Saturday, May 20, 2017


There appears to be a growing number of people in Congress who seem to be exhibiting the symptoms of what can only be described as a rather severe mental disorder.  This disorder seems to be more prevalent among those in the Democrat Party, but does not appear to be confined to Democrats.  And while mental disorders are not typically considered contagious, this new, and rather aggressive, disorder has spread very quickly, infected a growing number of people almost as if they want it to.  And it would appear that in some of them the symptoms have now progressed to the point where the only viable treatment remaining would be for them to be placed in a nice safe environment, for instance one with thickly padded walls.  But to be honest, Democrats are far from being the only ones susceptible, because while as it seems to be spreading like wildfire throughout their party it is also now beginning to affect a growing number within the Republican Party.

And it is in trying to point out just how severe this mental disorder is that I use as my example, Maxine Waters, who seems to have now become so completely unhinged as to actually represent a rather significant danger to herself and the country.  And I find it pretty amazing that we have so many individuals who have now become so completely unstable and yet are still able to maintain their positions of power.  It was Ms. Waters who, during her recent appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” discussed her multiple calls for the impeachment of President Trump and actually went so far as to make the claim that during the 2016 presidential campaign when Trump was calling his opponent, Hitlery, “crooked” and the rally crowds were chanting “lock her up,” it was nothing more than “a play from Putin’s playbook.”  Now just how insane must one be in order to make such a claim, and how can anyone making such a claim continue to be taken seriously?

And when asked what the standard by which Trump should be impeached, Waters said, “I am talking about strategies that were developed working with the Trump campaign. I really do believe that much of what you saw coming out of Trump’s mouth was a play from Putin’s playbook. I think that when you saw him absolutely calling Hillary crooked, the, “lock her up, lock her up” all of that was developed. I think that was developed strategically with people from the Kremlin, with Putin, and I think it’s more than bank records.”  And yet she acknowledged that she has yet to see any evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russian government.  She went through her usual shtick of making vague allegations of cooperation between the Trump campaign and Kremlin “in developing strategy about how they could ensure that Hillary Clinton was not elected.”  Does that not say it all when trying to determine her current mental state as well as her fitness to hold higher office? 

But after what was little more than a two-minute diatribe, ‘Mad Maxine’ was finally forced to acknowledge that she has yet to actually see evidence of collusion.  It was Huffington Post editor Sam Stein, of all people, who asked Waters, “But just to be clear, there has been no actual evidence yet?”  Waters responded by saying, “No, it has not been.” And then she went on to add, “No it has not. And I want you to know every time I’ve talked about impeachment I’ve said we’ve got to connect the dots, we’ve got to get the facts, we’ve got to do the investigation. That is what leads to impeachment, and I’ve also said that Trump will lead us right there.”  Does anyone recall this moron having the same level of interest in connecting the dots during any of the many Obummer scandals?  You know, scandals like Benghazi, the IRS, ‘Fast and Furious, Solyndra, the ransom paid the Iran for hostages, the NSA spying scandal, and the lists goes on and on.  And those were genuine scandals!

And while I am not a medical professional, it is my opinion that Ms. Waters can be said to be suffering from delusional behavior, described as: “Delusional disorder is a mental illness in which the patient presents with delusions, but with no accompanying prominent hallucinations, thought disorder, mood disorder, or significant flattening of affect.  Delusions are a specific symptom of psychosis. Delusions can be "bizarre" or "non-bizarre" in content; non-bizarre delusions are fixed false beliefs that involve situations that could potentially occur in real life, such as being followed or poisoned. Apart from their delusions, people with delusional disorder may continue to socialize and function in a normal manner and their behavior does not necessarily generally seem odd."  Waters and her fellow Democrats, as well as the vast majority of those in our state-controlled media complex, have now become so delusional they don't even realize they're delusional.  Now that’s delusional!

And I think it's become indicative of just how far this country has been made to fall when you have someone like this mental midget who has frequently seen fit to lecture CEO's of some of the most prominent financial institutions in the world.  I mean here you have someone who has, essentially, never really worked a day in her life and who has managed to do nothing more than live off the taxpayers by holding one public office or another, for the last 44 years, dictating to people who are obviously much smarter than she could ever hope to be, on how it is that they should conduct their businesses.  That’s roughly the equivalent of Albert Einstein being brought before a Kangaroo Court of second graders.  There is nothing that makes the point better when it comes to just how uninformed and, dare I say, ignorant the American electorate has become than the fact that this ignoramus has managed to hold some manner of public office for most of her adult life.

If we’re going to have a ‘Special Counsel’ perhaps he should be looking into is HOW we got to the point where we have Democrats calling for impeachment when even they themselves admit that there's virtually no evidence of any collusion.  Without the false accusations of collusion, we never would have arrived at this point, just as we would never have arrived at this point without the FBI lawlessly turning it's investigative authority over to the DNC to phony up an allegation that Russia hacked the DNC when we now know that those ‘leaks’ came from within the DNC itself, leaked by guy who later shows up dead under some rather curious circumstances.  And what about the double felony by the CIA when it concealed that it has a fake-evidence-planting tool specifically designed to hack and leave trace evidence that Russia did the hacking.  So why stop at just one ‘Special Counsel’ when we could probably use a at least dozen to help drain the ‘Swamp’.

This attempt by the Washington Elites, our state-controlled media complex and incompetent and corrupt liberal Congressional politicians, to topple a President in the first 6 months of his Presidency is pure lunacy in large bold letters.  Because in truth, Hitlery & Co lost the election because they were totally out of touch with the American people and they had absolutely no platform of what would be done if they were elected.  And nothing has changed.  The idiots still have not learned the lesson and they continue to allow the inmates of their party to run the Democrat Party. Many Americans believe Washington is totally broken, and you can count me among them. The current hysteria being lead by the Democrats only serves to highlight what the American people believe. Washington is irretrievably broken. The country is on a dangerous path because these very people want power so badly they are willing to risk total chaos in this country to get it.

The only possible solution to this continuing obstruction problem is for voters to exact some level of retribution at the ballot box come the next election.  And by that I do not mean that we should go out and elect more Democrats, because the last thing we need is to have more leftwing kooks like Waters in Congress.  What we need to do, and what we must do, as I have stated before, is to focus on some major house cleaning.  We’re all aware of the issues that President Trump campaigned on and now, courtesy of this ongoing Russian collusion nonsense, we know exactly who it is that’s preventing him from getting those things done.  And it is those individuals upon whom we must be focused like a laser beam, and do all that we can to remove them from office and replace them with those who choose to do something other than to impede and obstruct those things which we all know need to be done if we are to have any level of success in our effort to “Make America Great Again!”

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