Tuesday, June 14, 2022


So what sort of genius must one be to not have seen this coming? First the guy spends his entire campaign for president in his basement. Then he’s allowed, with much help, to cheat his way into office. Then he proceeds to bring onboard some of the most incompetent boobs to ever work in public service, in any capacity. So how can anyone now be the least bit surprised that things have turned out as they have, and by the state that our country is currently in? In the span of less than 18 months we’ve been taken from having a booming economy, a secure border, relatively cheap gas and a plentiful food supply to what we have now. That’s just fu*cking incredible!

And so, the bottom continues to fall out of ‘Shitbag Joey’s approval ratings. Rasmussen now shows him sitting at just 38 percent approval, which ties his record low in this specific poll. His disapproval rating is now at 60 percent. Rasmussen also shows that 74 percent of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track, while only 21 percent say it is on the right track. And just who are those 21 percent, and what is their definition of “right track”? Only 38 percent of women approve of ‘Shitbag Joey,’ and only 53 percent of blacks approve of him, while 42 percent of blacks disapprove. ‘Joey’ should be earning black voter approval in the 80s and 90s.

According to ‘FiveThirtyEight,’ it’s at this point in his first term that, other than Gerald Ford (who was not elected and who pardoned Richard Nixon), ‘Shitbag Joey’ is the most unpopular president in the history of modern polling. On this same day in his term, it was President Trump who had an overall average approval rating was 41.5 percent. ‘Joey’ currently sits at just a 40.2 percent overall average. When you realize that President Trump was facing billions of dollars in corporate media-generated lies against him (Russia Collusion Hoax, etc.) while ‘Shitbag Jory’ enjoys billions of dollars in corporate media protection, those numbers are even more striking.

At RealClearPolitics, ‘Joey’s job approval average has cratered to just 39.4 percent, his lowest yet in this measurement.  His average disapproval rating is 54.9 percent, is barely above his record low of 55.3 percent, but the latest numbers from Rasmussen were not yet factored in. Another new record at RealClearPolitics is the whopping -15.5 point chasm between ‘Joey’s approval and disapproval average. But then, do you need high approval numbers when you have an electoral system rigged in your favor, a justice system where your political rivals are hunted like dogs, a judiciary who refuses to hear legitimate voter fraud cases, and a very, very friendly ‘fake news’ media?

According to AAA, the average national cost for a gallon of gas is now $5.01, which is the perfect barometer of ‘Shitbag Joey’s failed presidency. He and his many media allies can try to point to this or that, or to try and gaslight us into believing differently, but everyone knows energy is the economy. When you’re paying $5.01 for a gallon of gas and $3 for a dozen eggs, and $5 for a gallon of milk, something is very wrong. It might help if gas prices and inflation showed some signs of slowing down, but we all know that the worst is yet to come. And then there’s our monthly reminder of how incompetent ‘Shitbag Joey’ is by way of those 401K and IRA statements.

The day ‘Joey’ took office, a gallon of gas cost HALF of what it does today. Diesel currently costs $5.77, on average, per gallon. You think that isn’t driving up the cost of everything? Because everything has to be delivered by way of diesel trucks. Did I mention that energy is the economy? This is all ‘Joey’s fault. He shut down the oil pipelines. He killed drilling permits. He ended gas and oil leases. He inherited a country that was energy independent and purposely set out to reverse that. And now he wants to blame Putin? The infuriating part comes from the fact that Joey is deliberately doing this. Gas prices are this high because ‘Joey’ wants them to be high.

Democrats have been threatening oil production and investment for decades with their ‘climate change’ nonsense. Here are the results. Why aren’t they celebrating their success? At some point the people will have had enough. Democrats steal elections, groom our kids, force transgender crap on our kids that don’t even know what gender is, weaken our economy and send gas prices higher. Democrats are weak on National Defense, and they hate America and Americans. I’m holding out hope for a recovery of peoples’ good sense, because there’s no substitute for freedom and prosperity, and Democrats will never provide that, only abject misery and poverty!

So, only 21 percent say the country is on the right track and yet we’re supposed to believe his approval rating is 38 percent? You’d have to be just as slow as ‘Joey’ to think this guy could have ever been a good president. Democrats voted for this, and they knew exactly what they were voting for. The Democrats spent an entire summer trashing America, it’s history and her people. And then they seized power and used the same narrative to go after political advisories. But the voters knowingly voted for this. They didn’t care what the party they voted for, stood for. If I was a Democrat, I would've stayed home and not voted at all. But nope. This mess is on them too.

This is what happens when an election is stolen in plain sight and everyone just stands around and does nothing. When you vote for a feeble, old, broken, impotent codger, serial-lying corrupt career politician and wannabe all his life, you get as much. It’s an extremely bad situation we’re in right now. I’m not sure how many Americans fully understand just how bad it is with ‘Shitbag Joey’ in charge with an administration chock-full of far-left radicals, trannies and gays, who are only there because of race, gender and sexual orientation, instead of talent. Of course, ‘Headboard’ Harris is a prime example. It’s most disturbing and troubling even imaging her as *president.

Sadly, it’s likely that things are going to be getting much worse before there is any sign of improvement. As it stands right now, gas expected to go to $9 a gallon by winter, inflation continues to climb, food shortages are expected to get worse, diesel stocks are now running low and they’re now actually talking about rationing. And still those responsible for this debacle seem interested in nothing other than the events that took place on a day back in January 2021 in the hopes of somehow being able to use those events to divert attention away from the mess they have made of absolutely everything. But most Americans have far more important things to worry about.

For four straight years the Left held their collective breathes and stomped their little feetsies because Donald Trump took office. For four years their representatives spent their time in office constructing a multifaceted smear campaign against a sitting president, instead of fulfilling their obligations to the American people who had put them in office. Yet after five years, whenever asked, “Well, what legislation or executive order did Donald Trump sign into law that you disagreed with?”, one is generally met with blank stares. The vast majority of these morons have no idea why they hate Donald Trump, other than some vague distain for his mannerisms.

Their solution? To elect the worst possible candidate their party had to offer. A candidate so blatantly incompetent, and transparently corrupt, even ‘BO’ deemed him a jackass and distanced himself at every turn. Hey Lefties, here’s a heads up for ya, if your own heroes are running the other way, it might prove fruitful to investigate what they're running from. But hey, we know that’s unlikely, these people are incapable of thinking for themselves. The Left is all about herd mentality. They have a tendency to only learn things the hard way, and rarely, if ever, are they able to learn from their many past mistakes which they so conveniently blame on others.

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