer to get rich and who should be in prison. She understands that she only was promoted to any political office because she was married to ‘Slick Willy.’ If left to make it on her own she wouldn’t even have made it out of Arkansas.

Crooked Hillary is merely personifying the utter contempt and condescension all evil Communist Democrat Party cult politicians and propagandists have for voters. They deny that voters have the option of not voting the evil Communist Democrat Party cult party line. If voters were cellphones or IPads, crooked Hitlery would have them smashed with hammers. If voters were hard drives, she’d have them erased with BleachBit. Don’t get fooled again by the evil Communist Democrat Party cult who view you as subjects to be ruled over rather than free citizens to be represented.

Finally, Hitlery was right about one thing, however. It was when she said, “I don’t understand why this is a hard choice, really.” Because if you are able to recognize that your life was safer, richer, happier, better under President Trump compared to the way your life is not, the choice really is a no brainer. And if you’re one of those who don’t like President Trump? Well, you need to remember that this is about our very survival. We’re not looking to choose a prom date or a drinking buddy, we’re looking to choose the most competent leader we can for the free world.-

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