Wednesday, May 18, 2016


While I don’t want to sound too gleeful about any potential prospects, it would seem that many on the Democrat side may have been, perhaps, just a bit too quick to make their predictions regarding how it was going to be the Republican convention which was destined to be little more than a political free for all.  Because as the Democrat Party primary process continues to lurch along, it’s beginning to look more and more like the gathering in Philadelphia will be far more ‘entertaining’ to watch that will be the gathering in Cleveland.  

It wasn’t all that long ago that no matter where one happened to look you saw gleeful Democrats almost salivating over what was then predicted to be a party splitting brokered Republican convention and the mess that it was likely to produce.  But fast forward only a couple of months and it would appear that it’s now the Democrats who may, in fact, end up with having a much bigger mess to deal with.  Which is a bit uncharacteristic for Democrats, since they’re usually pretty quick to fall in line behind the chosen candidate.

And who knows, that may yet happen but I must admit that their current situation is becoming rather interesting, besides being quite entertaining, to watch to say the least.  And I can’t help but wonder how many Democrats out there are now kicking themselves in the butt for not running and how many are having second thoughts about their front-runner.  And while I am not a Democrat, I thought it pretty bizarre that the party was so quick to settle on Hitlery as their first choice.  But in a sense I’m glad they did. 

And with Bernie now warning that he fully intends on taking his campaign all the way to the July convention in Philadelphia, even if he's trailing Hitlery in pledged delegates, rumor has it that Democrats are growing increasingly fearful that the melee that occurred in Nevada could very well be repeated just as the party is struggling to unite after a rather ‘spirited’ primary.  Democrat Senator ‘Little Dick’ Durbin of Illinois said "of course" he's concerned that the same tactics would be replicated in Philadelphia.

It was during an interview in the Capitol that ‘Little Dick’ said, "We saw what happened at the Trump rallies, which broke into violence, people punching one another. I don't want to see that happen at the Democratic Party."  And he went on to say, "I call on Bernie to say to his supporters: be fervent, be committed but be sensible. Don't engage in any violence."  Top Democrats now say that it will be incumbent upon Bernie to make sure his supporters come into the fold, if he’s not wanting to risk electing Trump.

And then it was fellow Democrat, and Hitlery supporter, Jeanne Shaheen who said she has never before dealt with more aggressive supporters than Sanders' voters.  She said, "It's been interesting to me because I've never experienced that before and I've been involved in every presidential campaign since 1976."  And she added, "We've had lots of people who have supported different candidates, and I've never seen that kind of behavior before."  Really?  Because I seem to recall seeing just this kind of behavior from the left on more than one occasion.

Shaheen recalled an event days before the New Hampshire primary in February when Sanders supporters were "very aggressive," "heckling me and others as we spoke."  She said, "That has never happened before."  She added, "In this campaign, (Sanders) has gotten a lot of people engaged, he should be able to go through the primaries as he's committed to do -- Hillary Clinton did that in 2008."  She said, "Hopefully, once the nomination is done, then he will endorse the nominee."  I don’t know about that, old Bernie seems to be pretty determined.

You know, it’s pretty sad state of affairs for the Democrats when the best presidential candidates they could muster up are the career criminal, Hitlery Clinton, and the admitted Communist, Bernie Sanders.  And they are now shooting at each other to drive one lethal and perverse ideology over the other.  The level of hatred and contempt the Democrats harbor for America truly knows no bounds. We need a wall not only to keep illegal aliens out but to protect normal people from the far left extremists in the Democrat Party.

But still I gotta tell ya, if I was a Bernie supporter and had watched him win primary after primary only to then see Hitlery get handed the nomination, I would be pissed me off too!  But since I’m a big believer in karma, I would be the last one to wish ill on the Democrats as they seek to come together at their convention out of fear that ours would become the circus that everyone ends up laughing at.  But that said, it wouldn’t exactly break my heart if after all their badmouthing about our candidate they were made to squirm a little.

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