Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Apparently, actor and long time left wing nut, Timmy Robbins has come out, so to speak, and opened up publicly about why he actually contributed money to some conservatives going all the way back to 2006. Candidates that included such folks as Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann and J.D. Hayworth. I've never been that big a fan of Robbins, I find it rather difficult to pay to watch someone who, I still think, hates his country. It was last week, in an interview that Timmy said, "I don’t vilify all Republicans, I don’t believe all Republicans are evil, I believe there are lots of good people who just believe differently." He was interviewed by liberal comedian Marc Maron, and his comments were reported by The Washington Times.

Robbins and his former leftist nutjob partner/side kick, the aging rather badly Susan Sarandon, were always among of Hollywood's most devoted liberals and committed activists. No cause was too nutty to earn their support. You could always expect to find these two somewhere out front when it came to just about any kind of protest against our country, or any cause seen to be important to by those of the leftist political persuasion. Robbins opposed the Gulf War, backed Ralph Nader’s 2000 campaign for president and routinely satirized the right. But in 2006 he contributed to 10 Republicans, at least according to Federal Election Commission records. And while he never denied that fact, he never really discussed them either. Bur as part of the LATalks Live series last week, he did, discuss it that is, not deny it.

"One thing I will say is that I’m really SICK of divisiveness," Robbins said. "I’ve been all over this country and was really vilified during the [Iraq] War for having the stupid assumption that maybe we should find the weapons of mass destruction before starting a war. … Basically, places like Fox [News Channel] said I can’t go anywhere because people are so pissed off at me for being against the war. When in fact, the opposite was true. Robbins talked about the divisions within the GOP but also among Democrats. Kinda sounding like the Timmy that I'm used to hearing he said, "As crazy and twisted as some of the more radical Republicans are, and the more they take over the party, I say ‘Go ahead.’ " He went on to say, "Because those Republicans who want what we want, to better the nation, will come over to where we are. It’s very difficult for someone with pride to come over to your side if you vilify them."
I gotta be honest with you though, I just don't think Timmy wants the same thing for this country that I do. And I wouldn't trust any Republican, that went over to 'his' side. He added: "The sooner we realize we have something in common, that we can talk to these people and have a laugh, the sooner we’ll be able to make a change," he said. "What we have now is a divisiveness with different sides represented by different [TV] networks at each other’s throats. And what do we get? High ratings and a divided public. A divided public means that we won’t be united behind simple issues like ‘We want clean air’ or ‘We want clean water.’ As long as you’re keeping those people divided, they’re not going to get enough force and power to change things. So I’m always looking for common ground."
Look, speaking as a conservative, it's very difficult for me to find any common ground, as Timmy suggests we should do, with people who are willing to, say, wreck the economy in an effort to solve a problem, like global warming, that just doesn't exist. At least as being something caused by man. It's all a scam designed to make some people very rich, while at the same time driving energy costs through the roof. And it's hard for me to find any common ground with those who essentially want to rob from those who work hard every single day, only to turn over what's been stolen to people who refuse to work and who want to do nothing more than to make babies that can't afford, or who would rather sit around all day watching television, because, by golly, they deserve it.
The problem lies in the fact that the values that we used to possess as a people, as Americans, and that we were proud to possess, have now, after years of being undermined and ridiculed by liberals, or progressives, or Democrats, or whatever you choose to call them, simply been made to turn to dust. And what we are now seeing today, as being what America has become, is nothing more than the natural result of that. As they say culture matters, and it's been liberal/progressive polices that have done nothing more than to rain down all manner of ruin on our country, and Barry seeks to be the one to drive that final nail into our coffin. And something still tells me, Timmy would be only to glad to help. The fact that he may have mellowed, or given money to 'conservatives' does little to change my opinion of him.

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