Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Let me just say that I have never been a fan of Nikki Haley, I consider her to be nothing more than another backstabbing RINO not worthy of being trusted. She has never shown me that she is the conservative that she has long professed herself to be. Sure she has long managed, as she still does, to say all the right things but her words have not always matched her actions. And my opinion of her has not changed since she has declared herself to be a candidate for president, I’m just not that impressed by her, and certainly would never consider voting for her as president.

And I seem to recall that she once said that she would not run for president if President Trump chose to run, and yet here she is running for president against President Trump. So clearly, she is a liar, and if there is one thing we certainly do not need, it’s another president who is a liar. She has, with her own words, proven that she cannot be trusted and is running again a man, President Trump, who has demonstrated that he can be trusted. It’s no contest, and yet she persists. She is not what America needs at this time in our history, we need someone we can trust.

And so it was during an appearance this past Monday on FNC’s “The Story,” which hosted by another of the network’s NeverTrumpers, Martha MacCallum, that Haley, said she would “kick back” if attacked by President Trump, who is also a declared candidate for the nomination. MacCallum said, “All right, so you — I know you say that you’re not going to kick sideways, but we have seen Donald Trump on the debate stage, and I guarantee you he will kick sideways, and he will come after you.” And she said, “So — and you’re going to have to stand up to that."

Haley replied saying, “And when I’m kicked, I kick back. When I’m kicked, I kick back.” Which prompted MacCallum to ask, “And what will your argument against him be?” Haley said, “Well, let’s wait and see if he’s got a criticism first,” Haley responded. ” He hasn’t done anything. He hasn’t said anything. So I know everybody wants to talk about Trump, but Martha, truly — and we had a couple of 1,000 people in South Carolina. We had packed rooms in New Hampshire. Not one person asked me about Donald Trump, not one. And now we’re in Iowa."

And she went on to say, “People really want to talk about the issues.” And she said, “And I think that’s a lot of it. They’re done with the status quo. They’re done with talking about all the old-school things. They want to talk about how we’re going to go forward. And I think what we need to make sure we tell American families is, we’re going to stop this socialism creep that we’re seeing. We’re going to stop this defeatism that’s happened around our country. We’re going to make people stand for America again and be proud of America again. We want that for our kids."

I can only assume that it must have been a pretty slow news day if Fox News was forced to once again attempting to start a controversy. Just another example of how they’ve turned into CNN. And Haley actually thinks President Trump is old-school and the status quo? Nothing like a RINO with TDS. When not playing the phony race and gender cards, Haley spews platitudes of gibberish. But I’m sure there will be those who try to ram her down our throats every day for the next year. And oddly enough, she keeps saying she wants to talk about the issues, but then rarely does.

And she claims that when she’s kicked, she kicks back. Would that be like when she caved to the scumbags of ‘Black Lives Matter’ over her state’s flag? She didn’t kick back then and, worse, she let them walk all over her. Haley needs to give it up. She ‘IS NOT’ presidential material. Haley will fold like a cheap suit to Communist China and the Left. And when she’s ignored as being completely irrelevant, she will attack and be sadly controversial and Democrats and the ‘fake news’ media will eat it up. And the Republicans that she needs will be annoyed and will dislike her even more.

And finally, for the life of me I just can’t figure out just what it might be that makes Nikki think she’s even qualified for the job she claims to want. Yes, she was a governor and President Trump did appoint her as an Ambassador to the U.N., an appointment she held for two years and then stepped down from. And as I recall she was another who chose to badmouth her boss on her way out the door. But anyway, beyond that what has she done that can be referred to as actual accomplishments? Because from where I’m sitting her resume is looking more than a little thin.

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