Ok, so I will admit that I am no one that anyone should ever be taking political advice from, not that anyone ever would. But that said, there seems to be a great many people out there in the political arena who would do well to follow my example. Those who, for some bizarre reason, are continually sought out for reasons that I still have been unable to figure out. Those who, were it not for a bit of dumb luck, would never be asked for their opinion on politics or anything else. Take, for example, the ‘mouth from the south’ James Carville. What has this guy really ever done other than to drag ‘Slick Willy’ across the finish line first in a three-man race over 30 years ago?
Carville, the same guy who went from claiming that
Cumala was going to easily defeat President Trump, to singing quite the
different tune when it was President Trump who won quite handily, saying that
he had known it all along that she would lose. And yet Carville continues to be
on speed dial by so many in the ‘fake news’ media. And it was as recently as
this past Friday that Carville’s presence was apparently once again requested,
this time by MSDNC’s “The Beat,” and it was during this appearance that he was
again asked to provide a little insight. And it was then that he said Democrats
have no choice but to let President Trump simply “punch himself out."
Carville said, “I mean, look, he just says anything
that he wants to say. I mean, how many stories do I have to read that the delta
smelt has nothing to do with this, but he’s just going to keep plowing through?
OK. And we have to learn as Democrats just let him punch himself out. Just
remember, this is a little bit before your time, but people of my generation
remember Muhammad Ali and his rope a dope. He just let you just go to it the
first 6 or 7 rounds, and then you come in and you match up, and then you start
launching bombs.” He said, “It’s hard to sit here and just look at one, you
know, Greenland, Canada, Panama Canal Zone, delta smelt that, you name it."
Carville went on to say, “But you just got to keep
bobbing and weaving and bobbing and weaving. and then in due course you’re
going to be able to come in. But the big thing is his number one promise, the
biggest political promise this generation is he would get food prices down. Then
he got into office and said, there’s nothing I can do about it. Of course, eggs
are four dollars and something a dozen.” Carville concluded, “He keeps
distracting us and we keep getting distracted but we’ll come back in and we’ll
we’ll straddle this target and get it in range here before long, I think.” Translation:
“Yadda, yadda, yadda, same ol’, same ol’ blabbity, blabbity, blah."
If the Democrat propaganda machine, aka the ‘fake
news’ media, relied on credibility, they would have no one to interview. Great
strategy there, Jimmy. President Trump is a freight train and you’re telling
your side to park on the tracks and play chicken. It’s a bold strategy, let’s
see how it works out. Carville is so no longer relevant. He provides nothing but
background noise. Carville, and those like him, seem to have no idea what it is
that is actually taking place around them. Clearly, President Trump has done
more in four days than Joey did in four years and ‘BO’ did in eight. Donald Trump
is the greatest President of my lifetime.
And just why is it that Democrats think they have to
constantly oppose? How about contributing to our success so that they can then
take credit for having played a role in making that success possible. But people
like this hate the idea of uniting. And like Carville they are all hateful,
spiteful individuals who quite literally hate anyone who dares not to think as
they do. And what choice do Democrats really
have? They have used every underhanded, dirty, illegal trick they know or could
invent, used every slur, accusation, lie they could think of, and he was still
smarter than all of them put together, and has beaten them every way that it’s
possible to beat someone.
All the Democrats think about is ‘winning.’ The party
exists solely to win by any means necessary and when they do, they pillage for
as long as possible and use their brainwashed acolytes as attack dogs to go
after anyone who dares speak out against them. Carville never once mentioned
who it was that was in charge when the prices for everything went through the
roof. And how they did absolutely nothing about it. Hell, they wouldn’t even
acknowledge it! When your political policies are rejected by a large percentage
of the voting public, it’s best to just shut up. President Trump will do whatever
needs to be done to repair the ship after hitting the Democrat iceberg.
Carville’s political ‘expertise’
is radically leftwing, and is therefore inherently flawed, and profoundly
overrated. The supposed ‘strategist’ who was wrong about virtually everything
last year, is off to another good start for this year. He comes from a
different age, A different political perspective. He simply doesn’t understand
the ‘MAGA’ movement in which we are so lucky to now be living. Joey left behind
a giant mess which is in desperate need of being cleaned up. President Trump will
never tire of punching. But feel free, you go right ahead and wait for him to
get tired as he continues to pummel you and yours on the left into political oblivion.
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