Wednesday, June 1, 2022


So just how desperate, do you suppose, the Democrats really are when it comes to their ongoing quest to totally disarm the American people? Desperate enough to perhaps use our children as a means to their end? To insist upon making them easy prey for any nut able to acquire a weapon, preferable something of a higher caliber? Look, we have long known that Democrats, as a party, have very little respect for human life. And they seem to have a rather twisted fascination with killing the youngest among us. And yet to hear them speak about these tragedies it’s not they who deserve any of the blame for these shootings that continue to take place.

Instead, it’s all the fault of all those gun crazy Republicans, it’s they who we should all be blaming. And I’m sure that at least some have noticed how it’s never remorse, of even sadness, that one hears in the voice of ANY Democrat whenever describing any of these horrific events. It’s more like excitement at the prospect of having killed enough children to enable them to finally convince enough Americans that were it not for those evil Republicans, those who continue to stand behind an antiquated Second Amendment, we could finally bring an end to all of the violence. And they will say that the only hope we have, to stop the killing, is that we must all give up our guns.

And so it was that earlier this week, during an appearance on “MSDNC Reports,” hosted by moron Larry O’Donnell, ex-HUD secretary, from 2014 to 2017, under ‘BO,’ Julian Castro, and a now an MSDNS ‘analyst,’ said that there was a “quiet growing anger and impatience” in Texas over a lack of gun legislation to address mass shootings. O’Donnell said, “What did you learn in Uvalde?” Castro said, “Well, I learned that there was a tremendous amount of anger, of this quiet growing anger and impatience. The phrase that I heard most often from residents, from some of the extended family members of victims that I spoke to, was something has to change."

He said, “People seem to want an all of the above approach to ending these types of situations. They recognize that there are problems with their gun laws. I also heard a lot of folks say, why in the world did an 18-year-old have access to this type of a weapon? They agreed the school should be as secure as possible. They also think that mental health is an issue in some instances, and truth be told, Uvalde, which is only a city of about 20,000 people, has been underserved in terms of social services, mental health care services for generations. So all of those things come into play when you ask folks just plainly, look, what do you think should be done if you want change?"

Castro is one more Democrat, on what has now become a very long list of many, who are quite willing to use the bodies of OUR dead children to further their leftist political agenda. Don’t be fooled, Democrats don’t give a damn about the kids who died in Uvalde. They seek only to use them to steal our Second Amendment rights. Death and violence, inspired by the Left, only to then be used, and exploited, to gain whatever advantage they can from it. This is yet another example of the left pushing the idea that only they are the source of what is right. And if you refuse to fall in line with their warped view of reality, then you have no right to your freedom.

There is no question that our nation is divided. That said, what I do not believe is that the nation is divided equally. I do not believe Democrats are supported by 50 percent of this nation’s voters. Certainly, each side is passionate in its beliefs, and positions are way too far apart to be easily reconciled. Even in those 10, or so, deep blue states, the Democrat majority is more manipulated than you might think. Who enjoys living in filth, unaffordable taxes, horrible schools that teach really bad stuff, high crime and galloping inflation? Those who live there cannot support the steady decline of their family's quality of life. I mean, they too gotta buy groceries and gas.

What BS from this disgusting liar. A typical Democrat pushing the gun control/gun seizure every time there’s a school shooting. There is growing anger, alright, but it’s against the cowards in the police department who did nothing for an hour while children were calling 911 and begging them to send the police to help them. Why do these people always go to the schools? Because they know the schools are ‘gun free’ zones with no armed security. The states, not the federal government, should require very strict security measures that would require anyone coming to a school to have a legitimate reason to be there and have to be buzzed in by a school employee.

And yes, there is a building anger, as well as a growing impatience and frustration, over how the Democrats continue to collude with criminals in order to keep them out of jail and on the streets, while at the same time continuing with their efforts to take guns from the hands of law-abiding citizens so the thugs can continue to rape, pillage and steal pretty much at will. Taking away everyone’s guns won’t stop the carnage. Keeping the doors locked and making people walk through a metal detector would help as would having an armed cop on duty. And there is a growing anger among decent Americans who see our country being destroyed by lawless Democrats.

What’s scary is that this moron is very well aware that there are already thousands of laws already on the books, dealing with guns, that criminals simply choose to ignore! If someone is determined to kill someone, does this moron actually think that they’re going to follow the law? Of course NOT!! And if they’re really concerned about this issue then why don’t Democrats address the crime taking place in those big cities run by Democrats? We find it utterly amazing how Democrats seem to always IGNORE the facts and statistics of unprecedented high crime rates in their cities! So until Democrats address the real problem, those like Castro need to keep quiet.

The vast majority of Americans do support the Second Amendment, and the right to keep and bear arms. And most also understand that the only reason that Democrats, like this stooge Castro, want to take their guns away is so that we can be made totally defenseless against their tyrannical government. There is one thing that has become abundantly clear, the cops will not come to your rescue, and that is the fault of the Democrats. The Second Amendment is the only thing now keeping the government in check. Once it is gone, or has been sufficiently weakened, we become the slaves to those like this scumbag Castro and the pawns in the hands of the global ‘elites.'

The essence of those who want to engineer an end to the Second Amendment is that we should surrender our guns so that we then have to rely on them for the protection of our families and ourselves. How will that work when the government becomes even more tyrannical and starts requiring mandatory sex-training for kindergartners? How will that work in a home invasion where the perpetrators outnumber the homeowner? How will that work if a group of thugs corners a family with young kids in an alleyway? How will that work if cops refuse to do their job for over an hour, or, say, when a lone gunman is shooting up a school?? Sadly, we already know the answer.

You cannot legislate away insane violence by outlawing guns. The government solution to everything, is more government! It was the system that failed these murdered children and teachers. That shooter was a known headcase who had drawn attention to himself and made threats to do exactly what he ended up doing. The system, including the police, social services, mental health services all badly dropped the ball and allowed this angry and disturbed young man to walk free, time and time again. They failed him and they failed all those who lost their lives, but will any of them be held accountable? No, because it’s the guns that are the problem!

We should never allow ourselves to underestimate the level of commitment the Democrats possess in being able to advance their ‘America Last’ agenda. They will allow nothing to stand in their way regarding their mission to destroy our country. And if it should require the death of a ‘few’ children, in addition to the 60+ million babies who have already been sacrificed, for them to succeed, then so be it. After all, it’s all for a good cause, they will say, and how we must do it for the “sake of the children.” The same children that they can so easily sacrifice, if the need arises, for no other reason than to advance a political agenda that ends with the end of America.

It's sad, really, but I have no doubt Democrats are actually hoping and, dare I say, even praying to whatever God it is that they pray to, that the next one of these atrocities will finally be the one. That’s why they have virtually no interest, whatsoever, in doing anything to prevent them, only in increasing the odds that they will happen again and again and again. And make no mistake, they intend to continue to beat the American people over the head with them until they get what they want. We must never forget that these are some truly sick, and twisted, individuals. They are interested only in the acquisition of political power by any means possible.

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