It has long been said the liberalism, progressivism, or whatever it is you want to call it, is little more than a form of mental illness. And it’s whenever watching, or listening, to those afflicted that should be pretty obvious. And yet it’s these same people who always take offense when described as being afflicted with this medical condition and desperately in need of treatment. But now comes some potential evidence which would prove that those of us who have said it’s a mental disorder were right all along. I say that because Jamie Raskin has apparently enlisted psychologists to help Democrats cope with President Trump’s first week in office.
It was reported on Friday of this week that House
Democrats, who appear disoriented after President Trump’s landslide victory,
are turning to experts that specialize in “emotion regulation.” Which, as far
as I concerned, is a total confirmation and complete validation that Democrats
are mentally unstable. This is what decades of ‘participation trophies’ get
you. No one knows how to deal with a loss anymore. But let’s face it, their
psychiatric problems were present long before Donald Trump arrived on the scene.
They’re struggling now because the fantasy world that their pathetic enablers
in the ‘fake news’ media has worked to prop up, has collapsed.
The recruitment of psychologists proves that many
Democrats have Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Raskin told reporters, “They’re
social psychologists, and they were just talking about communication and
authoritarian styles of speech in the Trump age.” He said, “We were talking
about basically communication styles during the Trump era.” They need to be checked
for the delusions of grandeur, cognitive dissonance and psychosis. That
liberals have more problems with mental illness than those on the right is a
well-established fact. Raskin may be getting shrinks to help with their TDS,
but they also need help for their degenerate lifestyles.
After President Trump’s landslide victory, the
shattered Democrat party does not appear to know why he won or how to prevent
further defeats. The party is in the middle of revamping its nine-year-old
talking points that claimed, without evidence, that Donald Trump and the Republicans
were racist, bigots, and misogynists. They got a good swift kick in the ego and
have now crumpled into the fetal position crying like babies. Again, we’ve been
provided more proof that liberals, Democrats and the lying ‘fake news’ media are
nothing more than weak-minded morons. It would be so hilarious to hear this, but
the truth is, it’s so freaking pathetic and sad.
In recent weeks, the bewildered party seems ill-equipped
to mount a strong resistance to President Trump’s cabinet nominees, most of
whom appear to be on a glide path to confirmation, although Senate Democrats will
likely try delaying tactics that are expected but can be overcome with strong
Senate Republican leadership. Democrats are intellectually and morally corrupt
with no sense of right or wrong. Their despair has now metastasized into a full-blown
nightmare to the point where they have become like the ‘walking dead.’ And anyone
who voted for pathetic apparatchik Raskin really should be ashamed of
themselves for the rest of their life.
Democrats seem unable to deal with a small defeat
and now they need shrinks to cope? Why would anyone vote for Democrats who are
blatantly unwilling to work with a new president only because that president
belongs to the opposing party. Weak-minded Democrats have no idea what
difficult is. Shrinks cannot fix stupid, and they can’t fix the low intellect
and levels of retardation within the Democrat Party. At least they understand
they have some serious mental illness issues. It’s left-wing thinking
liberal/progressives in the media/entertainment, government, and sadly in academics/education,
that create social cotangents and worsens mental issues.
If you think you may have been infected or seduced
by leftwing thinking or find yourself actually agreeing with people like Raskin,
then you may want to seek out a mental health professional in your local area
as soon as possible. And keep in mind, the longer you put off doing so the more
severe symptoms will become, to the point where you may very well end up like
Raskin himself. And really the only form of treatment is to avoid these
leftists completely and learn to think for yourself. And sadly, depending on just
how bad one has been infected, one may require to spend a certain amount of
time in an asylum' for their own and the good of others.
Raskin is very skilled when it comes to spewing
leftwing talking points, he’s been doing it for some time. He’s able to keep
the conversation within the guidelines of the Democrat playbook. Raskin
instinctively applies the principles from the leftwing playbook in real time.
Raskin is strong in his radical beliefs. The key to finally ending the
Constitution and enslaving the population is to continue to push the federal
government into every single local issue and then take it over. The Left has spent
years exploiting every tragedy or disaster that came along in their effort to advance
their agenda, an agenda the sole purpose of which is to rob us all of our freedoms.
We’re marching towards a country where elections
will continue to occur but where one side, the Democrats, will always try to
skew the outcome in their favor. Obviously, we have leftists who are firmly entrenched
at all levels of government. There is only one way to keep the country on the
right road. People need to get and stay informed. They can’t spend time listening
to those like Raskin and simply take what they’re saying as the truth. Because
it’s not the truth. A good rule of thumb, and one I follow myself, is that whenever
you’re listening to any Democrat simply assume they’re lying to you. Because it’s
far more often than not that they are.
If you are need of psychiatric help just to cope
with the outcome of an election, then you are not emotionally stable enough to
govern our country. Clearly such individuals are unable to deal with the fact
that the adults are once again back in charge. The Democrats moral panic and
identity politics won’t allow for rational thinking. The shrinks will need
shrinks in this vicious cycle. Rats chasing their tails. Now these weasels,
whiners, and losers need a psychiatrist to know how to handle not only President
Trump’s victory but also how to react to the fact that a huge majority of
Americans have rejected them, their failed policies and their toxic ideology.
Have you ever heard of such
a collection of weak-minded panty-waist liberals in your life? Can you imagine
these men being asked to take up arms to defend America? And these are the Democrat
leaders that the people have put in power. Men, and women, who border on a
mental breakdown because their party lost an election. A bunch of pathetic snowflakes
melting in the hot glare of a real president, one who simply wants to help the
American people. Helping Americans is not a priority for Democrats. Their only interest
is acquiring, and maintaining, political power. Democrats have proven
themselves to be a blight on this nation, Americans need to be very wary.
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