Many on the left continue in their attempt to paint a very grim picture of how President Trump, who has been in office for less than two months now, is somehow a intent upon destroying the country. They’ve even gone so far as to describe him as being a tyrant. Meanwhile, gas prices just hit a three-year low, mortgage rates are falling, inflation is cooling and border crossings have basically stopped. You’ll remember that these were all of the very same things that Democrats argued that a president had no control over. Not exactly the actions of a tyrant. But then we all know Democrats do have a tendency to both exaggerate and overreact.
Democrats continue to crawl out of the woodwork in their effort to malign
President Trump essentially using the very same tactics that lost them the last
presidential election. Most recently it was Senator Jeff Merkley, another boob
who few outside of his home state of Oregon have ever heard of, who said, this
past Thursday during an appearance on CNN’s “The Arena” that the Democrats need
to “take on” President Trump. He claimed the “best time” was “to take on a
tyrant is as early as possible.” Merkley said, “You don’t stop a bully by
giving over your lunch money and you don’t stop tyrant Trump by voting to give
him more power."
dolt went on to say, “That is absolutely the wrong approach. There are others
who say, you know, in a shutdown, the president may have more power than we’ve
seen in any previous shutdown. There is a legitimate case to be made on both
sides of this argument.” He said, “But here’s what I am aware of, and that is,
in history, as you see institutions degrade in republics where there’s an
authoritarian president, is because the courts cave and you get an acquiescent
legislature. The best time to take on a tyrant is as early as possible, and
this is the moment.” Where do they come up with such stuff. I’m thinking they’re
getting some bad advice from someone.
And he
said, “We have the leverage as a Democratic caucus to insist on negotiations,
to produce those bills onto the floor, those appropriation bills onto the
floor. This is the moment to use that leverage.” Merkley concluded, “I think
the concerns about the Republicans shutting down the government, because it
will be the Republicans that do it, it will hurt them politically, it will be
bad policy, and we will get back to using our leverage in an effective fashion.”
I think what he really meant to say was that he wants to challenge the
popularly elected president who also has a mandate. I look forward with great anticipation
to seeing how well that works out for them.
And just
who is this Merkley guy? He may need to run for President because just like Cumala,
he just said one of the stupidest things on record. He says the Republicans
shutting down the government will hurt them politically and is a bad policy and
then the Democrats can then get back to using their leverage in effective
fashion. Maybe someone will inform him that it’s the Democrats who want to shut
down the government. He’s a colossal dope. Democrats could care less about this
country; all they want is to do damage to President Trump. But therein lies the
problem as Democrats have no leverage. That and they have no power, and they
have no plan.
is a moron in a leaderless party. The Democrats don’t have any cards and will
own the shutdown if the continuing resolution doesn’t pass. Even a circus needs
a Ring Man. These guys are like the hyenas from the ‘Lion King.’ They're
arguing over who can cackle the loudest. Democrats have NOTHING. They have no answers,
no ideas, no plans and no interest in cleaning up any of the corrupt spending
and none of the fraud. We’re just told we need to trust them. No on your life. And
I said, they didn’t learn a thing from the last election. All they’ve really
managed to do is to double down on stupid and they seem to show no sign of
letting up any time soon.
So says a member of the party that scrapped the entire convention and
nominating process so they could ram Cumala and ‘Tampon Tim’ onto the ballot in
a backroom power play reminiscent of any Democratic People’s Republic
dictatorship, with plans to run the country the same way. The only diminishment
of liberty in my lifetime was under Democrat administrations. Merkley and
Wyden, the twin douche-bunnies from the Beaver state. These two don’t have a functioning
brain cell between them. The Democrats in Oregon continue to elect the absolute
worst candidates they can possibly find at every level. It’s almost painful to
Trump a tyrant? Now that’s funny! The people who tried to put President Trump
in jail because they didn’t like him are the same people who went after PTA
parents and tried to erase women by letting boys play in girls’ sports. You
have to wonder if it ever occurs to those like this guy that maybe the people
are tired of the Democrats’ constant overblown melodramatic insults to their
intelligence, and maybe that’s got something to do with why their side lost the
election? These Democrats seem to prefer a mentally challenged criminal in the
White House who at the end of his term will pardon his entire criminal family
and anyone else willing to pay.
government theft and corruption is considered tyrannical only to those taking
part in that government theft. Keep in mind their allegations are actually nothing
more than confessions. Go back to the birth of the Democrat Party and all you
see is rejection of law. The American Founders looked to the Ten Commandants
when they wrote the Constitution. The first Democrat president, Andrew Jackson,
owned 150 slaves and 300 over time. When gold was found on Cherokee land,
Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act, and the Democrats stole two million
acres of land laying out the Southern States. They rounded up five tribes and
created the Trail of Tears.
Finally, the Democrats ran
roughshod over the American people for the last four years, doing anything they
wanted without fear of repercussion as their leader was doing the same with Communist
China. Democrats are having to pay the price for having been caught with their money-making
project schemes which is why half of them leave government being millionaires.
They’re mad, they’re scared, and they want to try to take down President Trump
and DOGE before they take all their ill-gotten booty. Yet President Trump is
the tyrant. He’s the one finding at least one of the reasons we’re so far in
debt. We’re being robbed blind by these people, yet Trump is the tyrant!!!
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