Thursday, March 13, 2025


We keep hearing, from various Democrats sources, how, after having completed a little over 50 days in existence, that President Trump’s administration is melting down and on the verge of total collapse. Meanwhile, those of us who are not wingnut Democrats are seeing something quite different. We see illegal immigration being slowed to a trickle, inflation being brought under control, and the price of gas as well as of those all-important eggs coming down. Progress is also, I think, being made regarding the two major conflicts currently underway. So, I think it’s more than a bit premature to declare that the presidency of Donald Trump is somehow in peril.

But be that as it may, it was as recently as this past Wednesday, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s ‘The Story,’ famed Democrat strategist James Carville declared that the Trump administration was “in total meltdown.” Carville said, “I think people are afraid to death. They see markets collapsing! They see people calling Mark Kelly a traitor. They see disorder everywhere. You know, Trump was going to bring the price of eggs down from day one.” He continued, “We can’t call the Enola Gay, the Enola Gay. I mean, what’s coming out of Washington would scare the living bejesus out of anybody, independent, Republican or Democrat."

He declared, “This administration is in total meltdown, in total collapse.” Host Martha MacCallum said, “Well, I would point out that the market is turning around a bit today.” Carville said, “So what is the market? Well, it’s been down since Trump took office! What is the market since Donald Trump took office?” MacCallum said, “It’s lower. Is this a good hill to die on for Democrats right now while they’re trying to fix things for the party, James?” Carville said, “I thought the Republicans were the free speech party. I’m a little bit confused because they were always talking about the virtues of free speech. Marco Rubio’s busy fighting with Elon Musk in cabinet meetings."

In an effort to put things in perspective, let’s not forget that it was Carville who was once heard to say, shortly after ‘BO’ was elected the first time, that Democrats would be in control of the government for the next 40 years. He was wrong then just as he’s wrong now. And still there are morons who continue to listen to this guy and to actually seek him out for his blatantly skewed perspective on the current political environment. It’s actually Carville, and those in his party, who’s melting down and, quite literally, losing it. This clown is either deranged or is high on some pretty potent shit. And have you noticed how it’s always the same story with this moron?

Leftists, like Carville, have always had a rather low opinion of the masses, the average citizen. Liberalism is like a religion. But unlike most religions, liberalism has no moral code. The closest thing to a moral code in liberalism is “don’t get caught.” To the fanatic, the leftist cause is so noble, so sacred, that any lying or cheating in order to meet the desired objective is always justified. When a liberal lies to the American public, he, or she, is in effect saying, “You’re too stupid to know what’s good for you. I will say anything I need to say to convince you that my way, is the right way.” Even when Democrats have nothing left, they will still lie.

The Democrats are in total meltdown specifically because President Trump is working to help the American people. They are deathly afraid that he will succeed in getting rid of all the fraud and waste in the government and prevent the Democrats from filling their bank accounts with their laundered taxpayer money! Democrats drove themselves into a cul-de-sac and there’s no getting out. And yet, they seem to think that in four years they can come back stronger than ever. But they have no platform to run on. No trust from the electorate and no candidate with any credibility to get elected. Oh, and the party is about to have huge legal problems from corruption.

President Trump has been in office for less than two months. The stock market is rising, the price of eggs is slowly coming down and inflation numbers came in at 2.8 percent. I could go on, but this clown Carville is beyond stupid. And another thing, President Trump uses big ideas in describing what he’s going to do. For example, he said that we were going to build a big, beautiful wall and Mexico will pay for it. No, we don’t expect Mexico to write us a check, we just care that it is actually getting done. Eventually it will be paid for by the savings we reap from not having to pay for a bunch of illegal immigrants who have absolutely no business being in our country.

Democrats still desperately trying to seize the narrative. Still choking on their ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ (TDS) because they have nothing else to sell Americans, other than more ‘Orange Man Bad.’ And now Schumer wants to shut the whole thing down. Thanks for the help, Chuckie, that’s exactly what President Trump was elected to do. So go ahead, shut it down. Shut it all down. Carville is clearly clutching at straws and throwing mud hoping, somehow, that something will come to stick. It’s the Democrats and their many shills and propagandists that are melting down trying to come up with more unbelievable lies that will be accepted as the truth.

Does Carville even have any kind of position in the Democrat Party anymore? He appears on segments as mostly a curiosity, spouting the same propaganda he’s spewed for decades. James ‘Chicken Little’ Carville is frantically running around in decreasing circles squawking that ‘the sky is falling.’ Such is the narrative coming from just about all of these Democrat dummies. With still no policy or reason they have wandered off into the wilderness of fiction and horror stories hoping the uneducated and politically illiterate scare easily. Not this time Carville. You liars have had your day. Your credibility is shot full of holes and obscurity beckons.

Carville is always good for a laugh. You have to ask yourself, just what is it that Democrat politicians stand for anymore? Billions of dollars of wasteful spending, protecting violent illegals from deportation, allowing men to dominate women’s sports and forcing schoolgirls to share their school restrooms and school showers with boys? Democrats seem to think if they keep repeating untethered to reality rhetoric, someone, somewhere will finally start to believe it. Actually, the best thing Democrats could do is to just stop talking. The Democrat cult seems to think they command reality like some God with their ridiculous narratives.

The Democrats, including Carville, still can’t state any policy, offer any solutions to reduce our deficit, for peace in the Ukrainian and Russian war or really any solutions on anything. All the Democrats can do is to continue to lie about the realities that we have experienced under President Trump for roughly a couple of months. DOGE has been finding an incredible amount of fraud and waste, leading to the uncovering of much Democrat corruption. President Trump is trying to broker a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia, with Ukraine already agreeing to a cease fire, progress is being made. What are Democrats doing besides bitching about all things Trump?

The far left has dragged the Democrats into the deep end of crazy and the leaders know they can’t afford to lose the lunatic fringe because without them they’re toast. It’s like watching a car wreck in slow motion. Democrats will lie up one side and down the other. They’re so devastated by their loss they’ll grasp any straw they can. The mess that is having to be cleaned up after Joey is causing the expected pain. Righting the ship will be painful, but is necessary. But those like Carville would have us believe that it’s all just a figment of our imagination, that President Trump was handed a thriving economy and is causing needless pain via DOGE. It’s all a bunch of lies.

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