Tuesday, June 7, 2022


So I can’t help but wonder, especially with all the talk of a coming “Red Wave,” if we now have a band of RINOs out to purposely sabotage their own party’s chances of being able to regain control of Congress come this November. But, oddly enough, that certainly does seem to be the case. And does anyone seriously think that the Democrats would now be engaged in the type of self-defeating behavior that we’re now witnessing from the RINOs if the shoe was on the other foot? Of course not! So it’s once again that these RINOs are proving why getting rid of them has become even more imperative than getting rid of the Democrats. And time is of the essence!

RINOs suck, can I just say that? And I say that because it’s once again that we have a cadre of RINOs, this time supported by what we’re told is an army of 250 supposed ‘Republican’ donors, colluding with the Democrats while at the same time conspiring against our Constitution as well as the millions of us who own guns and who voted for President Trump in 2020. And all in what is nothing more than yet another sleazy attempt on their part to rob from us one of the most basic of our God given rights. The right to “keep and bear arms.” This has nothing to do with saving lives. It's all about gaining power, taking freedom and destroying our Constitution.

You know, we send these people off to Congress to do our bidding, and yet every time we turn around they’re throwing us under the bus in favor of those who do nothing more than to fatten their campaign coffers. And so, it is once again that these RINOs, with John Cornyn essentially leading the pack, are so willing to simply do as they are told and in so doing once again stabbing us all in the back. These assholes must be made to face the music and to pay a political price for their continued betrayal of we the voters. And personally, it would be nice to know just who these donors are, so they too could be made to pay a price, in some fashion, for ‘their’ betrayal.

We need to make clear to these RINOs just how little these big money donors are worth when there is no one willing to show up and vote. Every scumbag turncoat who throws in with this RINO POS, Cornyn, needs to be sent packing by the folks back home. They all need to be made an example of. We need to vote every one of them who goes along with this insanity out of office. The Democrats idea of bipartisanship is to advance their anti-gun, anti-Second amendment, anti-constitution agenda at every opportunity, never giving an inch to the other side, until the opposition has capitulated completely. So where is it that I’m going with this?

Well, it’s like this. You see, it was just this past Sunday that 250 Republican donors got together and ran an ad in the Dallas Morning News on Sunday stating their support for John Cornyn’s gun control efforts. Some may recall how it was reported back on May 27 our ‘Head RINO’ Mitch McConnell had tapped fellow RINO POS Cornyn to ‘work with’ Democrats to achieve “bipartisan” legislation on gun control. And it was roughly one year earlier, back on April 20, 2021, that there was a story in Politico that indicated Cornyn was talking to that pathetic Democrat douche bag Chris Murphy in hopes of finding what was then described as being “common ground” on gun control.

And apparently it was in this recent ad that these donors said, “He’s the right man to lead this bipartisan effort, as he has demonstrated throughout his career.” On June 3 Politico explained that Cornyn indicated that “it will be embarrassing” if the Senate cannot come together to get something done in the wake of the Uvalde attack. Actually, it’s far more embarrassing to we the voters that these RINOs don’t even try to shut down ‘Shitbag Joey’s illegal human smuggling operation at the border, or that they vote for his agenda without extracting a single concession, or that they don’t complain as loud about the gas prices and inflation driving people into bankruptcy.

And the embarrassment for us out here beyond ‘the beltway’ is the fact that any Republican would view Cornyn as being anything other than the RINO that he so very clearly is. He should have been long ago removed from his powerful perch for continually joining with the Democrats and being against the American people. When a RINO gets as much respect as he does from the toxic Democrat Party, that should tell you all you need to know about him. And what should be embarrassing to the folks back in Texas is how this pathetic RINO has been able to continue to get his traitorous ass re-elected three times since first getting elected back in 2002.

Look, the majority of these donors are only in it for themselves and, as such, simply play both sides. They are nothing more than establishment elites who have absolutely no interest whatsoever in doing what’s best for the average American. The good thing is that there are more of us than there are of them, which is kind of my point in all of this. And it’s something we need to remember as we head into November’s election. When money of the elite speaks louder than government by consent of the governed our nation is on the cusp of constitutional collapse. Rather than being a nation under constitutional law the rule becomes that of who has the most dollars.

And let’s all admit the rather sad fact that politicians today are not fit to shine the shoes of our ‘Founders’ who sacrificed much to establish the greatest country that has ever existed. Through our Constitution they affirmed our God given freedoms and rights. The pathetic bunch we have today are simply robbing from us that which the ‘Founders’ risked everything to provide to us. RINO Republicans, like Cornyn, who continue to bend over and grab their ankles in exchange for a few bucks from big money donors, likely want gun control. But the average voter certainly does not. They are the ones who legally own guns to protect themselves and family.

The rich donors, and politicians of both parties don’t want anyone to have the means to fight back. Their greed, arrogance and lust for power have blinded them to that which makes the America’s system of government the best in the history of the world, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And the rich elites get a bit nervous when the economy has been made to tank like it has been now. They begin to worry that we peasants might come to blame them, so hey, why not payoff some politicians to place further restrictions those rights handed down to us by God. This just show you the rich Republican donor class isn’t much different than the rich Democrat donor class.

And so it would seem that the RINOs are once again ready to abandon those who placed them on their exalted position and to assist the Democrats, all under the guise of bipartisanship, and enable them to further trash our Constitution and further restrict our individual rights, especially our Second Amendment right. And for a few pieces of gold these RINOs are more than willingly to provide a helping hand to the Democrats in their effort to dismantle our nation and to further shred our Constitution. And don’t forget that the RINO is a creature that loves to have his/her ego stroked by the very same people that they know universally despise them.

But this is how it works, Republicans acquiesce on major issues, giving in (and up) and allowing Democrats to get a “small win.” Then the next shooting, Democrats start all over again and Republicans give in a little more so they’re not seen as the ‘bad guys.’ And this is how it goes EVERY DAMN TIME. Republicans need to STAND UP and legislate based on the Constitution, not on being seen as the “Bad Guy.” It’s unacceptable that this happens every time. Grow a pair or get out of politics. This is the ONLY way Republicans lose and we will have to assume it’s 100 percent intentional, a conspiracy. Supporting the illegal stripping of Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

There’s never any mention of the acts of self-defense with a gun in this country. Everyday more than one person defends themselves in this country from a robber, rapist, home invader and murderer. All of our politicians are so disconnected from the real world. They don’t live in neighborhoods where the homeless spy on your property and then steal your bikes, tools, anything deemed valuable while you’re at work. They don’t have drug dealers riding by on bikes, they can go out at night not having to worry about getting robbed or worse. RINOs continually prove that they are worse than even than the Democrats. We suffer while they prosper at our expense.

Finally, given the behavior and over-reaction of the elected establishment officials, of the professional bureaucrats, and of the ‘fake news’ media complex in response to voters choosing President Trump, I have become more convinced than ever that these officials and politicians cannot be trusted. They go out of their way to drive up gas prices and create inflation to harm Americans across the nation. Under those conditions, the need for, and relevancy of, the Second Amendment is greater than ever. The possibility of them being held accountable for the disasters they have inflicted on America through hubris and outright stupidity is precisely why they want to disarm Americans at this time.

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