Monday, June 6, 2022


Over the course of the last 17 months it’s become increasingly difficult to determine just who it is, from the *president on down, that’s actually the most incompetent fuck on this team of incompetent fucks. But one who is most certainly in the top two or three is none other than our current Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg. This clown as been nothing but than an unmitigated disaster ever since first assuming his new post. He’s a complete moron and as such is someone who certainly has no business being anywhere near any position in government. And yet there his is. He has not a clue regarding all that is involved with his position, but hey, at least he’s gay.

‘Shitbag Joey’ and his band of diversity incompetents are destroying the economy and, if allowed to continue, will destroy the country. There is not a single person in this band of misfits who can do their job with even a minimal amount of success. The ‘regime’ is chock FULL of them. Let’s have black people, Moslem people, gay people, lesbian people, transgender people, drag queen people, but let us have NO ONE hired because they are actually capable. Yup, keep voting Democrat. In fairness, however, Buttigieg is no more incompetent than any of the others appointed by ‘Shitbag Joey,’ appointed for their racial or lifestyle choices, or both, instead of experience.

And it was this past Sunday, during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” hosted by former Clinton hack George ‘Stephy’ Stephanopoulos, that Buttigieg claimed that to blame school shootings on a lack of security was the “definition of insanity.” ‘Stephy’ asked, “You’re coming to us from South Bend, the former mayor of that town. Let me ask you, in the wake of this epidemic of gun violence, what would you be doing?” And it was in responding to the question that Buttigieg said, “The worst part of the job being mayor is talking to families of people who have lost their loved ones and knowing that nothing you can do will bring those loved ones back."

And he said, “As mayor, as every mayor is doing around the country, you take the steps you can to reduce community violence, to invest in partnerships, taking the steps locally.” He went on to say, “But you’re also looking at Washington to say will anything be different this time? Will we actually acknowledge the reasons why we’re the only country, the only developed country, this happens on a routine basis? The idea that us being the only developed country this happens routinely, especially in terms of mass shootings, is somehow a result of the design of the doorways on our school buildings is the definition of insanity if not the definition of denial."

Actually, what’s the classic definition of insanity is choosing to appoint an unqualified, dogmatic ideologue to a cabinet position just because he’s gay. Now THAT is the definition of insanity! When did a failed mayor of a tiny city in Indiana, and a failed Transportation Secretary, with sky high gas and air travel prices, become an authority on issues of public safety? Buttigieg is not a serious person and has no clue about anything related to the position in which he was been placed. It’s difficult to take advice from a person who actually is insane, about what is, or is not, insane. I would pity him if he wasn’t someone whose policies hurt millions of Americans.

First of all, instead of pontificating on something that is far outside of his purview, perhaps he should at least simply TRY to do his job and uphold his oaths to the Constitution and to the American people! Secondly, he needs to keep his radical leftist stupidity to himself and his dysfunctional ‘family.’ School security needs to be vastly improved if America is going to bring an end to these maniacal shootings happening on school grounds. It was the shooter who murdered those children at Uvalde. The rifle he legally bought DIDN’T depress its own trigger. If he hadn’t been able to gain access to the school’s interior, none of those children would be dead.

And so a guy who was absolutely terrible as mayor in a small town in Indiana, and is even worse as Secretary of Transportation, who, with his ‘husband,’ is able to adopt two children, who believes that a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man, who believes that a man can actually become pregnant, and believes in an untold number of genders, is now attempting to convince us that a good guy with a gun that could prevent a bad guy with a gun from murdering children is “the definition of insanity?” Got it!!! Makes sense to me. How much ya wanna bet old Pete just might have a firearm in his home to protect it from a bad guy with a gun???

Leftists aren’t about doing what’s smart. They are all about expediency in advancing their agenda. And the agenda is taking away our guns. Democrats insist upon making our schools soft targets and continually downplaying the need for tighter security in because they want the high body counts. Leftists get absolutely giddy whenever we have one of these school shootings. These people are twisted, and are determined to place our children in danger and in so doing making these shooting much more likely to occur. They do so in the hope a high body count will work to their advantage. They don’t care how many children are murdered in order to push they’re agenda.

And have you ever noticed how it is that Democrats, like Buttigieg, as well as those in the ‘fake news’ media, are always reluctant to tell us the rest of the story? Like, how it is that 40 years, plus or minus, of violent video games and our present public school system of social engineering explains these shootings. I’m not sure if it was by design or was an accidental flow of events but what I do know is that this resulted in a whole generation of the past 40 years being conditioned or desensitized to cold-blooded mass murder as if real life was some sort of game show. And why is it that the majority of these shooters are on psychotropic drugs for afflicted with mental illness?

Buttigieg, a typical ‘man’ of the left. One that never actually proposes any real solutions, potential of otherwise, but if someone else happens to suggest a new idea, simply calls it insane if it fails to advance the objective he supports. No one is ‘blaming’ school security for the shooting, but increasing school security is far from being an insane idea. But what truly is insane, is attempting to ban guns in a country with roughly 400 million of them. First, good luck with that. Second let’s just say all the people obey the law have no guns. Now only the criminals in, and an out of, government have them. Sorry, but for me that an even scarier proposition.

We have armed security in city halls, court houses and airports all across this country with zero mass shootings. Meanwhile, it’s 98 percent of mass shootings that occur in ‘gun free’ zones. Looking at school shootings as a gun violence problem is ignorant. The problem is the act of killing kids and you do not need a gun to do that. It is clearly a mental defect problem because sane people do not kill children with guns or any other means. The whole gun violence, weapons of war, assault weapons, 30 rounds narrative is to do one thing, disarm the people. The left can’t be honest about any of their goals because none of them are as popular as they claim.

Democrats are not interested in solving any of the problems that affect every day Americans. They only want to consolidate their power. Unsecured schools do not cause the insanity that leads to mass shootings, but they leave large numbers of children as easy targets should a shooter choose a school over, say, a church or shopping mall. Nobody is blaming gun violence on school security. The point being made is to make the environment more secure, that would deter a mass shooter in the future. If a shooter knows that his plans could be foiled and he could be killed because the victims have defense, he would be less likely to attack. Simple as that!

In typical fashion, Buttigieg responds with simple cliches and ends with “looking to Washington.” He never once mentions holding the perpetrators accountable with appropriate judgements. Invest in “partnerships” with whom, exactly? The maggots in the NGOs that suck up tax dollars with false promises that are backed with phony “social/psych scientific” charts and graphs with academic jargon attached? Money better spent on security. Government’s role is not treatment, it’s SECURITY. When government gets involved in treatment, aka charity, we see the costs escalate while results go down. Witness our education system and health care. Enough said!

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