Thursday, June 2, 2022


So, you really do need to wonder just what the Hell it is that’s going on over there at MSDNC. I mean, is it that they’re having a difficult time finding anyone with a brain who’s willing to appear on the network or, is it that they’re purposely going in search of those without a brain, and those who also tend to have their head buried so far up their own ass that the last time they likely saw any amount of sunlight was back around 2008. Because I gotta tell you, the caliber of those appearing on the network these days has a set another new low. The network is now very clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to who they identify as “political analysts."

The latest one of these buffoons to show up at the network, and identified as being a “political analyst,” was some boob by the name of Cornell Belcher. And it was during an appearance just this past Wednesday on “MSNBC Prime,” hosted by Ayman Mohyeldin, that this supposed “political analyst” declared that if Democrats make the 2022 midterms about abortion and gun legislation, they have a chance to keep their majorities in Congress. So, with gas prices now going through the roof, a shortage of baby formula, rampant inflation and so much more, this supposed “political analyst” is advocating for making the midterm elections about guns and abortion? Seriously?

Anyway, Mohyeldin asked, “You saw in those Republican ads that we played there, jockeying through the primaries to seem more pro-gun than their opponents. Could that come back and hurt them in November, given the trauma in this country is going with right now after all of these mass shootings?” Belcher said, “That is the $1 million question. It’s whether or not Democrats will make them pay a price for it.” He said, “A lot of these congressional races are going to hinge on what suburban women do. When you think about moms, those suburban moms, who are literally praying and hoping, no one shows up at their kids’ school with automatic weapons today."

He continued, “You have to think they are misaligned and, frankly, amoral to those moms who will decide this election.” And he went on to add, “If this election is about women’s right to choose what happens with their bodies, and our ability to pass common-sense gun reforms that help keep our kids safe, and helps to stop our streets from being a war zone, I think that Democrats have a chance to change history. They need to take that chance.” Where’s this guy been, Democrats HAVE changed history! They’ve created the greatest gun sales in the history of America, are responsible for the highest gas prices in history and for the highest rate of inflation in decades!

And Democrats themselves undermined Roe v. Wade. Where does one think the line protecting abortion on the basis of medical privacy starts? Medical privacy is the entire basis behind Roe V Wade. There’s was no way that Roe can survive after the legal fights for mandatory vaccinations. Democrats have completely taken down Roe v. Wade, and Republicans had nothing to do with it! Most every piece of the downfall of Roe, resulted from party line votes in Congress, with Republicans voting almost unanimously against them, or a direct action of the Democrat Party, with Republicans in opposition, obliterating the very mechanisms used to justify the Roe decision.

Never mind that those suburban moms have no baby formula and will soon find that feeding their older children, even on a combined income, will become nearly impossible, as they walk out to their car in the morning, and their neighbor is being raped, while their other neighbors house alarm goes off, as two burglars come running out the front door. She will recall that the last time she saw any sort of a police presence in the neighborhood was well over a month ago, then she will sigh as she starts her car. And it will be at that point she will realize that she needs to fill her gas tank that will cost her roughly 50 dollars for the third time this month.

Sure, I suppose that’s a strategy that might work as long as people forget about everything else. Support for the Second Amendment will only continue to grow more popular especially as the Progressive/regressive far left idiots continue to push for banning gun sales and/or for outright confiscation. And it’s those hungry babies forced to go without formula that will serve as a daily reminder of ‘Shitbag Joey’s blatant incompetence. And then we have those parents who look forward to their children going to school and being taught how they are racists in between classroom time being taught the latest curriculum of gender bender physiology.

Finally, this guy Belcher really ain’t much of a “analyst,” political or otherwise. He’s nothing more than another typical liberal talking head. The elections this November will be likely be decided on two issues: Inflation and the price of energy. And, since it’s policies put in place by Democrats, it’s Democrats who should be viewed as being the ones responsible for high numbers on both. So theoretically, they should be toast. So I hope they do follow this guy’s advice and run on abortion and gun confiscation, as gas hits $5 a gallon, food prices continue through the roof, inflation remains out of control, and illegal aliens pour into the country. I’m sure that's a winning strategy.

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