Monday, June 13, 2022


I’m quite sure we all remember the violence that took place during the summer of 2020, during the lead up to the 2020 election. And I’m sure that we remember, while Democrats may have not been specifically behind it, they most certainly condoned it. And I’m sure that we also remember that it wasn’t a bunch of conservatives, nor was it supporters of President Trump, who busied themselves with the looting of small businesses, the burning of private property and even the seizing of a section of a city, claiming it as their own. And now we have a Democrat issuing what is nothing more than a disclaimer regarding how we may be about to experience a repeat?

It was Chris Coons, Democrat, during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” who said the country is at risk of a “season of political violence.” It was during a rather bizarre exchange that show host, Bret ‘NeverTrumper’ Baier pointed out how much has been made about words and how they matter. And he wondered at what point stirring the pot, or giving the green light to violence is unacceptable. He then played a video of Democrat Chuckie Schumer saying,” I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.” Chuckie added, “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."

Baier asked, “On the steps of the Supreme Court, did those words qualify, Senator?” Coons answered saying, “So here’s a key distinction. What Senator Schumer was saying was that he was upset. He was alarmed, he was concerned at the prospect that justices would reverse decades of a well-established fundamental constitutional right in our country. What he did not say was let’s go attack them.” He said, “The point of the January 6th hearing is to prove that that is in fact what President Trump did, that he, in the words of Congresswoman Cheney, summoned the mob, stirred up the mob and then lit the fuse that sent them storming the Capitol of the United States."

Coons said, “I do think there’s a distinguishable difference between what we just heard from Senator Schumer and the actions taken by former President Trump in the days before January 6th.” And he said, “And the results were clear, and I think catastrophic. The physical assault of officers that led to several officer deaths and the shattering of the Capitol perimeter. Frankly, as one of the members of the Senate who had to be escorted out along with the vice president by Capitol police just feet ahead of an angry mob, I do think that we are at risk of a season of political violence in this country, and all of us should reduce the temper and level of our rhetoric."

Translation here: “We’re getting our butts kicked in the polls regarding the upcoming midterms, so we need to unleash our BLM and Antifa terrorists onto the American people beginning this summer.” So here we have a Democrat not only admitting that we’re on the verge of violence, he’s advocating for it. November will be catastrophic, and the Democrats know it. If this season of political violence does in fact become a reality it will be, just like the last time, those on the left who will be the perpetrators of that violence. Coons knows this, just as I have no doubt that Baier does too but, in typical fashion, Baier never chooses to make that point. Why?

Coons is doing nothing more than to give the greenlight to Antifa and BLM to start getting things organized and to get ready to start attacking innocent Americans and burning and looting in the name of ‘social justice.’ And Baier again simply gives him a pass. Coons is nothing but another example of how it is that those on the Left are simply laying the groundwork for the manufactured violence that they are, without a doubt, going to unleash. This coming violence will undoubtedly end up being blamed on the Right, and likely even President Trump, with the intent being so that ‘Shitbag Joey’ can then declare “emergency powers,” including the halting of the election.

Lies come easy to those like this POS, Chris Coons. The ONLY violence that has been committed, has so far come from those on the left. I agree there will be much more, but it will be those on the left who initiate it. But again, they will be given a pass and only those who chose to defend themselves against it will be hauled in for more show trials. Democrats are sponsoring violence everywhere, they have assassins attempting to murder members of Congress at softball games and Supreme Court Justices. They refuse to protect justices, they refuse to protect our children at school, they salivate at the opportunity of murdering babies. They are Democrats, the party of HATE!

It was the Democrats, and those in the ‘fake news’ media, that incited the BLM/Antifa riots that took place during President Trump’s tenure in the White House, the 2016 massacre of Dallas police at the end of a BLM rally when ‘BO’ was in office, and countless incidents of black on white violence that is never investigated or even reported as being racially motivated. In the summer of 2020, Antifa rioted and burned Portland for 100 days straight, and they burned the Federal Courthouse Building. They murdered people. Antifa did the same in Seattle for two months of 2020. And it was the Democrats who allowed it to happen. When Democrats riot, it's all good.

Despite recent claims that he did no such thing, President Trump approved the use of the National Guard days before January 6, and the Democrats repeatedly refused. So as far as I’m concerned, that’s the end of any attempt to blow January 6 up into more than what it was. And yet, who’s been held accountable for the violence incited by the Democrats? Who’s been held responsible for what happened the summer of 2020, NO ONE! Yet it’s obvious the violence is being conducted by the left, the rioting, looting, hammer attacks, and literally without a police response, nothing! Without their lies, cheating, and gaslighting, Democrats would not have an agenda!

All of this should make you wonder if there are any Democrats who won’t lie about any of the events that took place on January 6? There is going to come a point where we’re going to have to respond physically to this scum, and be absolutely remorseless when they start their sniveling (which they always do). Democrats seem free to do or say anything. We all know that. If they get caught red-handed all they have to say is, “Oh, I’m sorry and I promise never to do it again.” And all of their sins get erased, the media coverage goes away and the same losers go and do it again. Much like criminals when caught and convicted in Democrat controlled cities, they’re simply released.

If there is a “season of political violence,” it’s safe to say that it won’t be the Republicans who start it, but it’s many of us who will be only too happy to respond in kind to any violent Democrat pre-election temper tantrum in order to try to get their way politically. The battle lines are being drawn. If you don’t let them groom your kids you’re racist, if you stop them from shoplifting you’re racist, if they can’t break into your house and rape your wife and daughter you’re racist, if you won’t give up your constitutional rights you’re racist, if you want cops in schools you’re racist, so of course there’s a chance for violence. The left will start it and the right must finish it.

We’ve been witnessing leftist political violence for several decades now, and this summer will be no different. And it will continue to happen because there is no political or public pressure for them to stop. And in most cases the very same people complaining of political violence are openly endorsing the same violence. The only question left is will conservatives finally end these attacks against democracy and fight back against these attacks with violence too? Personally, I think that needs to happen, we need more armed citizens standing in the way of these attacks and if the rioters try and stop you, you have every right to defend yourself and your country.

And finally, when you stop and think about it, Democrats really are quite amazing. They’re very good at hearing that which was never actually said. President Trump’s call for a peaceful protest is interpreted as a call for insurrection, but Coons can say, “What Senator Schumer was saying was that he was upset?” Sure, no other way to interpret that statement, right? Isn’t the issue really about how others may interpret these public statements? C'mon man! And it doesn't help the temperature in the country when the ‘fake news’ media purposely ‘edits’ what President Trump said. We need to understand that this is how the game is now played, and play it that way too!

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