Thursday, February 16, 2023


So I’m sure I’ve asked this question before, and likely on more than one occasion, so I apologize for repeating myself. But with that said, is there a more useless, more worthless, more self-serving buffoon in all of the entire universe than Al Sharpton? And what does it say about the current state of our ‘fake news’ media that this race-baiting imbecile, who has yet to master the English language, continues to be provided a platform from which he is able to spew his hate filled, incendiary and racist rhetoric? Where this guy belongs is in federal prison for tax evasion. But nope, he’s safe because he has that black privilege thing going for him.

And I’m sure that we can all agree that as a human being Sharpton really serves no useful purpose despite the fact that he was once ‘BO’s go to guy regarding all matters having to do with race. Which tells you much about just how serious ‘BO’ was in addressing the issue of race in America. It’s like he just can’t help himself, every time he opens his mouth Sharpton gives people yet another reason why he should never, ever, be taken seriously. NEVER!!! He’s a boob and a moron and far from being taken seriously he needs to be laughed off of whatever platform he is on, as many times that it will take, to finally drive him off into seclusion never to be seen again.

So anyway, it was this past Wednesday that Sharpton was apparently asked to pay a little visit to fellow MSDNC hack, Nicolle Wallace, host of something called ‘Deadline.’ Seeing these two together I must assume that MSDNC must hire only racists and mental midgets? Anyway, it was during this little visit that Sharpton, and in what has become typical fashion for this race baiting scumbag, said Wednesday that Gov. Ron DeSantis, of Florida, is opposing the curriculum of an African-American AP history class because he is “Baby Trump” attempting to energize the far-right base for a presidential bid. “Baby Trump?” That’s the best this jerkoff could come up with?

And it was while discussing a Tallahassee protest that Sharpton said, “The rallying cry came from faith leaders, student leaders, a lot of students, hundreds of students and many civil rights groups really standing up saying they’re not going to let this governor tamper with history. They’re really talking about censorship here. And even though they said, no, we’re doing black history, but they’re being very selective, and they’re really trying to tamp down parts of the story that points out the contradictions in American history and what we had to overcome. And it’s not in a negative. It’s to show the strength of people.” Sharpton, again, is making absolutely no sense.

Sharpton went on to say, “You can’t talk about American history without talking what about what blacks and women and the LGBTQ people went through.” Which just might be the dumbest thing Sharpton has ever said, and that’s saying quite a bit. Sharpton said, “DeSantis wants to pivot his campaign for president. I call him Baby Trump. He wants to be Baby Trump and do it in a different way to pit us one against another.” Sharpton added, “He wants to make a racial divide to energize a far-right base that his mentor and political daddy Donald Trump did to win the nomination and go on and run in the general election.” What is he even talking about?

Sharpton once again tries to divert attention away from his masters, because it’s not anyone on the right who seeks to perpetuate the racial divide in this country. That would those who reside down at his end of the political spectrum. But then this is the kind of crap that Sharpton has made a career out of and is, quite frankly, what he gets paid to do. Here we have yet another example of the master of all race baiters accusing someone else of race baiting. And you would have thought that Blacks would have learned decades ago that people like Sharpton exist only to line their own pockets. But nope, many still buy the garbage he’s been peddling his entire ‘career.'

And such claims on his part are really quite laughable coming from a racist con man with no credible skill, except inciting violence and spewing hate all the while lining his pockets with Democrat Party cash. But Sharpton is going to have to explain to me, as coherently as he possibly can and without racial bias, why it is that “Black Queer History” is somehow needed in a high school AP class. Sharpton has been using race to pump up his bank account for decades and shows no sign of letting up. This shakedown artist is still using his same old tired name calling of political opponents, while at the same time he’s getting richer on the backs of poor people of color.

All we have here is just more sophistry and racist BS flowing from Sharpton. This dope has zero room to talk about anyone, anywhere, anytime! Here we have two mentally challenged individuals doing their best to sound reasonable and sane when they so obviously are neither. Sharpton has used RACE to gain power, fortune and fame for over 30 years! This is the only “tool” in his tool belt! How a man, who has no morals, no values and no redeeming qualities can claim that Gov. DeSantis is using race to gain votes is most certainly the pot calling the kettle black. But again, this is what those like Sharpton do. Sharpton is on the side of those who hate blacks.

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