Tuesday, January 29, 2013


What is it about Florida that makes it have such an effect on people that they feel nearly compelled to elect members to our congressional delegation, some of the most idiotic folks you’d find anywhere on the entire planet? And I’m sure you all know who I’m talking about. Character like Corrine Brown, Alcee Hastings, Frederica Wilson, Debbie Schultz and Bill Nelson, just to name a few. A group in which you'd be pretty hard pressed to find a single brain cell roaming around anywhere. And now joining this group of misfits we now have, in making his triumphant return to the House, none other than that flaming loon, Alan "The Republicans Want Everybody To Die" Grayson. This genius put his miniscule intellect on full display when he made an appearance on Current TV’s "Viewpoint" back on January 17. It was then that he again launched into attacking Republicans, this time over their alleged inability to get anything done, and said "these are people who want to kick you when you're down."
During the interview Grayson again demonstrated his ability of going way over the top whenever criticizing House Republicans, this time taking issue with what he saw as being the inordinate length of time that it took to provide federal assistance to those affected by Hurricane Sandy. But, again, as usually with this clown, he left out a few facts. You see what this stupid oaf failed to mention, naturally, was the fact that the original bill to which he makes reference, contained very little of what could be described as actual aid that would have been directed toward the storm's victims. His fellow Democrats had gone well out of their way to fill it up with so much pork barrel spending feeling, I guess, that they would be able to shame the Republicans into passing it anyway. And they didn't. He went on to say, "The Republicans just don’t want to do anything for anybody. There’s a mean streak too that you only see, only recognize when you’re really close up. These are people who want to kick you when you're down." What a moron!
In continuing to shoot off his big fat pie hole, our esteemed Mr. Grayson then went on to express that in his cockeyed opinion, the Republicans will "bow to the NRA pressure" and not pass new gun control measures. Grayson was asked by the show’s host John Fugelsang, "Doesn’t that mean if they go ahead and block or filibuster an assault weapons ban, or regulations on magazine size, when the next massacre happens, does the House GOP then own it?" Grayson responded in typical ignorant fashion, which has kind of become his trademark, saying, "It just doesn’t matter to them." Every time I see this guy, I can’t help but wonder how it is that anyone with even half a brain could ever take seriously anything Grayson says. He very rarely ever makes any sense, and like the majority of Democrats everywhere, he never bothers to check to see if there is any truth to what it is that he says. He just spews the party line, and plows ahead. He has zero credibility but that never really seems to bother him all that much.
And then, feeling I guess as if he was on a roll, this doof really started laying on the bullshit. He continued by saying, "Look, we live in a country where almost 25 million people can’t find full time work and the president and the Democratic Party have been desperately trying to do something about this for the past four years and for the past two years the Republicans have blocked every effort. The president’s job program never even came to a vote in the House of Representatives -- it’s farcical. They don’t want to help people, they don’t care. The only way to solve this problem is to simply put them out of power." Actually what’s farcical is the fact that this shit is actually a member of Congress. And I guess in viewing things from his rather twisted perspective, of course that's the answer. I'd like to ask this piece of human excrement just what it is that the Democrat have put forward in the last four years that was specifically designed to do anything other than to bring our entire economy crashing down around us?
The bottom line here is that this guy continues to serve as being living proof of that the old adage that says it's always better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re a moron than to open your mouth, as this guy repeatedly does, and prove it. Grayson currently represents Florida’s 9th District, which I can only assume must be a district that's located in one of the shallower gene pools located here in Florida, especially if he was the best candidate that they could come up with when looking for someone to represent them in Congress. But he, like some of those who join him in the Florida congressional delegation, serve as nothing but an embarrassment to the rest of us. Ya know, the fact that an idiot like Grayson could actually find enough people willing to vote for him says a lot, I suppose, about the sad state of our country. He previously represented Florida’s 8th District for one term before being defeated by Daniel Webster, a Republican, in 2010. Obviously those folks were intelligent enough to see the error of their ways.

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