Sunday, January 20, 2013


What was it that so many saw that made up the minds of so many to vote to give Barry four more years to turn his dream of destroying this country into a reality? A dream that first entered his mind, really, long before he was elected to any public office. And, a dream that he is now very close to making come true. He saw his terms as, first a state senator, and then as a U.S. senator as allowing him only to take baby steps toward being able to succeed at his ultimate goal. So he set his sights higher, a lot higher, and thus became to least qualified individual to not only run for the job of president, but to actually be elected, now, twice. And while his having been able to do so, has not bode well for our country, it has allowed Barry to make a great leap forward in turning that lifelong dream of his into a nightmare for those of us who do not share in his twisted dream of what America should be, or what it should look like.
While Barry has been very successful at making America much weaker on the international front he has been even more successful here at home working feverishly to bring about a complete economic collapse as he strives to get as many Americans as is humanly possible completely dependent upon government. During Barry’s first term as president of the United States, the debt of the federal government increased by a staggering $5.8 trillion, which, as we have many times, actually exceeds the combined debt accumulated under all presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton. The new federal debt accumulated in Barry's first term equaled approximately $50,521 for each of household in the country. On Jan. 20, 2009, when Barry was first inaugurated, the total debt of the federal government that he inherited from George Bush $10,626,877,048,913.08, according to the U.S. Treasury.
As of the close of business on Jan. 17, the last day reported by the Treasury before Barry’s second inauguration, the total debt of the federal government was $16,432,631,489,854.70.  Thus, during the time between Barry’s first inauguration and now his second, the federal government’s debt grew by $5,805,754,440,941.62. Now given the fact that the Census Bureau currently estimates that there are 114,916,000 households in the United States, the $5,805,754,440,941.62 debt increase under Barry equals about $50,521 per household.  When George W. Bush was first inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2001, the total debt of the federal government was $5,727,776,738,304.64. Thus, the total accumulated debt of the federal government was less on the day George W. Bush was inaugurated than the $5,805,754,440,941.62 in additional debt Barry accumulated during his first term.
When Bush left office on Jan. 20, 2009, the total debt of the federal government was $10,626,877,048,913.08. Thus, in George W. Bush’s two terms the total debt of the federal government increased $4,899,100,310,608.44—or by less than the $5,805,754,440,941.62 the debt increased in Barry’s first term alone. On Oct. 11, 2001, during Bush’ first year in office, the debt rose from $5,805,746,196,414.92 to $5,811,762,115,860.32. Since then it has never dipped below $5,805,754,440,941.62 (the amount the debt increased in Barry’s first term).  Thus, the debt increased more in Barry's first term than it did during the combined 53 terms of the first 42 presidents (George Washington through Bill Clinton). Now Barry is currently demanding that Congress increase the legal limit on the federal debt without making him agree to corresponding cuts in federal spending.
There is also another area in which Barry has succeeded in making great strides is that also during his first term, the number of Americans collecting federal disability insurance increased by 1,385,418 to a record 8,827,795. As a result, there is now one person collecting disability in this county for every 13 people working full-time. Forty-two years ago, in December 1968, there were 51 people working full-time in this country for each person collecting disability. In January 2009, again, the month Barry was first inaugurated, there were 7,442,377 Americans collecting federal disability insurance, according to the Social Security Administration. By December 2012, the latest month reported, there were 8,827,795 collecting disability, an increase of 1,385,418. With 115,868,000 people working full-time in December, according the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there was 1 person collecting disability for every 13 people working full-time.
In the comparable period of George W. Bush’s first term—January 2001 through December 2004—the number of people taking disability went from 5,052,895 to 6,197,664, an increase: 1,144,769. In the comparable period of George W. Bush's second term--January 2005 through December 2008--the number of people taking disability went from 6,219,666 to 7,427,203, an increase of 1,207,537. Back in January 2001, there was one person collecting disability for every 23 full-time workers; by December 2004 there was one person collecting disability for every 19 full-time workers; and by December 2008, there was one person collecting disability for every 16 full-time workers. Forty-two years ago, in December 1968, 1,295,428 Americans collected disability and 65,630,000 worked full-time. Thus, at that time, there were about 51 Americans working full-time for each person collecting disability.
Back in 2008 when Barry was first running for president, he said he was running because he wanted to "fundamentally transform" America. While there were millions of us who saw no real need for such a ‘radical makeover,’ there were millions more who apparently agreed with Barry that such a makeover was in fact needed. And apparently they still feel that way since we will now be made to endure four more years of Barack Hussein Obama. Barry has always seen America as being too powerful, too influential and, by golly, just too unfair. He chose to ignore completely that it was the one place on the entire Earth where possibilities for the individual were unlimited. A citizen of this country was able, through their God given rights, to become as successful, or as unsuccessful as they wished. All that was required of them to become what others would call a success was that they would have to work hard at it.
You see, Barry sees those who are willing to work hard in order to provide as much as possible to their families, you know the ones who "didn’t build that," as, somehow, cheating. He sees those folks as somehow taking advantage of those who aren’t willing to work quite as hard or to make the necessary sacrifices that are always required on the road to success. And Barry, as do all Democrats to one degree or another, portrays himself as being the defender of those less willing to work. I’m stealing a line from a fellow blogger here in describing these two groups as wagon-pullers and wagon-riders. Barry was, and remains, firmly on the side of the riders and in doing so, does his best blame the pullers for their plight. He makes it appear that those evil, greedy pullers have somehow taken advantage of the riders and are therefore at fault for the riders being unable to provide to their families that which a little hard work would allow them to.
So here we are after four years of Barry, as we are left to wonder how much of this once prosperous nation will be left after another four years have passed. Will we, as so many have said it the ultimate outcome, simply become another Greece, albeit on a much grander scale? I don’t sleep much these days as I worry about what kind of future my daughter may be forced to contend with, or her kids, for that matter. She’s in college now, but that is far from being any kind of a guarantee for success in the future. How many, these days, only graduate from college to move back home with mom and dad? Which brings, I guess, to the point of all my rambling here? What will be the legacy of Barry "Almighty?" Will it be nothing more than the burnt out hull of a nation that while it still flies the American flag, nobody much cares? I look back over the years since my childhood and I’m sad when I realize just how far we’ve fallen.

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