Friday, June 3, 2022


So riddle me this. Who but a Democrat, one that clearly suffers from some pretty obvious mental issues himself, as do most Democrats, would make the idiotic claim that these mass shootings that we see taking place far too often, are in no way connected to the issue of mental health? At least not to any great extent. In truth, this is really nothing more than yet another example of how the Democrats view ‘gun control’ as being a winning issue for them in their ongoing attempt to avoid what so many have now predicted to be the looming bloodbath, metaphorically speaking of course, that lies ahead for them in this November’s midterm elections.

I have said it before, and I’ll say it again, as long as Democrats feel that continuing gun violence provides them with any sort of a political advantage, real or imagined, they will continue to oppose any serious measures the purpose of which is to prevent it. Their preference is, of course, to do nothing in the hope that the next shooting will result in an even higher body count than the last, that they can then use to portray the Republicans as being the ones who want the carnage to continue. The Democrats are absolutely salivating over the prospect of more, and greater violence, as a way to score cheap political points as we head into the next election.

All of which brings me to that psycho-moron from Connecticut and member of the U.S. Senate, Chris Murphy. You see, it was Murphy who, during an appearance just this past Wednesday on the broadcast of MSDNC’s “Morning Joe,” took the opportunity to push back against the notion that it’s somehow mental health that continues to be the leading factor in the nation’s mass shootings. Murphy argued that there was “no more mental illness in the United States than any other nation.” He said the difference was that someone with mental health problems in the country could “easily” get their hands on “a weapon of mass destruction."

And it was again in accusing Republicans of standing on the way of strengthening the nation’s gun laws that this dolt said, “I absolutely think our partners are negotiating in good faith.” And he added, “You know, Senator Cornyn is a friend. He has been moved as anyone would be by what has happened in his state. And what we’re looking at is, you know, a proposal that is both an investment in our mental health system and changes in our gun laws.” And he continued saying, “I don’t believe our mass shooting problem is first and foremost a mental health problem.” And added, “We have no more mental illness in the United States than any other nation."

He said, “It’s just in this country, if you’re having homicidal thoughts, you can easily get your hands on a weapon of mass destruction, as opposed to every other high-income nation in the world. But I do think our partners understand that we’ve got to do both. We’ve got to invest in mental health, and we’ve got to make some commonsense changes to our gun laws that are completely consistent with the Second Amendment to just make sure that dangerous people don’t get their hands on weapons.” Murphy is yet another Democrat who avoids mentioning that there are thousands of gun laws already on the books that simply need to be enforced.

So, Murphy doesn’t think that mental health plays a role in these mass shootings? So, what’s he thinking here, that totally rational folks suddenly decide to go on some sort of shooting spree? Some random guy goes into a school and murders students and teacher with a gun. If he wasn’t a mental case, then what the Hell was he? This is really pretty pathetic. Shame on these Democrat politicians using dead children and teachers as a political weapon to destroy our Second Amendment. Further proof of Democrats living in denial so they can punish folks who had nothing to do with any of it by restricting our rights and pretending that mental illness isn’t a part of this issue.

Obviously mental health issues are very large part of the problem. The remaining part of the problem has to do with the push by the Democrats, the ‘fake news’ media and the Left in general to remove private ownership of firearms law-abiding Americans. Democrats are manufacturing this terrible problem just to enact gun control in order to further gut our Constitution. This is all planned. This isn’t about saving children, if it was the authorities would have been IN that school stomping that shooter’s guts out before he killed 19 kids and two adults. This is about control. So long as “We the People” keep our guns, we shall maintain the “control” that the Leftists rabidly seek.

So, according to Murphy, it is perfectly normal human behavior for someone to walk into a store or a theater and to start killing people, at random? Is it also normal, in his view, for an 18 year old to kill elementary school children? Now maybe it is normal for the people with whom he associates, but it’s certainly NOT normal for the rest of us. It’s someone having some sort of a breakdown for any number of reasons. It’s someone who should have never been permitted to purchase a gun with which they can do harm to himself or others. Since the days of Jimmy Carter, another Democrat, our mental health system has been badly broken and badly in need of being fixed.

Ya know, there was once a time when school shootings never occurred and mass killings were rare outside the scope of war. I, myself, grew up in a rural community where hunting was popular, and many kids drove to school with rifles in the windows of their trucks, and there were no shootings. So what has changed between then and now? What hasn’t changed are the types, the proliferation, and the availability of weapons. In fact, it’s much harder today to get a firearm than before school shootings began. What HAS changed is the level of realistic violence and raw sexuality children are exposed to from very young ages in television, music, movies, and video games.

Technology and social media have only exacerbated the problem. Endless 24/7 cycles of nothing but negativity and warring political factions disguised as ‘news’ is a huge contributor to the degradation of our collective psychology. And of course, the lenient stance and, in many cases, encouragement of drug use by federal, state, and local governments. Democrat, and ONLY Democrat, policies such as discouraging fathers and husbands from being involved in the raising of their kids over the last 60 years has been the main cause of the personally IRRESPONSIBLE, violent behavior of these loons killing children. No consequences for bad behavior, leads only to catastrophic results.

Meanwhile, our elected officials, including all of Congress, ignore the elephant in the room. Last weekend, there were 48 shootings in Chicago; for the month of May, Chicago saw 293 shootings, and 62 killed. Each one of these shooters were raised by someone, usually a single parent, whose lack of personal responsibility affected their child’s outlook on life, and their ability to interact in a socially responsible manner with other people. To fix the problem of gun violence in our society, you go to the source of the problem. However, our elected officials have no interest in doing that. They likely think that the solution to obesity is to outlaw all frying pans.

Living in freedom has its dangers. Personal responsibility of people and society gives us all the ability to live freely. To live freely everyone must behave in a manner that is consistent with local laws and morals. When politicians don’t follow the laws, the breakdown of society follows. It’s inevitable. And now the same party which celebrates those who fill our movie screens with endless violence, claims the constant exposure to this crap has NO effect. That would be the same party which has for years been pitting Americans against each other and the same party that claims America has always been a racist nation and that whites have always been, privileged!

Democrats believe that who vote for them are dumb as a stump which, more often than not, tends to be the case. Which is why those like Murphy can make such stupid statements without fear of any sort of repercussions. In this case, the few people who commit these mass murders do have mental problems, serious mental problems. And, more often than not, those around them, family, friends and even local law enforcement, KNEW that they were not playing with a full deck. If other countries have less of a problem with their mentally ill citizens than we do, could it be that they handle these people better than we do. Guns are NOT the issue. People are.

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