Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Democrats have always been rather adept when it comes to rewriting this nation’s history, especially when it comes to any of the many rather unsavory contributions their party has made to it. And since actual American history is essentially no longer taught in our public schools, it’s gotten easier and easier for them to get away with their many historical exaggerations. And when those charged with documenting our history are interested only applying their political slant to it, what good are they to us or to future generations. Our history is our identity and when these charlatans take it upon themselves to purposely distort our history, they rob that from us.

And it was just this past Monday that one of these supposed historians, one of these charlatans, made an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Morning Joe.” And it was during this appearance that ‘historian’ Jon Meacham made the claim that he believed President Trump was a “tyrant who rose among us.” It’s sad that supposedly intelligent people will go to such lengths to soil themselves in public for progressive liberal Democrats. This is what comes from historians of the Left---if you disagree with Meacham, you’re a tyrant. Intellectuals may like to think of themselves as people who "speak truth to power" but too often they are people who speak lies to gain power.

Mika Brzezinski said, “Given recent history, I mean recent history with President Trump, and post-President Trump and January 6, and the way he’s treating the people who are in jail right now for the insurrection at the Capitol, the way he is whitewashing what happened and getting other Republicans to do so. Can you also talk about how Trump is already using this to foment ambiguity and anger in this country? Meacham said, “In one of his first public speeches, Abraham Lincoln said that if the American Republic were ever to fall, it would not fall to a foreign foe. It would fall to a tyrant who rose among us. And I think that’s essentially where we are."

He went on to say, “You’re exactly right. What’s unfolding in Manhattan today is part of a larger story about Donald Trump, his behavior, his view of whether or not American democracy exists for the good of the country or for the good of Donald Trump.” He said, “The question is going to be, as we head into this presidential election, is, will a sufficient number of those people stand by Donald Trump come what may, including a felony conviction, including possibly convictions, certainly trials, about overturning an election that he just didn’t like. Right? That’s on trial. So truth and democracy are on trial this year, and I don’t, it’s… I have no pleasure in saying this."

He continued saying, “I’m not trying. I’m not being hyperbolic. You know, this isn’t like history nerd sweepstakes. You know, it’s not that. This is the fact of the matter. And American democracy, in many ways is being tested here.” You’d think it was President Trump putting Joey on trial in 2020 listening to this Democrat clown. Meacham has zero relationship with the truth. He’s just another lying fraud. There are historians and Presidential historians, but Meacham is a Democrat historian, a revisionist and a perpetrator of twisted facts about history, presidential or otherwise. More evidence that wisdom and intellect are nowhere near synonymous.

A true historian wouldn’t be going on MSDNC and spouting this nonsense, so that makes him a total moron and definitely no historian. Future historians will look back at everything that happened from all sources, look at this so-called historian’s view and ask why. It’s amazing that a major ‘so-called’ news platform like MSDNC can operate in such a corrupt way out in the open. Giving people a platform to spew outright lies or distorting facts with no fact-checking, just giving opinions and calling it history. This man’s work will be laughed at. Could anyone be more wrong. This guy is educated beyond his intelligence. Democrats are the threat to our republic.

Democracy is a form of government. That word democracy is thrown around a lot these days by people just like this supposed historian, despite the fact that it’s heard nowhere in our Constitution nor in the Declaration of Independence and not in any state Constitution. If our Founders had intended for this country to be a democracy, they would have said so in our Constitution. The Founders knew well the dangers of a democracy and that is why they decided the new country should be a constitutional republic and not a democracy. Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, tyranny, totalitarianism, so it’s really no wonder why the Democrats seem to love it so much!

This supposed historian labels President Trump as a tyrant and yet provides no examples of this so-called tyranny nor is he asked to provide any by the bimbo ‘journalist’ conducting the interview. That in itself should tell you all you need to know about both him and the network that he appeared on. Meacham long ago revealed himself to be intellectually dishonest, and far from a bona fide historian and merely a shill for the fascist Left. He is, and has always been, a left-wing hack who will say anything MSDNC wants him to say in order to get his mug on TV and pretend that he matters. Nothing more, nothing less. He has less credibility than the Clintons.

For someone who has written numerous books about presidents, this guy really is quite naive. Perhaps he could use his analytical mind and closely look at Joey’s (assisted by Obama) actions, executive orders, and policy decisions. Hopefully he would come to the realization that Joey is the wannabe dictator, but doubtful. How terribly sad life must be for people like him, that the only path they have at achieving a living is by spewing forth such lies. It really is becoming quite comical watching these stooges talking to themselves, because any audience that possesses a brain and an ounce of common sense has left these people far behind.

American ‘democracy’ is being tested by people like him and those who are members of his grim demonic chorus. None of these trials are legit in any meaningful way, particularly when compared to a myriad of progressive crimes. But he is right that America will fall from within, but that will be due people like him. It took 250 years for enough trash to rise to the top and sink it, that’s the modern-day Democrat Party. We’ll get something better after the fall. This clown is an incredibly fake historian who rewrites history from his prejudice point of view against those he dislikes while he suffers from a terminal case of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ (TDS).

No one has been charged with insurrection. And again, just who is it that is acting like a tyrant? Not President Trump! He didn’t threaten the Supreme Court, he didn’t ignore rulings he didn’t like, he didn’t mandate the vaccine, he didn’t overregulate what you can cook with, what you can drive, he didn’t fly illegal immigrants over the border into states with the purpose of changing the outcomes of elections. And he didn't tell voters if you don’t vote for me, you ain't black. He never held a press conference with a red background, raise his fist and threaten half the country. This is pure projection, because it’s Joey who acting the part of a tyrant.

The worst interviews always seem to come from those on these liberal ‘news’ outlets, especially MSDNC. The activist journalists never bother following up on anything and continually provide leftwing politicians with a platform from which they are free to spew their ridiculous propaganda. Facts are never part of their landscape, it’s always emotional charged issues and questions regarding how you feel. They’re the elite, those who President Trump and the average American could never hope to understand. Guys like this Meacham will say whatever it is that they must if they are to have any hope of being asked to come back.

And finally, he’s right about democracy being on trial here, or more accurately (since we are a constitutional republic and not a democracy), the nation itself is on trial. But ideologues like Meacham fail to grasp that it is their side that poses the greatest threat. Leftists always think they’re intellectually superior, but their “thinking” is based on how they wish things existed, not as they actually exist. If this clown was being honest he would point out how it is that Joey and the Democrats who are the true fascists and intolerant authoritarians, and the upcoming election will be important for determining if we are able to survive as The Founders intended.

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